Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Take Action: Stop Voter Fraud in 2020

By Ponch K. McPhee

Unfortunately in a free republic and society it is difficult to prevent
many types of crime without becoming Orwellian "1984" therefore, let's
take action now! In America we enjoy our freedom of saying what we feel,
doing what we like, believing what we choose and deciding on our own
terms as we live our lives. Americans often scout for ways to skate the
system, either for business profit, competitive education and sports
related ideals, or inventing ways to just get ahead in general within
our culture.

Not every single American thinks this way as I would like to believe
that most are faith driven Americans, but of course millions often do.
 It's what makes America the greatest country in the world, to be
trusted to abide by American laws and Christian based trust. There
remain some sorts who don't necessarily desire to cheat but rather live
free and get ahead in an overall intended clean manner. The world view,
Go to America and think of an occupation and then do it for profit and
become rich. Living without a socialist state constantly watching you
does provide we the people with an independent streak that we can do
anything we want to do in our great republic. With that said, the system
can cleverly and deceptively be slighted in endless arenas from gambling
to business to politics.

We must re-examine the number one thing in America which provides every
one of us real unconditional sovereign freedom and yes we must take
action now! Enforce with extreme prejudice our voting laws! To protect
this amazing sovereign republic from European socialist infiltrations we
need to crack down on the very system which determines who will govern
our sacred laws and uphold the founding fathers intent of purest values
of republicanism. To do this we do not need more socialist watchdog
tactics but rather deliberate positive common sense protocols uniformed
to allow one vote by a said legitimate voter recognized as a legal
citizen of our nation in their given state of registration.

Fraudulent use of absentee ballots include requesting absentee ballots
and voting without the knowledge of the actual voter; or obtaining the
absentee ballot from a voter and either filling it in directly and
forging the voter's signature; or illegally telling the voter who to
vote for. We must not allow illegal citizens, deceased citizens or
multiple votes by cheating voters. We must take a serious look and crack
down on absentee voting and early voting or even millions of fraudulent
votes which could be brought into precincts after the polls closed and
which likely has actually occurred through the years. This includes
Impersonation Fraud at the polls such as voting in the name of other
legitimate voters and voters who have died, moved away, or lost their
right to vote because they are felons, but remain registered.

The west coast is quite dirty with their cheating and voter fraud, but
every state has the potential and quite often has been exposed. Again we
need to take action now! Our system, once legitimate, has been invaded
and hacked electronically using voter harvesting and even suppressing
honorable voting by registered voters. Fraudulent voter registrations
either use a phony name and a real or fake address or claim residence in
a particular jurisdiction where the registered voter does not actually
live and is not entitled to vote. In addition, Ineligible voting Illegal
registration and voting by individuals who are not U.S. citizens, are
convicted felons, or are otherwise not eligible to vote is quite common
in many states.

This great nation with our high tech advantages should be able to stop
voter fraud in its tracks and we must strive for this once and for all
in 2020. To remain a free sovereign republic we must cease voter fraud
in every single area because dirty voter tactics will destroy us from
the inside out, right before our daily lives.  These dirty election
practices must be exposed as soon as possible and all involved
prosecuted and heavily fined and are thankfully occurring in several
states right now.

Perhaps certain states like California can be disqualified from voting
if they do not follow the new laws we put in place. If the states clean
up their dirty tricks and cheating then they can qualify in the voting
process. President Trump could or should sign an executive order to
insist that every voter in America provide a legitimate federal photo ID
to clarify they are in fact a legal voter. Unless certain states
cooperate, including possibly California, they could be prevented from
voting unless they rectify their voting procedure to conform to our laws
to stop all fraud at the ballot box. This is the kind of action we must
get behind and stop the madness.

We must take action now and at once because we cannot wait any longer
for things to get even worse. Yes, we enjoy our freedom in America, we
love to do and say things without being spied upon as a free republic.
We do not like to be told what to do or be observed 24 hours a day. Not
any of us would like to become an Orwellian "1984" culture where you never
have a moment to conceal a desire, a thought, a work action or a simple
display of affection to a loved one. We love our freedom to do things to
get ahead and enjoy life in America, so let's fix this system from fraud
and get it right in 2020. It is long overdue by decades to insist on
federal voter photo ID in every single state in this republic. It can be
done and I would wager in many millions of citizen's views it should be
done now more than ever -- as soon as possible. Contact your
representatives or even President Donald J. Trump. Encourage and insist
on stopping voter fraud in 2020. Take action now!