Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Sunday, February 23, 2020
UVA CRs Updates, Upcoming Events
Good afternoon,
The semester is now in full swing and we've been hard at work promoting conservatism on Grounds. There's been a ton of great events and plenty more planned for the near future!
Updates: CRs Host Delegate Joe McNamara
Last week, we hosted Delegate Joe McNamara. He's a UVA alumni, a small business owner, and the only certified public accountant in the General Assembly. McNamara spoke to us about the current legislative session and described just how rapidly things have changed in Richmond during his relatively short time there.
He answered a range of questions, informed us of ways that we can get involved to counter the radical initiatives being championed by the Democrats, and left everyone in attendance fired up and motivated to take back the House in 2021!
Fundraiser with Delegate Nick Freitas
On Thursday, a group of CRs attended a fundraiser for Delegate Nick Freitas, who is currently running for the Republican nomination in Virginia's seventh congressional district. Freitas explained the origins of his political philosophy, described what it's going to take to win back VA-07, and provided tips on how Republicans can put forth a winning message.
After his speech, he took the time to speak with our group and answer all the questions we had. Special thanks to Pete Snyder for inviting us!
Denver Riggleman
Congressman Riggleman's re-election campaign has recruited a number of UVA CRs to assist his campaign efforts.
They've been hard at work attending events, making phone calls, and registering delegates for the upcoming fifth district convention. Needless to say, we're very proud of their great efforts!
Upcoming Events:
The time for CPAC has finally arrived! Twenty-five students (our most yet) have signed up to attend CPAC this year, so we'll be heading up to the National Harbor for the event this Thursday. Attendees will have the chance to hear from a range of key figures in the conservative movement, including Congressman Dan Crenshaw, Senator Ted Cruz, Vice President Mike Pence, and many more (including President Trump most likely)!
CRs Host Colonel Daniel Moy
On Thursday, March 5th, we'll be hosting Colonel Dan Moy. Dan has an extensive military career, is a graduate of Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, and has been a consistent friend of UVA CRs. He'll be speaking to us about the importance of public service and being involved in politics at a young age.
If you'd like to attend this event, it'll be held in Monroe Hall, room 124, at 7PM. Parking is available for $1/hour in the parking garage at the UVA bookstore (just a two minute walk from Monroe). We hope you'll join us!
That's all we have for you now. Thank you for your continued support of UVA CRs!
If you would like to donate to support our efforts to grow our conservative community, you can do so by clicking the following link or by mailing cash or a check payable to "The College Republicans at the University of Virginia" to 304 14th St. NW #25, Charlottesville, VA 22903.
Stay right,
The 2019-20 Executive Board
Matthew Nalls, President
Cameron Cox, Vice President of Campaigns and Advocacy
Riley Creamer, Vice President of Operations
Chris Tomlin, Secretary
Matt Ryan, Treasurer
Devan Coombes, Director of Communications and Recruitment
Chloe Sparwath, Outreach CoordinatorWednesday, February 19, 2020
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Tuesday, February 18th: MCRW Meeting UPDATE
Virginia Republican candidates Chuck Smith, Michael Schoelwer & Peter Greenwald, are all attending the Madison Virginia Republican Women's monthly meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 18th at 6:30 pm. at the Madison Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall.

Guest Speaker Chuck Smith, candidate for Attorney General in 2021, is a former Marine and a 20+ year's Navy Jag. Commander Chuck Smith is recognized as a proven leader and was previously a candidate for RPV chair and also for Attorney General in 2017. Chuck is the MCRW Feb. guest speaker which certainly promises to be a pro President Trump outline in regards of standing with the President while bringing back true republican principles and values to the office of AG in the Commonwealth. Like President Trump, Chuck Smith will be your voice defending real truth while embracing the Constitution as written. Chuck has been a guest speaker previously with the MCRW.

Michael Schoelwer a retired U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Lieutenant Colonel and retired CIA officer is a candidate for RPV Chair in 2020 who will make an appearance for the first time with the Madison Virginia Republican Women as a visitor and prepared candidate. Michael has made a career of defending American values and is an avid supporter of President Trump and like the President, is faith driven. "I am running because I am fed-up with watching Republican candidates lose in the Commonwealth of Virginia" As a unit chair, Michael is always with the founding fathers intent. Michael believes the RPV must re-connect with its voters and start winning elections again.

