Friday, May 30, 2008

The U.N. Helps Foster a Dream -- for a League of Our Own

A Human Rights violator country, Senegal, has sent a representative to the United States on behalf of the United Nations make the case to present their predetermined conclusion that America is a human rights violator too. The plan is to accuse America of the trumped up charge of being racist to Muslims, according to The Center for Individual Freedom (CFIF).

CFIF predicts that this will result in the illustrious cadre of despots and tyrants running the U.N. demanding "that the United States relax its security measures -- based on false claims that our security measures are violations of the human rights of Muslims -- and leave this nation vulnerable to terrorist attacks and possibly even eventual defeat in the global war on terror.

Cartoon characters Pinky and the Brain couldn't have come up with a better scheme. After all, what is the U.N. good for these days except to promote world taxation for a world government, to unite the enemies of any form of freedom or self-government, and to promote anti-Americanism?

We could "hope" for a "change" in this corrupt behemoth or go somewhere else to meet our needs, instead of sitting in a church for 20 years listening to racist anti-American hate-speech... oh, but that's another organization. No, in this case, we could start a democracy club. You know, something that respects free countries - unlike the United Nations.

John McCain has endorsed the concept of a new global compact of more than 100 democratic countries to advance shared views and has discussed the idea with French and British leaders, according to an Associated Press article by Barry Schweid, posted at

Word is that Obama is ready to follow Senator McCain's lead on this idea, if the puppet masters at give their permission, that is.