Newsletter of the Madison County Virginia Republican Women
According to the U.S. Attorney's Office, what the nation may also see is justice. This Wednesday, the shooter, Floyd Corkins, was formally indicted by a federal grand jury on the first-ever charge of D.C. terrorism. This charge, in addition to the others already filed against Corkins, makes it clear that the law will not tolerate acts of violence designed to intimidate and silence people who support natural marriage and traditional marriage. It undermines our security as a people and the stability of our form of government.
Given this new development, we again call on organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center to stop its practice of demonizing organizations that oppose their promotion of homosexuality. As Leo can attest, the SPLC's "hate" labeling of Christian organizations fosters a dangerous--and potentially deadly--environment of hostility. It needs to stop. Until then, we remain committed to our mission of advancing faith, family, and freedom.
For more on the Corkins's case, check out Ken Klukowski's legal take on Breitbart.
Cleaning a Flooded Basement, Saving Important Documents, Flood Insurance
-Transportation and Roadways
Roadways Information, Reporting Roadway Hazards, Safety Precautions
-Getting in Touch with Family Members
Sending Messages to Service Members
-Internet, Cable and Phone Service
Key Contact Information
-Insurance Claims
What Insurance Covers, Preparing to File Claims
For additional resources on Hurricane Sandy, visit my website here.
Yours in Service,
Congressman J. Randy Forbes
"What a great day to be an American, what a great day to be a Virginian, and what a great day to be in Charlottesville/Albemarle County campaigning for Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan.
"We are on the eve of an election, and we stand in the shadow of one of our great founders, Thomas Jefferson, who gave us the Declaration of Independence, who set forth on that paper, and set forth on this continent, the promise of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And because of the founding generation, and because of every generation since that time – for those who have pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor – this election is so important. This election is about those promises. This election is for every generation who has given its last measure for the promise of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It is for ourselves, but more important, it is for our children and our grandchildren.
"It is a great honor to represent Central Virginia in the United States Congress. It is a great honor indeed to be with you all here tonight. I want to thank Bill and Scheline Crutchfield and all of the employees who have opened up this place tonight. Thank you Bill and Scheline. You know, Bill's story is the story of the American Dream. This is a man who started his business in his mother's basement. These are the stories of America, these are the stories that we love. These are the stories of Henry Ford; these are the stories of Thomas Edison; these are the stories of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. And it is that perfect marriage between a representative democratic government and a free market that makes it possible, and that's what this election is all about – that's what this election is all about, is recognizing that each and every one of us have an opportunity to do whatever we want to in this life. And that's what this election is about friends. I want to thank each and every one of you for being here. I want to thank each and every one of you for what you have done and what you will do to make this election a success
"Let's go back to 2010 and remember what happened when we sent the message to Nancy Pelosi that we don't want any more Obamacare; we do not want any more cap and trade, and we don't want any more stimulus spending.
"That is the message we sent in 2010. And now is our time to send the message – because Nancy Pelosi got the message, but you know who didn't get it? Harry Reid didn't get that message, and that's why we need George Allen. And the President of the United States didn't get that message – he doubled down on his record of failure. And friends we need a new voice in Washington. I am proud to be here with the real deal friends – my friend Paul Ryan. Let's thank his wife, Janna. Let's thank his children, Liza, Charlie, and Sam for being willing to do what it takes to get our country back on track. It is a great honor to be able to present to you the next Vice President of the United States, our friend, Paul Ryan."
Saturday, October 27, 2012 Tune into Livestream to watch the top high school students in the country compete for $35,000 in scholarship funds. On Saturday, October 27th, the Walter and Leonore Annenberg Presidential Learning Center will host the National Championship of The Ronald Reagan Great Communicator Debate Series. Eight outstanding high school students from across the country have won their Regional Championships, and been invited to compete for the National Championship under the wings of Air Force One. The topic for this final debate is designed to align with the 2012 Election, and to provide an opportunity for high school students to prepare themselves for the rigors of engaged and informed citizenship. As part of the National Championship festivities, former Los Angeles Mayor, Richard Riordan, will serve as our final round judge and share his insights on the importance of civic education as part of a discussion following the final round. Watch it here from your home, classroom or office via Livestream. |
Tagg Romney rallies support in Danville
By Tiffany Holland
October 24, 2012
Richmond Times-Dispatch Urges 5th District Voters To Pick Robert Hurt On November 6th
House of Representatives: Endorsements
By Richmond Times-Dispatch Editorial Staff
October 25, 2012
"The terrorism indictment announced today - the first under the District's ten-year-old anti-terrorism statute -- makes clear that acts of violence designed to intimidate and silence those who support natural marriage and traditional morality violate the law and undermine the security and stability of our form of government.
"We again call on organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center to stop its reckless practice of labeling organizations that oppose their promotion of homosexuality. The SPLC's 'hate' labeling of Christian organizations is fostering a dangerous and deadly environment of hostility and it needs to stop.
"The Family Research Council and our supporters understand the essential nature of our First Freedoms of religion and speech in the survival of our constitutional republic and remain unequivocally committed to our mission of advancing faith, family and freedom," concluded Perkins.
CHATHAM, VA – Robert Hurt (R-VA) will introduce Vice Presidential Nominee Paul Ryan and receive endorsements from local businesses in Madison and Charlottesville tomorrow, October 25th, 2012.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
1:00 p.m.
Robert Hurt To Receive Endorsement From Madison Wood Preservers (MWP)
216 Oak Park Road
Madison, VA
6:00 p.m.
Robert Hurt To Introduce Paul Ryan, Receive Endorsement From Crutchfield Electronics
1 Crutchfield Park
Charlottesville, VA
"By the way, the word democracy appears in none of our founding documents.
"The Founders of our nation recognized that we need government, but because the essence of government is force, and force is evil, government should be as small as possible. The Founders intended for us to have a limited republican form of government where human rights precede government and there is rule of law. Citizens, as well as government officials, are accountable to the same laws. Government intervenes in civil society only to protect its citizens against force and fraud, but does not intervene in the cases of peaceable, voluntary exchange."
Walter Williams
We Believe . . .
That the free enterprise system is the most productive supplier of human needs and economic justice
That all individuals are entitled to equal rights, justice, and opportunities and should assume their responsibilities as citizens in a free society
That fiscal responsibility and budgetary restraints must be exercised at all levels of government
That the Federal Government must preserve individual liberty by observing constitutional limitations
That peace is best preserved through a strong national defense
That faith in God, as recognized by our Founding Fathers, is essential to the moral fiber of the Nation