Thursday, April 21, 2011

Corruption: Obama and Unions

Obama Board Threatens Right To Work

While the economy is suffering from high unemployment, the Obama Administration is taking steps to prevent the creation of new jobs in America and threatening a fundamental right recognized in nearly half of the states -- the right to work.

Today's Wall Street Journal reports that the National Labor Relations Board has intervened on behalf of Obama's union allies to shut down a Boeing 787 plant in South Carolina that would employ more than 1,000 people. Why? Because the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers demanded it.

Boeing initially wanted to build the planes at its Puget Sound plant in Washington state. But when it began negotiations with the union, the union demanded "a seat on Boeing's board and a promise that Boeing would build all future planes in Puget Sound." Unwilling to give in to such unreasonable demands, Boeing made a commonsense economic decision to move the plant to South Carolina -- a right to work state.

The union filed a complaint with the National Labor Relations Board claiming that Boeing made the decision to open a new plant in South Carolina in order to harm the union. After 17 months of construction and $2 billion invested in the plant, the board is now asking a judge to shut down the plant before it opens in July.

If the union succeeds, more jobs will be sent overseas. If big labor and big government are going to prevent American businesses from opening new plants in America, they will have no alternative but to open the plants overseas.

As the Journal notes, the episode is another example of the Obama Administration attempting to impose its radical anti-business agenda by regulatory fiat -- "no matter the damage to investment and job creation."

Gary Bauer

Campaign for Working Families