Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Dems Plan to Ram Through a Government Takeover of Health Care

"I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits - either now or in the future. Period." - President Barack Obama in his health care speech to a Joint Session of Congress on September 9, 2009


Despite his noble promises, President Obama has not managed to convince the general public on the strength of his commitment to not add to the federal deficit with the passage of new health care legislation. According to Rasmussen Reports on Monday, forty-four percent of voters fear the health care reform plan supported by the President and Democrats.

The Senate Finance Committee bill or Baucus bill passed with a 14-9 vote today. Democrats hold a 13-10 majority in the committee which led to easy passage of the bill in Committee. Senator Olympia Snowe (R-ME) had announced that she would vote in favor of the bill. Democrats are saying they will try to add a public option provision that was previously defeated in committee.
The Baucus bill has been estimated to cost $829 billion over the next decade by the Congressional Budget Office. Both the House and Senate Health Committee versions of health care reform legislation have shown they will add between $239 billion to $600 billion respectively to the deficit over the next decade.
The basic problem with health care reform revolves around trying to fix serious problems with more government regulation and intervention. These three versions of health care reform legislation all increase taxes and the federal deficit which could just make matters worse.
Where does the debate go from here? Democrats can overcome a GOP filibuster if they are able to secure 60 votes. If they are unable to secure 60 votes, Democrats will be able to use special parliamentary rules to pass the legislation by a simple majority.