Navy Commander Peter Greenwald 2020 candidate for congress is currently a 10 year educator of Post Millennial Patriots at James River High School in Midlothian Va. and served 25 years in the navy. Pete ran for congress in the primary during 2014 alongside Dave Brat against Congressman Cantor. Pete then left the race to join forces with Dave to defeat Cantor. In 2020 Pete stands side by side with President Trump's policies and vision for this Republic. Pete is pro life, pro gun and his word is his bond with God and the citizens of the Commonwealth and in preserving this sovereign republic for every American. He cannot be lobbied or persuaded away from his beliefs and principles. Pete has also previously been a MCRW guest speaker.
The menu features Ham with great sides and desserts by MCRW members. Dinner: $8. Everyone is invited to attend this informative meeting. Location: Madison Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall, 1236 Fishback Road, Rt. 722 at the north traffic light. For more information, please call (540) 923-4109.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Coming up Tuesday in Charlottesville | AFP Presentation on Impact of Big Labor Unions
Americans for Prosperity Presentation:
Making the Case for Right to Work in Virginia
Tuesday, February 18th 6:30-8:15pm
Charlottesville AFP Office
375 Greenbrier Drive, C'ville
Virginia's Right to Work laws have served our economy well since 1947. And, that's why it's important to know why we need to keep big labor unions like the AFL-CIO, Teamsters, and SEIU, from impacting our jobs, our municipalities, and our taxes.
Please join us for an educational presentation about the benefits of Right to Work coming up Tuesday, February 18that our Charlottesville AFP office. Our speaker from Grassroots Leadership Academy will discuss the how Right to Work is right for Virginia's economy, business community and taxpayers.
Complimentary dinner provided to all attendees at 6:30pm.
Sign-up for our presentation! Register with Flint Engleman @ FEngleman@afphq.org or call/text (540)226-4591.
Friday, February 14, 2020
Public Corruption
Bloomberg Privately Funds Attorneys in State AG Offices While Running for President
Jessica R. Towhey
Inside Sources, 13 February
"Bloomberg's billions aren't just buying ads. In at least two Super Tuesday states, his money funds private lawyers working inside attorneys general offices, advancing his political agenda on the environment."
Left-wing Hate,
February 14, 2020
By Gary Bauer
Last weekend a deranged leftist tried to run down conservatives in Jacksonville, Florida.
The same day, a liberal vandalized the GOP headquarters in Eureka, California, and attempted to burn it down.
On Monday, a retired New York police officer celebrating his 50th birthday was punched in the face by a crazed progressive who assumed he was a conservative because he was wearing a red hat.
In New Hampshire Tuesday, a bitter leftist assaulted a teenaged boy in a MAGA hat and then broke the jaw of another man who intervened.
On Thursday, an angry liberal threatened a group of conservatives with a cane sword, and, of course, that happened in Florida.
Sadly, such outbursts of left-wing hate and intolerance are happening all the time all over the country, like the Jewish man who was called Nazi by a loony leftist.
Now, if there were five attacks against liberals in the past week, I guarantee you the media would be connecting THOSE dots. There would be bold headlines on every front page and breathless reports on every nightly news broadcast. They would all be condemning Rush Limbaugh and his listeners.
Yet when the violence comes from the left, there's none of that. Political violence of any kind is unacceptable, and media's double standard is disgusting.
CCRC: Tina Ramirez here tomorrow at 10:30 am
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Quote of the Day
"The "free press" is not very free. In fact, it more closely resembles a drug cartel and its syndicates. 6 corporate conglomerates (CBS, Disney, GE, Newscorp, Time Warner, and Viacom) control 90% of American media. These billion-dollar enterprises publish content for nearly 300 million Americans daily."
Robert Morton
Free Press Foundation
EMET Responds to the UN Anti-Israel Blacklist
Today, the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, compiled a black list of 112 companies that are located in East Jerusalem, Judea and Sameria, and the Golan Heights, as well as businesses outside of Israel that have ties to Israel, which the UN feels should be "boycotted" to oppose Israel's presence over the "Green Line".
The intent of this list is to support the Palestinians who have refused to sit down and negotiate directly with the Israelis and who have refused to participate with the Trump administration when they had approached the Palestinians directly for input concerning the peace plan. This is a way to circumvent direct negotiations and to undermine the administration's peace proposal. What the Palestinians have attempted to do for decades now is to keep the conflict alive and avoid coming to a resolution of the conflict. To further these evasive maneuvers, the Palestinians have taken their case to the international community, using forums such as the United Nations, in order to avoid the painstaking process of making negotiations
Blacklisting companies is a heinous act and is a particularly sensitive concept for the Jewish people. It recalls the beginning of the rise of Nazism in Europe, when Jewish shops and businesses were boycotted as the early indicators of more menacing measures to come.
