Sunday, December 8, 2019

Dec. 15th: Invitation to 6th Annual AFP Skyline Region Christmas Gathering

It's the holiday season and Americans for Prosperity is happy to host our 6th Annual Christmas Gathering coming up on Sunday, December 15th in Charlottesville.


We welcome you to join us on December 15th as we celebrate the Christmas season.  This is a fun, social occasion for all freedom loving citizens.  It's always great to get together as we reminisce and look forward to the new year. 


Enjoy hearty hors d'oeuvres, variety of beverages, tasty desserts, and festive décor.  Plus, hear a preview of AFP's priority policy initiatives for 2020.  Come by anytime from 4-6pm and feel free to bring a friend to enjoy the occasion.  


Please RSVP in advance so we can plan provisions for all.  Contact Flint Engleman @ or (540)226-4591.


6th Annual AFP Skyline Christmas Gathering

Sunday, December 15th 4:00-6:00pm 

AFP Charlottesville Office

375 Greenbrier Drive, Suite 102





Flint Engleman

Grassroots Engagement Director

State Education Strategic Coordinator

Americans for Prosperity-Virginia | Skyline Region

540.226.4591 |