Saturday, January 17, 2009

Join the RNC online at Facebook

Cyrus Krohn, RNC eCampaign Director, invites you to join the rapidly expanding Republican group at Facebook. Be an online Republican activist.

"We've assembled over 42,000 supporters on Facebook committed to electing Republicans nationwide, and are striving for the new goal of 50,000. Will you join us?

It's simple. Online activism + online mobilizing = Success in future elections.

Click here to join our growing online movement.

While you're exploring our social network, take a look into Obama's on BarackBook (be sure to install our Barackbook application for Facebook, too). You may be surprised to find such notable associations like recently convicted felon Tony Rezko; Detroit's jailed mayor, Kwame Kilpatrick; Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich; and William Ayers, a founding and unrepentant member of the terrorist group Weather Underground.

Please take a moment to join our group and invite all your friends to do the same."