Friday, February 21, 2025

Immigration Reform Law Institute: IRLI Petitions Supreme Court to Save American Jobs

Shows DHS work authorizations for aliens are not permitted by law

WASHINGTON—Today, the Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI), on behalf of its client Save Jobs USA, an association of technology workers, petitioned the Supreme Court of the United States to review a case that challenges the authority of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to allow aliens to take half of the new jobs the American economy creates each year.


IRLI shows that DHS, like any agency, only has the authority to implement statutes passed by Congress, and that DHS is not implementing any statute here, but acting on its own alleged authority.


In this petition, the issue is whether DHS can allow the accompanying spouses of certain H1-B workers to work in the United States, even though the visa that allows them to be in the country does not imply that DHS can let them work.


It is basic to administrative law, IRLI shows, that agencies only have the authority to conform to or carry out some principle of action laid down by Congress in a statute. And an agency only conforms to a statute when it makes a regulation that the statute affirmatively allows the agency to make. Here, the definition of the operative visa enacted by Congress does not affirmatively allow DHS to let holders of that visa compete with Americans for jobs.


What's more, if this program is combined with numerous other work programs DHS has created without permission in any part of the Immigration and Nationality Act, it turns out that DHS, without any congressional authorization, is slating half of the new jobs our economy creates in an average year to aliens—with devastating effect on Americans, including long-term unemployed Americans.


"If the Supreme Court is serious about reining in the unconstitutional power of administrative agencies, it should take this case," said Dale L. Wilcox, executive director and general counsel of IRLI. "A simple, powerful principle has been ignored by DHS, and the Court must make it clear: when an agency regulates under a statute, it has to do so in a way that statute permits. And the practical ramifications here are enormous for Americans in need of new jobs. We hope the Court grants review of this hugely important case, and confines DHS to the limits set by Congress and the Constitution."


The case is Save Jobs USA v. DHS (U.S. Supreme Court)

Thomas D. Klingenstein: Safetyism Kills by Peachy Keenan

Safetyism Kills

By Peachy Keenan

Watching the meetings and town halls in Los Angeles featuring the nitwits in charge getting yelled at by enraged homeowners as the city burned was enlightening. Again and again, the ridiculous Mayor Karen Bass, an openly communist revolutionary, brought up a persistent theme: the cult of safety.

The term "safetyism" became popularized in The Coddling of the American Mind by Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt. It refers to the way modern society is overprotective and overbearing, the ultimate helicopter state, which has led to excessive and even destructive regulations that don't actually keep you safe, and which in fact may endanger you.

During President Trump's visit to Pacific Palisades and the round table meeting he held with California's worst supervillains, Karen Bass repeatedly admonished the angry, devastated Palisades homeowners that "the most important thing is your safety." The homeowners were angry about the timeline they had been given by L.A. County officials. According to the bureaucrats, it would take 18 months to clear the burned-out lots. Bass insisted they would be able to start rebuilding "immediately." When pressed on the 18-month clean-up the city was planning, she hedged with, "Well, you know that you will be able to soon. The most important thing is keeping you safe."

President Trump countered: "Safe? They're not safe now."

Read More

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Gary Bauer: End Of Day - 2-20-25 - Trump v. Zelensky, Putting Girls Last

Trump v. Zelensky

Donald Trump and Volodymyr Zelensky were in a heated exchange yesterday. Somebody needs to remind President Zelensky that he would already be speaking Russian if it weren't for the United States of America and our taxpayers.

He is in no position to be taking political shots at the first Republican president who just won the majority of the vote in a very long time. Zelensky also told Trump that the United States will not get one penny of any mineral resources from Ukraine.

Zelensky rejected a "partnership" deal that would have given U.S. companies mining rights to Ukraine's rare earth minerals as a way of recouping the hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars we have given to Ukraine.

Does the phrase "biting the hand that feeds you" translate in Ukrainian?!

How hard is it for Mr. Zelensky to understand that he should be trying in every way possible to stay on the right side of the president of the United States? By the way, Zelensky's hostility isn't just toward Donald Trump.

