Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Prayer for Victory over Terrorism and Malfeasance

Dear Father,

We salute and praise you again tonight in recognition of the many blessing you bestow upon us every day.

This evening we pray to you for strength, determination and wisdom that we may sustain your plan for our nation as we seek to employ your standards for our governance here on earth.

As we struggle to renew our country on the battlefield where your ideas, principles and steadfastness of purpose are being threatened, we pray you will help us remain focused on preserving, strengthening and defending the Constitution you have given us.

As we dedicate our minds, bodies and spirits to throw off this yoke of Obammanation, help us reach out to all freedom-loving citizens who are at the mercy of this incompetent administration.

Father, please flow into our hearts and minds, the guidance, grace and courage we need to accomplish this mission.

In closing this prayer to you,

May we always be mindful that in this month of June, momentous events occurred under your hand, for which we are thankful and rejoice that we are as one with You.

On June 6, 1944,

You gave us a great victory on D-Day in Normandy where allied armies soon eliminate the Nazi menace which threatened all mankind.

And in 1755 you gave us a great patriot Nathan Hale, whom we should remember tonight, who in 1776 was hung by the British as a spy for General Washington, after uttering those famous words –

“I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.”

And we acknowledge that on the 14th of June 1777, which we now call Flag Day, our 6-year struggle for independence was just beginning, and our first flag as a nation in unity was unfurled with 13 stars and 13 stripes.

And on June 18, 1812, You led us again, successfully into battle, to finish teaching the British a lesson about our independence and freedom on the high seas.

As we leave here tonight we pray that you will guide us to another victory soon over terrorism and over the malfeasance of this administration by giving us a truly principled president who will honor us, We the People, with a government we can be proud of, as we in turn, would honor that office with our respect and our prayers for a renewed nation.

Father, please protect and sustain our fighting men and women wherever they may be.

In Jesus’ name we pray,


Gerry Gore

MCRW Chaplain

June 21, 2011