Monday, May 18, 2020
Leftist Logic
Friday, May 15, 2020
A Pandemic of Socialist Tyrants
The Fight to Keep America Great
By Ponch K. McPhee
Though the socialist party of America was born of the democratic socialists over 100 years ago, around 1900 along with the socialist labor party joined or bonded with it, over the last three decades they have morphed into a radical example of foreign influences more than ever before. Unfortunately this "invisible virus" the world is fighting, is also being used politically so that many radical socialists can obtain and create disruptive interaction with their use of the media or online advertising for chaotic malice upon our American sovereign Republic. It is quite an astonishing undertaking to battle both this "invisible enemy" and continue to fight the amped up negative exploitation of our American capitalist system by these new foreign-influenced radical socialists while the President and real patriots battle to keep America great.
Yes, we are fighting this often deadly and frightening pandemic inflicted upon us all across the globe, but we here in America who support America, fight for America and Pray for America, continue to be assaulted also by this radical socialist pandemic which is out to destroy American principles, values and faith-driven Christian beliefs. Tyranny always must be exposed to retain this free republic. It doesn't matter what rights are being infringed upon. It matters that it is occurring at all. Every right we believe is given us by God. We are independent and molded from the founding fathers' self-governing ideals of demanding our rights provided through divine providence. There is no gray area for insisting on our sovereignty because we believe in this system of government, for and by the people, as its controlling voice over the government. Numerous individuals scheme and plan ways to destroy this great nation as we fight on many fronts to retain our rights. I am with a positive, assured feeling that our justice department is led by the honorable William Barr and that he will insist on our religious liberties and oversee close watch on all government regulations that might infringe on our Declaration of Independence & rights before God. Yes, William Barr is at the helm and Mr. Durham is in the saddle riding and driving with real truth in his clutch to bring justice for the American people and our Republic's infinite preservation of our God given rights. The absurd has gone beyond maddening by the socialist radical left during this difficult time. The state leadership in many states has gone practically insane with preventing this and stopping that. The elected extremists ban this and they attack that from the left coast to the east coast using any opportunity to darken hope.
We have long since historically gone beyond the industrial revolution. We are instead right in the middle of the hi-tech revolution of the late 20th century and early 21st century. The game board of our capitalist system has changed and continues to change rapidly. However, the majority of America still has no desire to be ruled by a king, tyrant or a dictatorship. We must continue to move forward focused on the great success and prayer of electing President Donald J. Trump for a second term. We must further expose this pandemic of often stateside radical socialists who have morphed or joined into a diabolical, desperate party of middle-eastern swayed communistic party swindlers who just want to destroy the founding fathers' intent at any cost or loss. I encourage you to read your Declaration of Independence every chance you get. I encourage you to understand the words, vision and quotes of the founding fathers. Most of all, I encourage you to retain your faith and read your bible every second that you can make available which will amp up your courage, your strength, and your ability to see real truth in order to defeat the hate and tyrants of the world through focused faith, even right here in our own backyards and in our own cities and towns.
Yes, the pandemic known as the " invisible enemy " is real, and we must fight it, defeat it and move on with our independent lives. The pandemic known and recognized as a radical extremist socialist party, determined to undermine and take advantage of any hysteria and stick pins in it to make it worse, is very real, and vile. Through discipline of vast prayer we must battle it -- with spoken word, votes and real truth. We must re-elect President Trump for four more years and with additional great prayer, win back the House of Representatives to keep America great! The attempted coup against President Trump has been exposed now more than ever with what the leftists did to Mr. Flynn. It appears many former administration officials and numerous others in the headlines are in a great deal of trouble. God protect President Trump, General Flynn and God save the Republic!
A Pandemic of Socialist Tyrants
The Fight to Keep America Great!
By Ponch K. McPhee
Though the socialist party of America was born of the democratic socialists over 100 years ago, around 1900 along with the socialist labor party joined or bonded with it, over the last three decades they have morphed into a radical example of foreign influences more than ever before. Unfortunately this "invisible virus" the world is fighting, is also being used politically so that many radical socialists can obtain and create disruptive interaction with their use of the media or online advertising for chaotic malice upon our American sovereign Republic. It is quite an astonishing undertaking to battle both this "invisible enemy" and continue to fight the amped up negative exploitation of our American capitalist system by these new foreign-influenced radical socialists while the President and real patriots battle to keep America great.
