Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Quotes of the Day

“We have a $1.5 trillion deficit and President Obama rushes to the microphones to complain about tax breaks for corporate jet owners? I'm not sure that strategy is going to work. One veteran journalist wrote: "If President Obama's news conference accomplished anything on Wednesday afternoon, it underscored, in striking tones, his strategy for winning the debt ceiling fight with Republicans: Make it a clash of classes. … In Obama's world, Democrats are for kids and Republicans are for corporate jets."

Gary Bauer

Campaign for Working Families

"Those who are calling for tax hikes as a part of these debt discussions either have amnesia about the fate of similar votes just six months ago... if government spending was the answer to an economic slowdown, we'd be in a boom right now! Instead, we're facing record deficits and debt, and a seemingly endless stream of bad economic news."

"So my message to the President is simple: It's time for Washington to focus on fixing itself. It's time Washington take the hit, not the taxpayers!"

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell