Thursday, January 16, 2014

Obamacare Blunders On

Gary L. Bauer
Campaign for Working Families

Here are the latest headlines from the ongoing Obamacare blunders.

  • The House Science, Space and Technology Committee today heard testimony from cybersecurity experts who warned that Obamacare's website remains vulnerable to hackers. David Kennedy, who testified about the site's weaknesses last year, told members of Congress, "Nothing has really changed since our November 19 testimony. …They did a little bit of work on it and it's still vulnerable today."

    Kevin Mitnick, once the most wanted cyber criminal in America, submitted a letter to the committee in which he wrote, "It's shameful the team that built the site implemented minimal, if any, security best practices to mitigate the significant risk of a system compromise."

  • Somehow Oregon Democrats managed to do even worse. In fact, Cover Oregon is so bad it has failed to register even one individual. State legislators are suggesting they should pull the plug on the site and direct residents to Now that's really bad!

  • So what are Democrats doing about Obamacare? Not much. Despite claims that they want to "mend it, not end it," one Senate Democrat admits that fixing Obamacare has never been discussed at their weekly caucus meetings.

    Senate Democrats aren't going to fix Obamacare -- there is no fixing it. But the first step toward getting rid of it is to fix the Senate this year by electing more solid conservatives!