Monday, July 6, 2009

Quote of the Day

Read The Bills!

"It’s been said that legislation and sausage are two things one should never see being made. This Congress is taking that old adage to a new level by tackling some of the most important issues of our lifetime are in record speed. Rather than a sign of Congress’ efficiency, it is a sign of unbelievable recklessness, as major legislation is rammed through unread.

The Democrat leadership argues that these “essential” bills be passed quickly because of the urgency of the times. This “emergency” tactic was used on the stimulus bill and the cap-and-trade legislation. It is incredibly disturbing that the Democrat leadership is forcing Members of Congress to vote on legislation they have not even read. For example, Democrats added a 300-page amendment to the cap-and-trade bill just hours before the House vote. The entire bill was not even available on paper during the debate!

No legislation should be passed under these circumstances, and certainly not such wide-ranging, consequential bills like an $800 billion economic rescue package or a national energy tax. The American people are rightly outraged by this irresponsible behavior.

I’m pleased to report that someone is doing something about it. As Congress contemplates socializing our health care system, my good friend Colin Hanna of Let Freedom Ring wants every member of the House and Senate sign a pledge promising not to vote on any health care legislation unless they have read it in its entirety. That may sound reasonable to you, but Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid refuse to go along. I’m not surprised. They know that if their radical legislation was thoroughly analyzed they would not be able to pass it.

You can learn more about this effort at I urge you to contact your public servants in Congress and encourage them to sign this pledge. Hold them to the same standard you hold your doctor, mechanic or any other professional – namely that they know exactly what they are doing!"

Gary Bauer
Campaign for Working Families