Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Romney V. Obama -- Round II

By Gary Bauer
Campaign for Working Families

That was perhaps the most confrontational presidential debate I have ever witnessed. There were moments when it looked as if it could come to blows. That was surprising given the conventional wisdom that the candidates would go after the women's vote. Political analysts will tell you that such aggressiveness usually does not attract female voters.

One thing that jumped out at me throughout the 90 minute debate was the breathtaking effort by Barack Obama to claim the conservative position on a variety of issues. Thus Obama, who has tried to limit oil, natural gas and coal production, attempted to brag about the increased drilling activity that has occurred in spite of his efforts to shut it down.

He embraced the Second Amendment right to bear arms while he has spent four years putting judges on the courts who will do everything they can to limit and undermine that right. He praised intact families as key for the country. But I cannot think of one program he has promoted that would strengthen intact families. And I can recall only one speech in his entire presidency devoted to the subject.

But perhaps most extraordinary was Obama's embrace of free enterprise. He has spent the past four years attacking major industries. He made a big government takeover of health care his top priority. He has repeatedly vowed to raise taxes so that government, rather than the private sector, can redistribute wealth. But now, three weeks before the election, Obama wants us to believe he is a champion of free enterprise. Amazing!