During the sleepwalking Biden administration, which magically kept finding billions of dollars in the Treasury to keep that war going, Zelensky complained that he wasn't getting more. According to reports of a leaked phone call, sleepwalking Biden, in a moment of lucidity, angrily suggested that "Zelensky could show a little more gratitude."

As a reminder, we have no treaty obligations with Ukraine. It is not a member of NATO. So, there is no obligation to continue breaking our budget, putting us further in debt, while we borrow money from nations like communist China to give to Ukraine.

Speaking of communist China, Zelensky has been begging communist China for investment deals that he won't give us. In what world does that make any sense? Xi is Putin's ally!

Meanwhile, this "paragon of democracy" has canceled elections, banned political parties, closed churches he didn't like, and nationalized the media.

Bad Attitude

This attitude Zelensky apparently showed to Biden, Trump, and the American people is the result of decades of welfare. It's the international equivalent of the illegal alien who races across the border into America for taxpayer-funded benefits and then carries the flag of the country he ran away from while protesting our immigration laws.

"How dare you, America, send me back to the hellhole I escaped from," he says while waving the flag of the hellhole he escaped from! (See next item.)

The entire "free world" has concluded that there is nothing for them to worry about. They can kick us in the groin, punch us in the face, and when things really get bad, the good old U.S.A. will bail them out.

I don't know who is advising Zelensky, but he should be the "Trump whisperer." The day after Donald Trump won the election, he should have been getting advice on how to stay on the right side of Donald Trump.

This president has a very different foreign policy from the "policeman of the world" view held by the DC Uniparty. As a result, Zelensky should realize that he has to make a very strong case to Donald Trump.

Any time he is at a microphone, Zelensky should begin by saying, "It's another day, and I want to start by expressing my gratitude to the United States and the American taxpayers for helping me and my country stay out of the clutches of Russia."

That's how every sentence every day from Zelensky ought to begin.

For Citizens Only


President Trump signed an executive order yesterday declaring that federal tax dollars are for American citizens only, not illegal aliens.

We're constantly told that illegal aliens can't access federal benefits. But we all know they do. Hospitals are going bankrupt because of illegal immigration. Many schools are overcrowded and underperforming in part because of illegal immigration.

One study found that the failure to enforce our immigration laws is costing taxpayers as much as $450 billion a year, giving illegal aliens all kinds of things that half the country can't afford.



Making The FBI Great Again

Kash Patel was confirmed by the Senate today to be the director of the FBI. The vote was 51 to 49. Senators Susan Collins (R-ME) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) joined all 47 Democrats in voting against Patel's confirmation.

Patel's confirmation is a big blow to the Deep State, which is why he is exactly the right man to lead the FBI at this time. Devin Nunes, the former chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said Patel was "instrumental in unraveling the Russia collusion hoax and finding evidence of government malfeasance."

Reforming the FBI and restoring the public's trust will be an enormous task. But it is vital to ensuring the future of our constitutional Republic as a government "of the people, by the people, and for the people."

Congratulations, Director Patel!

Putting Girls Last

Earlier this week, a boy won the girls' state high school pole vault competition in Maine. The boy, who claims he is now a girl, was a boy competing on the boys' team last year. He placed fifth.

At Monday's competition, he jumped 11 feet, beating the second-place girl by eight inches. But that 11 feet was only one inch away from the girls' state record. Meanwhile, his 11-foot jump would have placed him 10th in the boys' competition.

President Trump signed an executive order protecting women's sports on February 5th. The photo of him surrounded by girls of all ages at the signing ceremony will become iconic in its own right.

The order instructed all federal departments and agencies to "rescind funding to programs that fail to comply with the policy established in this order." The Maine Principals Association declared last week that they defy Trump's order, as have high school athletic governing bodies in California and Minnesota.

The Department of Education's Civil Rights office has launched investigations of potential Title IX violations in California and Minnesota.

What do these three states have in common? They are all controlled by the Democrat Party. Their educational establishments are controlled by the radical left. These battles will rage for years, giving the Supreme Court many cases to consider.

