Saturday, November 15, 2008

When Socialists Vote

RPV Chairman Jeff Frederick comments on the amusing election day antics of a noted Hollywood leftista.
Hollywood Leading the Way

"What would we average Americans do without Hollywood performers to help lead us with the big decisions in our lives? Whether it is saving the environment with a tireless campaign run from leer jets, or standing up for the rights of al-Qaeda combatants -- is there no limit to the wisdom they offer?

Turns out there is. Actor Tim Robbins (husband to the Nancy Pelosi of Hollywood, Susan Sarandon) needed a little leading himself on Election Day: turns out, he couldn't find his own polling place. No matter, despite showing up at the wrong poll he simply got a Court order and was allowed to cast his ballot at the wrong location.

In a related story, later that day Robbins got a court order to force Arby's to accept a coupon from Wendy's."