Thursday, December 30, 2010

Quote of the Day

"Our government’s refusal to allow the development of our oil resources has left us on the verge of $5 per gallon gasoline, with fuel shortages looming in the future. This will have a profound negative effect on our economy, because growth requires movement. The level of wealth we are accustomed to depends powerfully upon the ability to move goods and individuals over long distances at low cost."

Most Confused Democrat of the Day

“I mean, what does the wife do then, put on some red sheets on the bed and say ‘You know we can get rid of the blue sheets, but keep the white one over there because we might need that one for the midnight meeting.’”

Robert Brown the highest ranking Democrat in Georgia, leader of the Democrats in the State Senate when asked about a series of party switchers from Democrats to Republicans.

The hapless Mr. Brown was trying to smear Republicans but he forgot that the Klan was run by... (drumroll, please) DEMOCRATS!

Video Pick of the Day

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Quote of the Day

"There is nothing inevitable about same-sex "marriage." The public continues to oppose it. Our exit poll on November 2nd found that by a whopping 18-point margin voters were more likely to oppose a candidate who supported same-sex “marriage.” Unfortunately, there are some potential Republican presidential contenders who still think we need a "truce" on values issues. But how do you have a truce when the cultural radicals have declared war on Judeo-Christian values?

The candidate who recognizes that the defense of traditional marriage is a serious issue that voters genuinely care about is the candidate who will go all the way, capturing the support of conservative voters and the GOP presidential nomination."

Gary Bauer
Campaign for Working Families

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Quotes of the Day

"Under the new policy, outlined in a Medicare regulation, the government will pay doctors who advise patients on options for end-of-life care, which may include advance directives to forgo aggressive life-sustaining treatment."


"The Internet has taken our basic Freedom of Assembly right and adapted itself beautifully to the 21stcentury – a sensational transition our Founding Fathers would have been proud of. To believers in freedom, the Internet is a Godsend – the modern-day equivalent of the printing press.
Leftists Hate the Internet Because It Has Exposed Them
And to control freaks, the uncontrolled flow of information between private citizens and the potential accountability that a more-developed Internet could make possible is a total nightmare."

Lee Bellinger

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Quote of the Day

"...the entire U.S. Constitution will be read aloud on the floor of the House of Representatives on his first full legislative day as Speaker of the House on January 6.

The Constitution read aloud in Congress? There’s a new sheriff in town, and his name is John Boehner."

Emily Miller

Best Christmas Card of 2010

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Quotes of the Day

"It is one of the things that keeps me up at night. You didn't worry about this even two years ago -- about individuals, about Americans, to the extent that we now do. And that is of great concern. The threat has changed from simply worrying about foreigners coming here, to worrying about people in the United States -- American citizens -- raised here, born here, and who for whatever reason, have decided that they are going to become radicalized and take up arms against the nation in which they were born."

Attorney General Eric Holder


"Whether it's regulating the Internet or pursuing a cap and trade regime via regulation, House Republicans must make reining in the out-of-control bureaucracy a top priority in 2011. The ultimate solution is to reduce the size and scope of government, and it should begin with significant regulatory reform."

Gary Bauer
Campaign for Working Families

A Prayer for God's Blessing of Love and Mercy

Merry Christmas everyone!

Before I say the prayer, may I share some of my frustrations that ALWAYS come about this time of year?

Shortly after Thanksgiving, I am reminded that we Christians are being marginalized daily by the merchants, our Government, not to mention numerous other secular institutions The most frustrating part of all, is to see fellow Christians unknowingly participate in this nonsense So please don't send me a Happy Holidays Card!

Christmas is not about Black Friday or how much more Chinese junk stores can sell.

Christmas is about celebrating the Birth of Jesus Christ Please check out Matthew 1:23 Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and his name shall be called Emmanuel' (which means. God with us). lf some folks are offended by that then so be it.

Let us pray

Our Father in heaven, we Americans have much to be thankful for. We are thankful that the Lord has granted us another year with a warm house, plentiful food and good health

As the history of our nation continues to unfold we pray that God will continue to bless us with His Love and Mercy.

As citizens we must continue to defend God's will as given to us in the Holy Bible.

We pray for those who have never heard the inner voice of God's word. We pray for those who suffer from addictions give them strength and hope Dear God.

We pray for all members of our Armed Forces who continue to serve with Courage, Honor and Dignity.

Bless this group of Madison citizens who continue to serve unselfishly in their community and nation.

