Monday, November 17, 2008

Quote of the Day: “Jihad With Money”

"With much of the country focused on the economic crisis, the mortgage meltdown and billion dollar bailouts, this is a good time to draw your attention to another looming financial crisis – the growing acceptance of Sharia finance in America. I suspect this is a new topic for many of you, but it is one you need to know about as it threatens our values and our national security. Our friends at the American Congress for Truth have produced a short video that explains Sharia finance and why it is so urgent that more Americans learn about this looming threat. Go to to watch this video.

Share this report with friends and family members, and encourage them to visit the site, too. We must not allow the current economic crisis to be exploited by our enemies. The meltdown on Wall Street must not become an excuse for radical Islam to gain acceptance on Main Street. So, please visit today.

Take a stand for our American values by opposing Sharia finance. We are working with leaders on Capitol Hill, like Rep. Sue Myrick of North Carolina, who has developed an excellent “Wake-up America” agenda, to alert more Americans to the dangers our nation and Western Civilization face from radical Islam. CWF strongly supported Rep. Myrick’s reelection and we will be working hard to recruit and support leaders like her in the future.

While many believe that the 2008 elections will usher in a new era of “hope” and “change,” our enemies are not going quietly into the night. In fact, there are more warnings indicating that Al Qaeda is eager to test Western resolve with another “spectacular” attack against the United States. Meanwhile, congressional liberals and so-called “peace activists” are agitating for the new administration to repeal or rollback many of the laws that have greatly aided our homeland security efforts, including the terrorist surveillance program."

Gary Bauer
Campaign for Working Families