Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Video: Obama's Boondoggle

The National Republican Senatorial Committee has a great new video.

A year ago, President Obama and Democrats in Washington pushed through their massive $787 billion stimulus package. They claimed this stimulus bill was the silver bullet to fix the economy and bring back jobs. They claimed the best way to end the recession was to go on an unprecedented spending spree.

They were wrong.

$787 billion later, the unemployment rate is two points HIGHER than it was just a year ago. Even Democratic House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer acknowledged the stimulus' failure by stating that Democrats "over-promised" the bill's effectiveness. And many Democrats, most recently Senator Evan Bayh (IN), are choosing to retire instead of face increasing voter backlash over their votes for failed fiscal policies.

Unfortunately, it's not just Washington Democrats that will have to pay the price for these missteps, but generations to come will be footing the bill for this fiscal recklessness.

Click here to watch a short video on the one year anniversary of the stimulus package.