Friday, July 4, 2008

Obama: Just Another Truth Challenged Empty Suit?

Something happened to Obama on the way to the election. His smooth talk is sounding kind of empty these days as he breaks one promise after another. With the news of his sweetheart mortgage deal, he's looking more and more like just another Chicago politician. Click on the McCain campaign's link below to go to John McCain's web site and leave a message about your take on the truth challenged Democrat.

"This past weekend, Barack Obama's campaign surrogate General Wesley Clark attacked the military service record of John McCain. Despite Barack Obama's repeated claims that he will be running a different kind of campaign, it is clear that he has failed to deliver.

John McCain wants this campaign to be about the issues - a campaign that focuses on real solutions to the challenges. Unfortunately, Senator Obama and his campaign surrogates seem unwilling to engage in that conversation.

Take a stand today with John McCain and tell us what you think about Senator Obama's emerging record - a record that doesn't match his promise for a different kind of politics. Click here to continue."