Monday, December 1, 2008

Redistributing Dollars -- for Death

Tony Perkins at Family Research Council Action reports that PP has sunk to a new low in Indiana. Is this what taxpayers want their money spent on?

What Child Is This?

Not sure what to buy your loved ones this Christmas? Planned Parenthood suggests an all-inclusive trip to its abortion centers. Planned Parenthood is selling gift certificates to its Hoosier clients for the purchase of everything from birth control to abortions.

Betty Cockrum, president of Planned Parenthood Indiana, who touted the idea as the first of its kind, even went so far as to call the gimmick "life-saving." Few can fathom how such a perverted scheme could have passed muster, even at Planned Parenthood where spreading the tidings of promiscuity and death is the reason for every season.

Fortunately, the Indiana Family Institute President Curt Smith is launching an aggressive campaign to defund Planned Parenthood, using this as ammunition that the organization doesn't need taxpayer dollars or the legitimacy that the government provides it. In a sacred month that we reserve to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, pro-aborts are capitalizing on the
death of unborn children.

What is Christmas but the promise of new life through Christ? While President-elect Obama promises to ring in the New Year with massive subsidies to Planned Parenthood, join us in calling on our leaders to stop footing the bill for barbaric organizations like this one.

This holiday, ask the Indiana legislature to set an example and give America the gift of a

Additional Resources
Washington Times: Planned Parenthood offers gift vouchers