Thursday, March 6, 2008

Madison County Republican Committee: History (1926 - 1970)

The GOP gavel changed hands on May 26, 1970 in Madison County, Virginia. After 44 as county chairman, Cecil R. Coppedge turned the committee over to the newly elected chairman Edward Eddins.

Coppedge had served since 1926, “before the last Republican represented the 7th Congressional District (1928-1930)”, according to a Daily Progress article filed the following day.

As he retired from a job well done, Coppedge made these remarks, printed in the Progress:

“It has been a pleasure to serve these 44 years… I helped Madison County elected Congressman J. A. Garber in my second term and saw Virginia help elect President Herbert Hoover. To see a Republican governor elected in 1969 has helped round out my 44 years.”

Business that evening included electing a full slate of officers to assist the new chairman. Elected were: Vice Chairman - F. Ross Coates, Vice Chairwoman - Mrs. Elva Berry, and Secretary - Otho Call.

The District convention was to be held on June 13th in Waynesboro that year. The following delegates were elected to attend: Edward Eddins, Leroy Murray, Monte Rea Carpenter, Lt. Col. Harry Topping, Joseph Vaughn, Cecil R. Coppedge and John Dezio.

Lucian W. Clore, Dr. L. Hundley Cate, Mrs. Harry Topping, F. Ross Coates, Robert Gillespie and Wade Haney were elected as alternate delegates, reported the Progress which also noted:

“Coppedge and Eddins were elected delegates to the state convention, and Mrs. Edward Eddins and Hoy R. Faulk are alternates.”

The story concluded that the delegation was instructed to “utilize the full vote, and not the unit rule.”

Ed Eddins went on to lead Madison County's Republican Committee for 32 years and is still active in the Republican Party today. But that's another story.

3rd Annual Republican Round-Up

October 13, 2007

(L-R) Front row: Joyce Eddins, Day Tucker, Past Madison County Republican Committee Chairman Ed Eddins
Back row: Susan Allen, Senator George Allen, and current Madison County Republican Committee Chairman John Tucker