Says Sarah Stern, Founder and President of EMET, "The release of this blacklist today by the United Nations indicates once again that the Palestinians and their enablers at the United Nations are not actually interested in making peace, but are using the U.N. and other international bodies to circumvent peace-making and to keep the conflict alive. Going to the United Nations to bash Israel will not bring peace between the Israelis and Palestinians. There is only one way to do this, and that is through direct face-to-face negotiations."
AFP Right to Work Presentation | Feb 18th in Charlottesville
Americans for Prosperity is on the front lines of keeping big labor from coming into Virginia through the General Assembly. We are strong advocates for protecting the Right to Work for Virginia workers and halting Union mandates on employers and municipalities.
Join us for an educational presentation about the benefits of Right to Work coming up this Tuesday, February 18that our Charlottesville AFP office. Our speaker from Grassroots Leadership Academy will discuss the how Right to Work is right for Virginia's economy, business community and taxpayers.
Americans for Prosperity Presentation:
Making the Case for Right to Work in Virginia
Tuesday, February 18th 6:30-8:15pm
Charlottesville AFP Office
375 Greenbrier Drive, C'ville
Plus, we'll have a complimentary dinner meal for all attendees beginning at 6:30pm Tuesday.
Sign-up for our presentation! Register with Flint Engleman @ FEngleman@afphq.org or call/text (540)226-4591.
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Quote of the Day
Bill Federer
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Tuesday, February 11, 2020
FRC's Patrina Mosley Testifies Before Senate Judiciary Committee on the 'Born Alive Abortion Survivo
February 11, 2020
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, Family Research Council's Patrina Mosley, Director of Life, Culture, and Women's Advocacy, testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. She offered testimony on "The Infant Patient: Ensuring Appropriate Medical Care for Children Born Alive."
In her testimony, Mosley said, "In 2002, Congress did pass the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act... but a law is often only as good as its enforcement mechanisms." She said the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act is needed because it would require "that practitioners must exercise professional skill, care, and diligence to preserve the life of infants who survive abortion... and legal penalties for abortionists who do not comply."
"So, the dreaded question becomes, what actually happens to a child born alive after a failed abortion attempt? Are they administered medical care or does infanticide take place, which is the act of killing of a newborn child?" continued Mosley.
Mosley cited CDC statistics which recorded at least 143 infants between 2003-2014 who died after an abortion procedure, without any federal prosecution because there is no federal statute to provide for one.
She also pointed out that 34 states have enacted additional protections for born alive abortion survivors, indicating that the federal law is not enough. However, only 15 states have the same strong protections that are reflected in the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.
Mosley reminded the committee of remarks made last year by Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, who suggested that a mother and doctor could have a "discussion" about whether or not a born-alive abortion survivor would survive.
"So, whether a newborn gets the chance to live or not is a matter for 'discussion,' while precious moments slip by as the infant is fighting for her life on the delivery table. At this point, we are no longer talking about abortion or a woman's body. We are talking about a child who has clearly become the patient," insisted Mosley.
Mosley concluded by refuting the claim that there are no born-alive abortion survivors by highlighting the stories of Gianna Jessen and Melissa Ohden, who survived abortions, and three babies who were born as early as 21-23 weeks and are "thriving today" because they were given care.
To read Mosley's full testimony, please click here.
Monday, February 10, 2020
Feb. 18th: Chuck Smith to speak at MCRW
Chuck Smith, candidate for the Republican nomination for Attorney General, will be the Guest Speaker at the Tuesday, February 18th Madison County Republican Women's meeting, 6:30-8:30 PM.
The menu features Ham with great sides and desserts by MCRW members. Dinner: $8. Everyone is invited to attend this informative meeting. Location: Madison Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall, 1236 Fishback Road, Rt. 722 at the north traffic light. For more information, please call (540) 923-4109.
Daniel Gade for Senate
By Kim Smith
In today's political climate, having outstanding GOP candidates for office is of critical importance if we are to reverse the climate that seeks to destroy our country, our freedoms, and our way of life.
We were "introduced" to Dan Gade when a surrogate asked if he could represent him at our Republican Committee meeting. To our surprise, we knew him, liked him and had met him in a number of other venues – and he piqued our interest about Dr. Gade in a major way.
What do you think about when you're considering supporting a candidate? My criteria, for instance, includes integrity, intelligence, and honor, to which I add knowledge of the political process, leadership, conservative, well-articulated values, and rock solid belief in the oath of office. Then I add responsiveness and good communication skills. Being greedy, I also add courage and inner-strength and have a great respect for those who have served in the US military.