This We Pray in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,


John Underwood

MCRW Chaplain

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Madison County Republican Women will host their
13th Annual Christmas gathering

Open House

Tuesday, December 21st
6:00 PM to 8:30 PM

Sweely Estate Winery's reception hall
Rt. 230W, 6109 Wolftown-Hood Road

Celebrate the holiday season with fellowship, Christmas and patriotic music.

A Silent Auction will be held to benefit the Marion Simpson Scholarship fund and there will be a 50/50 raffle. Everyone is invited to attend the festivities.

Enjoy heavy hors d’oeuvres, eggnog, punch and coffee.

Cost: $7 per person. For additional information please call 923-4300 or 547-2156.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Quote of the Day

In recent years, Americans have learned to live with a new reality: Al Qaeda will try to attack us and politically correct Muslim sympathizers in the U.S. will help them. For example, late yesterday news broke that top Iraqi officials have alerted U.S. and European authorities that Al Qaeda plans to carry out suicide attacks during the Christmas season. The information was obtained from a massive security sweep that captured 73 suspected terrorists in the past two weeks.

"Holiday attacks by Al Qaeda are not new. You no doubt recall the "underwear bomber" who tried to blow up an airliner last Christmas. Already this year, the FBI thwarted an attempt to bomb a Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Portland, Oregon. Not long after that, the FBI busted another jihadi wanna-be who tried to bomb a military recruiting station in Maryland.

There is no doubt that evil men, motivated by their radical Islamic ideology, are trying to murder and maim as many Americans as they can. Now some American Muslim advocacy groups are accusing the FBI of entrapment.

Unbelievably, Attorney General Eric Holder recently met with one of these groups to entertain their "grievances." While Holder held his ground this time, the meeting never should have happened. It was an insult to the professionalism of the men and women charged with defending us.

But that the meeting even took place is a testament to the growing rot of political correctness at the highest levels of government. If it is not stopped, the consequences will be deadly."

Gary Bauer
Campaign for Working Families

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Quote of the Day

"The American people spoke clearly this November, they are tired of Washington’s spendthrift ways and the lack of self-control with the tax-payers’ hard-earned money. Congress should pass a short term continuing resolution through March until the new Congress can be sworn in so they can address this mess in a responsible manner."

Monday, December 13, 2010

Quotes of the Day

Virginia Healthcare Lawsuit Ruling a Victory for the Rights and Prerogatives of Virginians

“Neither the Supreme Court nor any federal court of appeals has extended Commerce Clause powers to compel an individual to involuntarily enter a stream of commerce by purchasing a commodity in the private market. In doing so, enactment of the Minimum Essential Coverage Provision exceeds the Commerce Clause powers vested in Congress under Article I.”

Federal Judge Henry Hudson


“This case is a reminder that Sen. Jim Webb ignored the views and values of the people of Virginia with his many votes, including the one for Senate passage last Christmas eve, for this unfair, harmful, unconstitutional federal government takeover of health care and its odious mandates.

“This decision is a victory for the rights and prerogatives of Virginians and potentially people throughout our United States.

“I heartily commend Judge Hudson for his sound, Constitutionally-based decision and also thank Virginia Attorney General Cuccinelli for defending liberty against federal usurpation and dictates.”

Friday, December 10, 2010

Quote of the Day

"Based on the Pentagon's best guess, there are probably less than 30,000 homosexuals in the military. Compare that to the 15.1 million Americans on unemployment and it might give you a glimpse into the Left's deranged priorities. I'm sure it's comforting to the people looking for work that Washington is too busy to help because they're planning a coming out party for a sliver of the military who already have jobs -- and knew the policy when they signed up!"

Tony Perkins
Washington Update

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Quote of the Day

“As a former governor, I am keenly aware of the value of Virginia's Right-to-Work law in attracting and keeping jobs in the Commonwealth. Senator Webb either does not understand our Right-to-Work law or willfully ignores its value in deference to his big labor benefactors."

Former Governor and U.S. Senator George Allen, regarding the US Senate’s vote on Public Safety Officer Unionization (S. 3991)

Video Pick of the Day

from Family Research Council

Countering the Left's Smear and Silence Campaign

This morning, I had the opportunity to appear on "Fox and Friends" to respond to the Left's ongoing campaign to smear and silence FRC and other pro-family organizations. As I reported yesterday, the liberal Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has called on national TV networks to censor us because of our support for man-woman marriage. Please watch the interview below, and then email to thank "Fox and Friends" for allowing me to respond to SPLC's intimidation tactics.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Quote of the Day

"I know Christmas is coming soon, but the Left needs to realize that voters want Uncle Sam's credit card cut up."

