Thursday, March 5, 2020

March 26th: Rappahannock Republican Mass Meeting

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Mass Meeting  of the Rappahannock

Republican Committee

Thursday, March 26, 2020

At the Rappahannock County Courthouse 7:00pm

To Become a Delegate to the State

Convention and/or the 5th Congressional

District Convention

 You Must submit a Prefile form by the

deadline of March 19, 2020 6:00PM

For the text of the call and associated

prefile forms, click here

If you have any questions on the required prefile to be nominated as a delegate, please respond to this email with your questions.



2A Task Force

We will have an informational meeting in April to determine interest, feasibility and  goals of this task force.  Everyone is invited who cherishes their 2nd amendment rights and is concerned they are being taken away by the Virginian general assembly.  Keep an eye on your emais, date and location to be determined.

Car Pooling to Conventions

If you are interested in car pooling to either the state or 5th district convention, please respond to this email and state if you need a ride, or would be willing to take others in your vehicle.

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Rappahannock County Republican Committee opt in list

Our mailing address is:
6 Palmer Lane Castleton VA. 22716

Phone: 540-987-0030

Rappahannock Republican Committee · 6 Palmer Lane · Castleton, VA 22716 · USA

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