Monday, September 16, 2024

Gary Bauer: Hatred of Trump Inspires Assassins, The New Normal Is Deranged

It's barely 24 hours after another assassination attempt against former President Trump, but this time, we are definitely not struggling to know what the shooter believes. His profile couldn't be clearer. Ryan Wesley Routh is a regular donor to Act Blue, a funding funnel to Democrats including Harris-Walz and to federal and state Democrat parties and candidates. 

Routh voted for Trump in 2016, but then he turned a 180 and dedicated himself to advancing the war in Ukraine – by trying to assemble a private, international army to fight for Kiev. He reportedly traveled to Ukraine. As recruiting for his private army started to peter out, he sought to attract fighters from Afghanistan to the front. All this activity brought him attention that, to say the least, is near impossible for a single citizen to garner. Both The New York Times and Newsweek interviewed him about his efforts to assemble a mercenary army for Ukraine. 

Is he a crazed loner? The investigation better be thorough. Many of his themes echo the main messages of today's Democrat nominees, who continue to call Trump a "threat to democracy." Routh's rhetoric tracks the language of Harris and Walz, and the relentless demagoguery of Biden before them. Worse has been the reaction since this latest shooting from other leading Democrats.

Alexander Vindman, a national security official who was a witness against Trump in his first impeachment trial, is running as a Democrat in a swing district in Virginia. Shortly after yesterday's attack, his wife Rachel put a mocking post on X, "No ears were harmed. Carry on with your Sunday afternoon." Challenged about the flippancy of her remark, Mrs. Vindman went on a tirade attacking Trump for going to Arlington National Cemetery, where he attended a wreath-laying ceremony at the request of families who lost a child in the Biden/Harris disastrous retreat from Afghanistan.

A witch's brew is now steaming before our eyes. The verbal explosions and lies about Trump went mainstream long ago and are escalating. His opponents continue to deploy rhetoric that exacerbates the threat environment – not just against Trump but the entire constituency of his MAGA movement. Pro-lifers, advocates of the Second Amendment, defenders of America First – all are scorned as beyond the pale and enemies of fundamental freedoms or public safety. This rhetoric increases the daily threat level to Trump. At the same time, the Biden/Harris administration refuses to take the security steps necessary to prevent Trump from being killed. 

The left is suggesting that Trump himself is bringing on these attacks. Really? An assassin came within an inch of taking the life of Ronald Reagan, who carried 49 states a few years later. An assassin killed JFK and Martin Luther King, and two assassins came close with Gerald Ford, hardly a figure of controversy. What kind of people use vicious political rhetoric against Trump and conservatives and then blame the victims of the violence for causing the violence?

The left would love it if the growing threats against Trump caused him to limit his campaigning, rallies and political boldness. Some of the more radical leftists will applaud if the next assassination attempt succeeds. 

The New Normal Is Deranged

Having been in Washington for half a century now, I've pretty much gotten used to the normal distortions and exaggerations of political debate. It's a quadrennial favorite to label the GOP the "party of the rich." Never mind the Democrats hyping endorsements by their billionaires' club and the world's only billionaire pop star. Never mind Donald Trump proposing tax cuts for hourly employees, restaurant staff, and Social Security recipients. Calling the GOP the party of the rich is as false as cotton candy, but par for the course. We expect it every four years.  

What isn't normal is the barrage of statements about Trump that are not only false but slanderous and that have been repeatedly debunked only to surface again as if no one questions them. Time and again, leading Democrats and their pundit pals tell us Trump was elected because of Vladimir Putin, that he is a Hitler wannabe (somehow ardently defending Israel's right to exist), a man pledged to be a dictator on day one of a new administration, a man who promised a bloodbath if he didn't get elected again, a voucher for the character of neo-Nazis in Charlottesville, a cynic who labeled America's war dead "suckers" and "losers." All of these charges and more are provably false, and most have been rebutted by sources that have little or no sympathy for Trump's actual policy positions on peace, energy policy, late-term abortion and other subjects that are the real fodder of political debate.

All appeals to these critics, many of them on the establishment left, continue to fall on deaf ears. If two assassination attempts, the latest by a man who had written publicly of his hope that Iran would assassinate Trump, don't succeed in persuading them to end their prattle about the death of democracy, what will?    