Gary Bauer
Campaign for Working Families

Free Brian Aitken

from the National Association for Gun Rights

"Despite not violating ANY of New Jersey’s outrageous firearms laws, Brian was arrested for the “unlawful” possession of a handgun.

Throughout his trial, the anti-gun statists in the New Jersey legal system routinely blocked Brian’s attorney from presenting evidence of Brian’s innocence. New Jersey law specifically states that the transportation of handguns between residences is legal.

Despite the incontrovertible evidence that Brian was transporting his legally purchased handguns from his mother’s home to his new apartment, the anti-gun Judge refused to permit Brian’s legal team from informing the jury of this portion of state law.

Jurors even asked the judge three times if state law contained exemptions for the transportation of handguns from one residence to another, but the anti-gun crusader disguised as a judge refused to answer.

Additionally, federal law allows for the transportation of firearms between residences without fear of state prosecution; however, the same anti-gun judge refused to take federal law into consideration in Brian’s case.

Brian Aitken was convicted of felony possession of a handgun and faces up to seven years in jail.

Think you’re safe 'cause you live in a “pro-gun” state? Think again.

Expect to hear statists across the country calling for increased enforcement of “existing” gun law.

That’s code for twisting current law to maliciously prosecute gun owners, and it’s nothing new: the institutional gun lobby has been promoting this for more than a decade.

State and local governments will respond to this anti-gun cattle call and will race to create new ways to infringe upon your rights through bureaucratic fiat and “rule” changes.

That’s exactly what happened in New Jersey and an innocent man was convicted simply because he owned guns

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Quote of the Day

"For two years Obama argued that the Bush tax cuts were the source of all evil. He claimed that they did nothing for the economy. He argued that lower taxes somehow had caused the economic meltdown. Until one month ago he peppered every speech with the canard that Bush had “driven the car into a ditch” with his tax cuts and now he claimed the GOP wanted to do it again. Now, after all the “huffing and puffing,” class warfare, vitriol and rhetoric, Obama said, in effect, “Never mind.” I agree with Rush Limbaugh, who pointed out today that this is the first real defeat that Obama has suffered in the last two years."

Gary Bauer
Campaign for Working Families

Monday, December 6, 2010

Quote of the Day

"All you have to do these days is declare that you are a Christian and you are promptly attacked for proselytizing. Interesting isn’t it. People who advocate for open homosexual military service, homosexual marriage, abortion on demand, post billboards declaring that Christianity is based on a myth, and who worship the mythology of Charles Darwin, have the audacity to harangue Christians for “wearing it on their sleeves.”"

SPRW Christmas Celebration for Events Calendar

WHAT: Sarah Palin Republican Women Christmas Celebration Potluck Dinner - Silent Night Silent Auction and Caroling

WHEN: Monday December 13th 6:30 to 8:30 PM

WHERE: Open Door Baptist Church 754 Germanna HWY (Rt. 3 near Rt. 29) Culpeper 22701- front entrance

WHO: Open to public, families welcome

WHAT TO BRING: Covered dish. Optional white elephant items for auction

RSVP: Requested but not required.

Dec. 21st: MCRW Christmas Open House


Madison County Republican Women will host their 13th Annual Christmas gathering with an Open House on Tuesday, December 21st, 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM at Sweely Estate Winery's reception hall on Rt. 230W, 6109 Wolftown-Hood Road.

Celebrate the holiday season with fellowship, Christmas and patriotic music. A Silent Auction will be held to benefit the Marion Simpson Scholarship fund and there will be a 50/50 raffle. Everyone is invited to attend the festivities.

Enjoy heavy hors d’oeuvres, eggnog, punch and coffee. Cost: $7 per person. For additional information please call 923-4300 or 547-2156.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Quote of the Day

"If it's wrong for the government to take the taxpayers' money to promote religion, why is it OK to take taxpayers' money to assault religion?"

Bill Donohue of the Catholic League

Video Pick of the Day

From Family Research Council

They said Don't Ask. We did.

The Pentagon's report on overturning the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy is being spun by Secretary Gates and others as being largely supportive of forcing open homosexuality upon our nation's soldiers. But is this the full story?

FRC Action today hosted a webcast with a panel of military leaders, a U.S. Senator, and policy experts called"Mission Compromised: How the Military is Being Used to Advance a Radical Agenda."

