Monday, September 27, 2010

Straight from the Democrat Play Book: Smear Campaign

From Ron Futrell, the TEA Party Wire

Democrats Unveil 2010 Message: ‘Hope, Change and a Buttload of Attack Ads’

Remember when Democrats didn’t want to talk about Reverend Wright, Bill Ayers and ACORN? Remember when they kept saying how we need to focus on the important issues that matter to working American families? My, how times have changed:

Democratic candidates across the country are opening a fierce offensive of negative advertisements against Republicans, using lawsuits, tax filings, reports from the Better Business Bureau and even divorce proceedings to try to discredit their opponents and save their Congressional majority. . . .

In Ohio, Representative Betty Sutton calls her Republican rival, Tom Ganley, a “dishonest used-car salesman” who has been sued more than 400 times for fraud, discrimination, lying to customers about repairs, overcharging them and endangering their safety. She warns voters, “You’ve heard the old saying, buyer beware!”

In Arizona, Representative Harry E. Mitchell accused his opponent David Schweikert of being “a predatory real estate speculator who snatched up nearly 300 foreclosed homes, been cited for neglect and evicted a homeowner on the verge of saving his house, just to make a buck.”

In New York, Representative Michael Arcuri introduces his Republican challenger, Richard Hanna, as a millionaire who “got rich while his construction company overcharged taxpayers thousands, was sued three times for injuries caused by faulty construction and was cited 12 times for health and safety violations.” . . .

Read the rest. It’s disgusting. But then again, they’re Democrats. You can help these Republican candidates fight back against the smears: