Monday, December 7, 2009

Quote of the Day

"In case you’re wondering why all the hot air about the weather should matter to you, here’s the bottom line: If the bureaucrats get their way, their theory is going to cost you – and it’s going to cost a lot. Germany is often looked to as a model for the green economy. It has been at the vanguard of environmental regulation, and the Washington Post recently featured a story about “The High Price of Going Green” in Germany.

According to the Post report, “A kilowatt of electricity costs three times as much [in Germany] as it does in the United States, supercharged with high taxes to discourage use and to help fund renewable energy development. Meanwhile, a 50 percent ‘eco-tax’ has sent the price of gasoline soaring to $8 a gallon.”

Democrats want to follow that example here. The Obama Administration just announced that the EPA will declare carbon dioxide a “dangerous pollutant” that must be vigorously regulated. What economic sectors produce the largest amounts of carbon dioxide? According to the Wall Street Journal, “Electricity generation, transportation and industry represent the three largest sources of U.S. greenhouse-gas emissions.” Get ready to pay three times as much for electricity, $8.00 a gallon for gasoline and watch even more jobs get shipped overseas to escape radical environmental regulations."

Gary Bauer