With a potential vote looming in the Senate, our panel of experts took a closer look at the Pentagon's report, examining the full impact that overturning the policy would have on our troops, their families, and our national security.

Guests included:

  • Host: Tony Perkins, Marine Corps veteran and President, FRC Action
  • Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), Member, Senate Armed Services Committee
  • Gen. Carl Mundy, former Commandant of the Marine Corps
  • Brig. Gen. Douglas Lee, Chaplain (U.S. Army, Ret.)
  • Sgt. Brian Fleming (U.S. Army, Ret.), veteran of the war in Afghanistan and Purple Heart recipient
  • Cathy Ruse, Senior Fellow, Legal Studies, Family Research Council
  • Peter Sprigg, Senior Fellow for Policy Studies, Family Research Council
  • Tom McClusky, Senior Vice President, FRC Action

Please watch this important webcast, and share it with your friends and family.

Our troops need you to stand for them on this issue.

Watch Now On Demand: Expert Analysis of the Pentagon's Report

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Quote of the Day

"…to renew American exceptionalism, we must recognize that our present crisis is not merely economic but moral in nature. At the root of these times should be the realization that people in positions of authority from Washington to Wall Street have walked away from the timeless truths of honesty, integrity, an honest day's work for an honest day's pay and the simple notion that you ought to treat the other guy the way you want to be treated.

"As strongly as I believe in the economic policies in this address, I know we will not restore this nation with public policy alone. It will require public virtue. …As we promote policies to restore American exceptionalism, we must also reaffirm our nation's commitment to the values that have made our prosperity possible. As we seek to build national wealth, we must renew our commitment to the institutions that nurture the character of our people -- traditional family and religion."
Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN)
In a speech before the Detroit Economic Club

Best Christmas Ad

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Quote of the Day

"It is simply outrageous that Iran is in a position to negotiate women’s rights when the government routinely violates those rights. This is a condition comparable tohaving Nazis investigate the human rights violations of Jews. But to make matters worse, the Obama administration through its conspicuous silence is seemingly complicit in the crime against fundamental rights."

Friday, November 26, 2010

Quote of the Day

"Islamic supremacists in Egypt are very different from the KKK, but as they burned crosses in their recent clashes with Copts, their motive is the same as that of the KKK: to intimidate, to frighten. They want to "strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of Allah" (Qur'an 8:60)."

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Song of the Day

Quotes of the Day

"I’m thankful the Tea Party, comprised of Republicans, Conservatives, Libertarians, Democrats and Independents, took action and voiced their concerns to Congress. These men and women are freedom-loving patriots, and whether or not they are parents, they believe in preserving a better country for future generations, so true liberty can be known."

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (6th district of Minnesota)


"What are you thankful for? A job? A warm home? A loving family? Good health? All of the above, or something completely different? Perhaps it has been a difficult year for you. Loved ones may have passed on or perhaps they are deployed overseas. Perhaps you, like so many others, are struggling in this difficult economy.

In spite of the personal and national challenges we face today, I believe all of us can be thankful to be Americans. We are the descendants of the patriots who declared that "All men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

Those words inspire us still and bring hope to millions around the world. With all of America's problems, we are still the nation that represents man's last best hope on earth.

As President Reagan so often encouraged us to do, I pray that each of us in the weeks ahead will work harder to make America an even better place – a "shining city upon a hill.""

Gary Bauer
Campaign for Working Families


"The past few years have been difficult for many Americans, which is what makes the spirit of optimism I see around our Commonwealth so encouraging, and the love of God and country that continues to flourish so remarkable.

Yet that has always been the American way. In his 1863 Thanksgiving Proclamation, amidst the ravages of war, President Lincoln exhorted his fellow Americans not to forget the divine source of "these bounties which are so constantly enjoyed."

There are too many to count. We live in a country in which we enjoy the blessings of liberty, and each of us has so much more for which to be thankful.

As a Christian, Thanksgiving is, for me, a day to thank the God who has "blessed us ... with countless gifts of love, and still is ours today," as a Thanksgiving hymn has it. When I reflect upon the many blessings my family and I have enjoyed, and the many kindnesses of friends, family, and supporters, I am overwhelmed.

To my constituents, thank you for the opportunity to serve you as state senator, and to my many friends across the Commonwealth, thank you for your encouragement and support.

May you and your family have a happy Thanksgiving!
Mark D. Obenshain
Virginia State Senator

"Looking back over the last 21 months we have much to be thankful for. Who would have thought that a rant on the floor of the Chicago Board of Trade would turn into one of the largest movements in modern American history?