Yes, we are fighting this often deadly and frightening pandemic inflicted upon us all across the globe, but we here in America who support America, fight for America and Pray for America, continue to be assaulted also by this radical socialist pandemic which is out to destroy American principles, values and faith-driven Christian beliefs. Tyranny always must be exposed to retain this free republic. It doesn't matter what rights are being infringed upon. It matters that it is occurring at all. Every right we believe is given us by God. We are independent and molded from the founding fathers' self-governing ideals of demanding our rights provided through divine providence. There is no gray area for insisting on our sovereignty because we believe in this system of government, for and by the people, as its controlling voice over the government. Numerous individuals scheme and plan ways to destroy this great nation as we fight on many fronts to retain our rights. I am with a positive, assured feeling that our justice department is led by the honorable William Barr and that he will insist on our religious liberties and oversee close watch on all government regulations that might infringe on our Declaration of Independence & rights before God. Yes, William Barr is at the helm and Mr. Durham is in the saddle riding and driving with real truth in his clutch to bring justice for the American people and our Republic's infinite preservation of our God given rights. The absurd has gone beyond maddening by the socialist radical left during this difficult time. The state leadership in many states has gone practically insane with preventing this and stopping that. The elected extremists ban this and they attack that from the left coast to the east coast using any opportunity to darken hope.
We have long since historically gone beyond the industrial revolution. We are instead right in the middle of the hi-tech revolution of the late 20th century and early 21st century. The game board of our capitalist system has changed and continues to change rapidly. However, the majority of America still has no desire to be ruled by a king, tyrant or a dictatorship. We must continue to move forward focused on the great success and prayer of electing President Donald J. Trump for a second term. We must further expose this pandemic of often stateside radical socialists who have morphed or joined into a diabolical, desperate party of middle-eastern swayed communistic party swindlers who just want to destroy the founding fathers' intent at any cost or loss. I encourage you to read your Declaration of Independence every chance you get. I encourage you to understand the words, vision and quotes of the founding fathers. Most of all, I encourage you to retain your faith and read your bible every second that you can make available which will amp up your courage, your strength, and your ability to see real truth in order to defeat the hate and tyrants of the world through focused faith, even right here in our own backyards and in our own cities and towns.
Yes, the pandemic known as the " invisible enemy " is real, and we must fight it, defeat it and move on with our independent lives. The pandemic known and recognized as a radical extremist socialist party, determined to undermine and take advantage of any hysteria and stick pins in it to make it worse, is very real, and vile. Through discipline of vast prayer we must battle it -- with spoken word, votes and real truth. We must re-elect President Trump for four more years and with additional great prayer, win back the House of Representatives to keep America great! The attempted coup against President Trump has been exposed now more than ever with what the leftists did to Mr. Flynn. It appears many former administration officials and numerous others in the headlines are in a great deal of trouble. God protect President Trump, General Flynn and God save the Republic!
The Genius of President Trump
Drain The Swamp!
By Ponch K. McPhee
The Declaration was declared to the king in 1776 ~ here we are in 2020 ~ a generation x 3 or 4, fighting and praying for real truth and liberty. We have to restore our freedom and independence to gather and rally in Virginia. You can feel assured that change is coming and you will make that change by getting involved. Encourage friends and family to support re-opening the corridors of commerce in the commonwealth. The liberal left is doing everything they can to keep Virginia citizenry from getting out and being involved. Write or call your Governor in every state, your Representative and your State Senator. Speak out to local committees and political groups and make it known that if they are not applauding the President or mentioning him by name, then they are out of line and off base. The most important action you need to take is to wake up every citizen who is within reach of your voice or written word, and explain to them common sense and the need to support President Donald J. Trump at once. President Trump is the genius Commander in Chief. He is (and remains) the stop gate against tyranny who is draining the swamp. You can do many things to aid President Trump. Participate online with political forums (there are thousands available) Get involved by contacting delegates for candidates. Speak out against individuals who say they are Republicans but are something completely different. Contact the RPV and likewise in other states. Reach out to members of the state central committee. Become a member of political committees as an associate member (once gatherings are under way again).
Show the President you support his re-election by contacting or liking him on Twitter or even his congressional and senate support on Twitter. Push back professionally against the lies and deceit amongst the numerous websites across the internet (which is infinite). Again, we are 3-4 generations of Americans fighting the good fight to preserve this republic! Don't give up and never say it's over. Keep your faith in Jesus and do your homework on not only candidates, but also who is speaking up for President Trump. Who is not speaking well of the President and what he believes in? Find out who they are and call them out. He or she, who doesn't support President Donald Trump completely in every way, doesn't understand this faith driven republic! (IMHO) These sorts are just Not on my team (with all due respect) because I am with the likes of Jefferson, Madison, Adams, Paine, Trump, Nunes, Jordan, Barr, Durham & Patrick Henry (just to name a few). So, stay positive, keep the prayers going strong and remember to speak out and support President Trump! President Donald J. Trump is the genius Commander in Chief who stepped up and fought off the hoax and continues to drain the swamp. This incredible movement was brought forth because of who he is. We are not a democracy but a sovereign Republic!