Miranda Devine at The New York Post has done the kind of against-the-headwinds journalism that, in normal times, would have garnered her a Pulitzer Prize. The Hunter Biden laptop was dismissed by nearly the entire national security nexus, but her gutty reporting proved to be 100% accurate.  Devine recounts how in the last week alone Harris called Trump responsible for "the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War" and running mate Tim Walz hit him as a "fascist" and a "threat to democracy" who will "put people's lives in danger." Devine asks the right question: "What will it take for these demented partisans to lower the temperature?"

Jordan Boyd over at The Federalist, a temperate conservative outlet, struck the same theme and pointed to even more examples of the major media's derangement. She cited NBC's Lester Holt, who in the hours just after yesterday's shooting segued from the attack and linked it to "fierce rhetoric" and "baseless claims" – from Trump and JD Vance! There is shamelessness and then there is depravity.  And this kind of willful blindness to the left's verbal outrages – a verbiage that can convince people like Ryan Wesley Routh that they will be hailed by millions of their fellow Americans as heroes and peacemakers – is nothing short of depraved.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Virginia, Your Voter Guide is Ready!

Virginia, Your Voter Guide is Ready

Before you cast your ballot in the Virginia General Election, make sure you know where the candidates stand on the issues most important to you. 


To get your personalized voter guide, enter your voting address on the home page at


Mark your calendar for Election Day!

Virginia Faith & Freedom Coalition




National Voter Registration Sunday

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Night of Prayer for the Election



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Election Day

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High Tech Prayer Breakfast

Institute for Energy Research

250 Ways the Biden-Harris Administration, and their Allies, Have Made it Harder to Produce Oil & Gas


President Biden and Democrats have a plan for American energy: make it harder to produce and more expensive to purchase. Since Mr. Biden took office, his administration and its allies have taken over 250 actions deliberately designed to make it harder to produce energy here in America. A list of those actions, which includes a few high-profile actions taken in states like New York and California, appears here and can be downloaded in a PDF below.
Download Here

IRLI Pursuing Springfield (OH) Police Records on Animal Abuse

Mass influx of Haitian migrants brings chaos to small community

WASHINGTON—The Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI) has initiated an investigation into the Springfield, Ohio, Police Division after numerous allegations from residents there about Haitian migrants committing acts of animal abuse.


Pursuant to the Ohio Open Records Law and submitted on behalf of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), IRLI sent a request to the Springfield police seeking all police reports, 911 calls, and recorded body-worn camera footage from any incident involving allegations of abuse or eating of cats, dogs, ducks or geese from and including March 1, 2024 through and including September 12, 2024.


Springfield has been the focus of national attention recently as the community of 60,000 has been overwhelmed over the last few years by more than 20,000 Haitian migrants who have been sent there by the federal government after being granted Temporary Protected Status.


At a town hall meeting in Springfield last month, local residents told city officials about alleged incidents of Haitian migrants engaged in reckless driving, harassing homeowners and, most notably, killing ducks, geese, cats, and other animals for the purpose of eating them.


The arrival of so many foreign nationals has become a safety threat to the community. In August 2023, a Haitian national driving without a license in Springfield caused a school bus to roll over, killing an 11-year-old boy and injuring 20 other children. Residents have also reported skyrocketing auto insurance premiums because of the number of traffic accidents involving Haitian migrants.


"This is what happens when the reckless mass migration policies of the Biden Administration are implemented," said Dale L. Wilcox, executive director and general counsel of IRLI. "The national media has been quick to dismiss charges of animal abuse by migrants in Springfield, but the preponderance of accounts by local residents is too great to ignore. Since the media has abandoned its watchdog responsibility over government, we will pursue the facts here that the people of Springfield and the American public at large deserve to know."  

INVITATION: Watch Derrick Anderson Take on Yevgeny Vindman at 2 Forums Next Week!

Watch Derrick Take on Yevgeny at 2 Forums!

Join Derrick Anderson on Monday, September 16th in Fredericksburg and Tuesday, September, 17th in Prince William County as he takes on Yevgeny Vindman in 2 candidate forums.

Yevgeny Vindman continues to dodge TV debates because he doesn't want to be held accountable for the lies about his military service.

The Fredericksburg forum will take place at the Fredericksburg Convention Center located at 2371 Carl D Silver Pkwy Fredericksburg, VA  22401 and will begin at 6:00 PM.

The Prince William County forum will take place at Metz Middle School located at

9950 Wellington Rd Manassas, VA 20110 and will begin at 6:30 PM

Sign up below to receive more details!

Reminder: Chief Ron Vitiello to Speak at MCRW Meeting on Tuesday