Many of you have volunteered countless hours to this movement, you have made personal sacrifices for the sake of protecting liberty in the face of an ever expanding federal government, and even after countless, baseless attacks at your credibility, you continue to stand firm for the principles that we all hold so dear.

Thanks to you, the Tea Party Patriots all across America, our political system has a new life. The People have reclaimed a seat at the table and our reservations there have been extended indefinitely. You are the heart and soul of this movement and for that all of us on the National Coordinator Team are forever thankful.

We hope that you will take some time today to reflect on the successes you have accomplished, the many new friendships that have come from this movement, and most importantly we hope you find the time to enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday with your family."

In Liberty,

Your Tea Party Patriots National Coordinator Team,

Debbie Dooley, Jenny Beth Martin, Mark Meckler, Sally Oljar, Diana Reimer, and Dawn Wildman


"Although there are examples of single celebrations of Thanksgiving in the New World dating as far back as 1541 in Texas, the first call for an annual Thanksgiving was at Berkeley Plantation, Virginia, in 1619, when Captain John Woodlief and 38 settlers aboard the ship Margaret, proclaimed, "Wee ordaine that the day of our ships arrivall at the place assigned for plantacion in the land of Virginia shall be yearly and perpetually keept holy as a day of thanksgiving to Almighty God."

Today we have much to celebrate. We are blessed to live in a truly exceptional nation - envied by the world. Our basic freedoms are under constant attack both domestically and from foreign interests yet we endure by honoring Thomas Jefferson's admonition: "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

As we give thanks for those freedoms and more endowed upon us by our Creator, let us not forget the eternal vigilance of our brave men and women in uniform. While we stay warm in comfortable surroundings enjoying a traditional holiday feast, we must remember and give thanks to those who will spend Thanksgiving sleeping in a cold, wet foxhole grateful for potable water to make their dehydrated field rations edible.

The coming years will demand constant effort on our part to preserve the freedoms and liberties established by our founding fathers. Let us prepare for that effort as we give thanks for the many blessings we enjoy and celebrate today."

Patrick Murray


On Thanksgiving


On the fourth Thursday of every November

We reflect, rejoice and we all must remember

It is to give thanks this day that we all gather

With family, friends and others that matter.


We give thanks for our blessings and bountiful dinners

And pray for the Lord to forgive all that were sinners

Of those who no longer the journey can make, we will always remember,

The memories of them will burn in our minds like a glowing ember.


We celebrate the Pilgrims who survived those first harsh winters

Standing strong and grateful their hopes were not dashed to splinters

Give tribute to Squanto and the other caring Indians who,

Befriended the Pilgrims and helped them get through.


And to whom do we give thanks on this celebration day?

Certainly the patriots and leaders who a great part did play

In recognizing and defending all our God given rights

But, it is mostly to He on high whom shined the guiding light!


From Plymouth to Valley Forge and others where hard times were fought

Our Founders always reached out to thank God without second thought

Over the intervening years one fact has always remained clear

Our predecessors abiding faith in the Lord was always held dear!


Since the beginning there has always been the presence of God’s guiding hand

From the Declaration, to the Constitution, to the Great Seal of the Land.

“In God We Trust” is the motto of our great nation

To decry or dispute this would be beneath anyone’s station.


From ocean to ocean, from the Great Lakes to the Rio Grande

We celebrate the greatness and bounty of this our God given land

On our monuments and on our buildings our God we have praised

Yet among us are a few who would have all vestiges of God raised.


Now bow thy head please, for a moment and offer a prayer

That the Supreme Court of our Nation, the highest judicial layer

Might open their eyes and look around at all the abounding evidence

And realize that their separation of God and State is misguided jurisprudence!


Lest we forget or take for granted our most precious blessings and lose sight

Of “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” our God given unalienable rights

Be thankful to be able at will to move about, for free speech and the right to assemble,,

For speedy public trial, fair bail and no unjust search and seizures, to make you tremble!


Be thankful this and each day for your blessings that do abound

Remember to be ever grateful, that your ship doth not run aground

Cherish your families and other loved ones who support you in all ways

Remain true to your heart and thank God for all, till the end of your days.


Tom Whitmore


Copyright 2010, Thomas J. Whitmore


“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free”.


Ronald Reagan
40th president of US (1911 - 2004)


Learn more about the history of Thanksgiving as an American holiday. Take a moment now and visit the official Thanksgiving timeline at the Library of Congress by clicking here: