Tuesday, July 7, 2009

There's a Communist in the White House

Erick Erickson, Editor at RedState.com, has the story the MSM buried.

Obama Does Pal Around With Terrorists (and their enablers)

Sarah Palin was and is right about him

Tragic and serious news from TPM today, folks. Not that we couldn't see this coming.

According to eyewitness sources, under the apparently blind eye of the global media, the two leaders had lengthy conversations. The media covered the friendly photo of the initial handshake between the two leaders, then made much ado about an apparently-impertinent Chavez handing Obama a book in Spanish by Eduardo Galleano.

What has not been reported is that Obama, leaving his advisers behind, held lengthy private conversations with Chavez where only an interpreter was present.

We have a South American marxist oriented dictator who funds paramilitary groups and drug cartels intent on undermining democratic, capitalist leaning governments in the western hemisphere having private friendly conversations with the American President, and no one seems concerned?!

To remind you, Barack Obama was/is a member of the New Party, a known communist oriented organization that, to get their political endorsement back in the 90's, Obama had to pledge allegiance to them.

Now, as President, Barack Obama is undermining the democratic government of Honduras, a long time American ally, and doing nothing to help Columbia fend off the drug cartels being funded by Chavez.

Ladies and gentlemen, we're so busy watching Barack Obama destroy American capitalism in his domestic policy, we've failed to pay attention that he is also destroying our long time foreign policy ideals too.

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