Friday, July 10, 2009

The Role of Women in American Politics

Guest Columnist Jennifer Dodson

The role of women in politics has been majorly overlooked but in all reality when we look at women in today's American society we can see that their involvement in politics is becoming more common. Women are becoming more active everyday in politics and in the formation of future America. As the role of women in politics grows I believe America will ultimately become a better place because of the fact that the roles in politics would be equal between men and women. I fully support the role of women in America and its political system in which I hope women become highly involved.

I believe that women can and should be electable because of their already high involvement in America and its politics. I believe that to become more electable that women should put themselves out more to the American society. Women need to make known their presence to America and their longing for a position in the American government. If women were electable there would also be more freedom given out to the women of the United States because there would be a women present in the politics of America.

Women can also inspire personal responsibility in today's society. This can be done in many ways but the most major way to inspire this responsibility is to show all of America the proper etiquette of behaving in society. The way women can do this is to simply show the rest of America how to probably behave in society. Women show their roles greatly by inspiring those around them in their daily lives and this I believe is a great way that women inspire personal responsibility.

The next thing women could do to impact American society and politics is to be able to strengthen the morality of America while maintaining its freedom. This can be done I believe by women being elected as President and being able to set an example for the rest of the United States. Women that would be elected as president of the United States could lead and show the standards by which America should live everyday. America is a majestic nation and I believe that by giving women more freedom and ability, America and its politics would greatly benefit the United States. It would impact the future of America greatly and make way for more freedom to be embedded in the country.

Women need to be given more roles in America and its political system. Women would benefit the United States greatly and help it to become a better country. I believe women would make a great nation and I hope that as America grows the role of women escalates to higher levels.

Jennifer Dodson is a 2009 Graduate of Madison County High School, Madison, Virginia.