Daniel Gade appears to be the real deal, the complete package.
On his website (www.gadeforvirginia.com), there was a lot of really good information. A graduate of West Point, he served in Korea and a number of places in the United States. While company commander in Ramadi, Iraq, (Operation Iraqi Freedom), a roadside bomb resulted in his right leg being amputated, his third injury (Legion of Merit, two Purple Hearts, Bronze Star).
This was obviously life changing but didn't change his resolve. After recovering from his 40 surgeries (not retiring from the Army until 2017), he went on to earn a Master of Public Administration and then a PhD in Public Administration and Policy. Other than raising his three children with his wife of 20 years, Wendy, he also has served in the Bush Administration on veteran and medical issues and has served on the National Council on Disability and the VA Advisory Committee on Disability Compensation. He declined President Trump's nomination to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in order to run for office. (He was National Field Director for President Trump in 2016.)
He's also an educator – having taught at West Point (political science, economics and leadership) and now is a professor at American University in Washington, D.C.
For fun, he mountain and road bikes, competed in the Ironman 70.3 World Championships (2010 - won the paratriathlon category – world champion), and in Ironman Arizona – 112 miles.
Dan's goals, according to his brochure, are preserving the 2nd amendment, defending life, improving our economy, for our veterans, and securing our border. That was great, but I wanted more information, so I e-mailed his campaign a few more questions. To my surprise, I heard from the candidate himself (see section on responsiveness!). His answers, quoted totally from his response, should tell you what type of person Dan Gade really is.
On my question on abortion/right to life: I am 100% pro-life, and even spoke at the Virginia portion of the March for Life this last Friday. We can get you the video if you e-mail david@gadeforvirginia.com. I can happily defend the pro-life position. I believe in a personhood amendment to the Constitution, and in ending Federal funding for abortion providers domestically and overseas.
On the 2nd amendment, where I mentioned the high level of interest: They should be fired up! This movement is about the role of government in our lives, not about guns themselves. Every person has an inherent right to self-defense, and the 2nd Amendment protects that. Mark Warner is an ally of the gun-grabbers, and would certainly vote for the so-called "Assault weapons ban".
On religious freedom: Religious freedom should be absolute. That means not just freedom of WORSHIP, but freedom to practice your religion for 168 hours a week. You should be free to associate or not associate with people based on your religion if you so choose. I support the RFRA, and oppose health care mandates that force people to violate their conscience.
On the Constitution: The Constitution is the most beautiful work of the hand of man. I am a huge fan of the 10th Amendment, and believe that MANY functions of the government should be pushed to "states or to the people". The Federal Government is too big and overreaching, and needs a serious trimming. For instance, I support elimination of the Department of Education- education is a state, local, and family responsibility.
The Electoral College protects small states from the tyranny of large states. The so-called National Popular Vote compact puts Virginia at the mercy of California and New York, and is a disaster for our state and way of life. Anyone who believes that it's a good idea has clearly not read the Federalist papers.
On border security and immigration reform: I am for border security- a country without a secure border is a LOCATION not a NATION. Every other immigration solution depends on that precondition.
1) Secure the border.
2) Decide how much low-skill immigration we need to supply industries with low skill labor (US has around 6 million unfilled jobs)
3) Decide how much high-skill immigration we need to fuel high-skill industries.
4) Automatic citizenship for an honorable term of enlistment in the US military.
On Right-to-Work laws: I am for national right to work. Mandatory Union Membership is a violation of freedom of association and freedom of speech.
On tax reform: Flatter taxes are better; it will be a process to get there.
On the consequences of socialism: Disaster. Every place socialism is tried, it leads to shortages and eventually to communism (which, in turn, leads to piles of burning bodies in the streets).
Therein ended my questions. The most important to me went unasked because it's the theme of his campaign: SAME OATH, NEW MISSION.
The current incumbent is the odds-on favorite to win because of name recognition and the advantage of incumbency. However, you've all heard the story of David and Goliath. This seat is winnable if we all help. Go to his website, and if you like him as much as I, donate to show breadth and depth of support. Gade for Virginia, 7330 Staples Mill Road, #100, Richmond, VA 23228.
Senior campaign advisor (Trump 2016), Stuart Jolly: "The voters in Virginia want and deserve a principled leader to be their next U.S. Senator… He is a faithful warrior who served and sacrificed for our country for over 20 years, and voters will be able to trust him when they send him to the Senate."
And his parents must have known what kind of man he'd grow to be. They gave him the middle name "MacArthur".