To be very specific ~ the commonwealth's Republican identity (like many other states) has been under attack for quite some time and not just from the radical socialists. We, the citizens of Virginia in particular, who vote Republican have been pan handled by so-called conservative versions of republicanism and it has been cradled via like-minded, so-called conservatives who believe as they do, for a long while. This fake stuff has got to stop. If you are confused of your status as a Republican, you can clear it up easily. Show other true Republicans that you unconditionally support and applaud President Trump and will always do so from this point forward. Keep America great and drain the swamp completely. God save the Republic and President Trump! Please get involved and re-elect the President and pro-Trump candidates ~ Amen!
Socialism and Charitable Giving
By Kim Smith
The United States has always been known as a giving country – of time, resources and money – lots of it – to those less fortunate. Perhaps it's in our DNA – our Judeo-Christian heritage and our pioneer heritage that demanded innovations, and our fight to the death for liberty.
What, though, would US generosity look like under a socialist government? After all, about 50% of the millennials are receptive to living under socialism – and they are someday in the not-too-distant future going to be a political force and in positions of leadership.
Let's first look at what socialism does to a country:
1) It kills economic growth, gradually slowing economies to the point where not enough tax revenue can be produced to sustain them (see killed Soviet Union, dying Greece, nearly dead Venezuela, and US and Western Europe on a slippery slope). It goes against economic law.
2) It stifles free speech, where conservative speakers are disrupted (US), speech "codes" make conservative arguments illegal (Canada), where speaking against the government brings the risk of imprisonment (China, USSR) because it requires "protection, propaganda, intimidation and darkness to survive". It replaces education with indoctrination.3) It leads to increasingly tyrannical government because it cannot survive if people can choose the government they want. Government becomes increasingly centralized and bureaucratized, distant from the people, more menacing.
4) It creates strife and division, turning people against one another. A "victim" class is created and those who won't be controlled are vilified.
5) The ends justify the means – and the rules are different for different groups. Due process dies, the rule of law (applied equally) dies, and gulags are created.
6) People die: an estimated 100 million in the 20th century. (China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela, Angola, etc.)
7) It destroys the inner person. It removes the incentive for hard work. It allows, and perhaps encourages, the "blame game" instead of assuming personal responsibility.
8) Perhaps the biggest, socialism has created war on faith, a linchpin in the creation of our nation. The need to help one's neighbor, to give to those in need, to lend a helping hand.
For non-profits (501(c)(3)s) (as opposed to private charity and the other 19 classifications), the fact is that today, nearly 1 in every 10 jobs is in the non-profit sector and not-for-profits are now equal to manufacturing. (Jobs by percentage: 55% health services; 16% education; 12% social assistance; 7% grants, religious, civic, professional, environmental; 3% arts and recreation; 6% other). They paid $425 billion in wages (2003). – which increased by over 37% between then and 2013 ($634 billion). This does not include the value of volunteer hours – estimated as contributing $167 billion to $184 billion to the economy in 2018.
How does America stack up in comparison to other giving countries? Most, but not all, list the most generous in the following order: the United States, New Zealand, Canada, the United Kingdom, South Korea, Singapore, India, Russia (where 50% of the people now identify as Christians) and the Netherlands.
Politicians in the US who are pushing the "democratic socialism" mantra often refer to the Scandinavian countries - Norway (#14), Denmark (20), Finland (24) and Sweden (25), yet their own leaders indicate a different story. Said one : "Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy"; it's a "successful market economy with much freedom to pursue your dreams…" (Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen). Sweden fell into an economic abyss in the 1990's and reversed course by "deregulating, freeing trade, cutting taxes, …issuing school vouchers". All need the "economic engine" of the United States to survive and provide the benefits they do.
The socialist/communist countries are at the bottom of the Charities Aid Foundation list – with China (#140) being dead last and the majority of the former Soviet Union being in the bottom 20 of generosity.
There was one surprise – Myanmar – a known totalitarian state which ranked on that list as #1 (with the US at #2). Wondering if this was a politically motivated list, the conclusion is "no". (Charitable Aid Foundation) What makes Myanmar such a generous country is its FAITH. Instead of the Christianity that motivates so many of the top countries, in this case, it's Buddhism, but again, faith. There is a belief that generosity in this life will lead to profound benefits in the next, that wholesome actions (kusala) is a reward in itself.
Imagine a socialist United States where so much has to be changed by definition – and above all, a world without faith. Feeding the poor, cuddling a kitten, comforting a dying stranger, mentoring a child, serving a wounded veteran and so much more would be lost to our spirits.
As a friend observed after showing military personnel from many different countries how we do things in America, none of the other nations had charitable giving and support that even remotely measured up to ours. And Winston Churchill remarked: While capitalism might share blessings unequally, "the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries".
Several articles worth reading – that provided information for this article – are "These are the most telling failures of Socialism" (Heritage); "Socialism Now, Socialism Tomorrow, Socialism Forever – The Ruin of Nations" (; and "How Socialism Rots the Soul, the Culture and the Country" (The Revolutionary (None of these focus on private giving – neighbor helping neighbor, family helping family – but other articles do focus on our own governments regulations and restrictions to such actions.)