As we have pointed out many times, the left and progressivism always start out claiming to protect a particular group, but eventually they end up destroying the group they claimed to be protecting.

The left was all in on feminism. That's why Title IX was passed to begin with – to give girls a chance to excel in sports. Now the same people who claimed that girls didn't get to play sports like boys did are allowing boys to play in girls' sports.

Now, they're cheating girls out of medals, trophies, and scholarships. And they think this is "progressive."

Friday, February 14, 2025

Mark Obenshain: Obenshain Statement on Line of Duty Act Passage in the General Assembly

Expanded Line of Duty Act Benefits for Private Police Departments


RICHMOND, VA - Senator Mark Obenshain (R-Rockingham) issued the following statement on  his SB1142, the Line of Duty Act bill which passed the General Assembly today. 

"Our officers deserve the utmost honor and respect, as do their families, when they put their lives on the line to protect our community. I'm grateful for the resources Governor Youngkin has previously committed to help ensure the families of private police departments are supported just like our public police departments."


Obenshain continued, "I've carried this bill for three sessions now to expand the Line of Duty Act benefits to private police departments and  private college and universities' police departments, allowing them to opt-in, and be covered in the benefit plan.  I am grateful for the bipartisan support this bill has received this year in both chambers of the General Assembly, and for the dedication and support of the Virginia Chiefs of Police Association and the Council on Independent Colleges in Virginia to see this over the finish line.


Fallen officers John Painter & J.J. Jefferson died in the line of duty during the tragedy at Bridgewater College back in 2022. And then in June of 2023, Officer Chris Wagner with Wintergreen Police made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty as well. These fellow officers dedicated their lives to protecting the students and faculty at Bridgewater and the residents of Wintergreen. The passage of this bill is ultimately a tribute to the lives of these fallen heroes."


Delegate Ellen Campbell is the patron of the House version, HB 1815 which is expected to pass the Senate early next week.  Delegate Campbell added:


"The passage of this legislation is the result of years of hard work to right a wrong in the Line of Duty Act. I hope we never have to use this benefit, but the families of campus and private police officers deserve to know that we have their back in Richmond if their loved one lays down their life protecting our community."


The full text of SB1142 can be found here.  A full list of Senator Obenshain's legislation can be viewed here.  SB1142 has now passed both the Senate and the House and will go to the Governor's desk to be signed into law.  The bill will become effective July 1, 2025.


Senator Obenshain  represents the second district in the Senate of Virginia. The district includes the city of Harrisonburg and the counties of Bath, Highland, Page, Rockingham, and Augusta (part.) He is a member of the Senate Committee on Courts of Justice; Finance and Appropriations; Commerce & Labor;  and Agriculture, Conservation, and Natural Resources Committees.


Monday, February 3, 2025

Immigration Reform Law Institute: IRLI Defends President Trump’s Order on Birthright Citizenship

Shows court controlling Supreme Court precedent dooms challenge

WASHINGTON—Today, the Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI) filed an important brief in Maryland federal district court in a case on birthright citizenship.  Plaintiffs, a group of organizations with illegal alien members, claim that President Trump's executive order restricting birthright citizenship is unconstitutional, and that children of illegal aliens are guaranteed citizenship in the Fourteenth Amendment.


The Citizenship Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment provides that persons born in the United States while "subject to the jurisdiction" of the United States are citizens. The question then becomes whether illegal aliens—and others present in the United States, such as tourists—are subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.


To answer that question, IRLI analyzes a controlling Supreme Court case, United States v. Wong Kim Ark, decided in 1898. Wong Kim Ark was born in San Francisco to Chinese parents legally residing there. He later returned with his parents to China. Denied readmittance, Wong Kim Ark argued before the Supreme Court that the Fourteenth Amendment made him a citizen of the United States at his birth.


The Supreme Court agreed, holding that, because—and only because—his parents were legally residing in the United States when he was born here, he was a citizen at birth under the Fourteenth Amendment. The holding of this case is widely misread as conferring citizenship at birth under the Fourteenth Amendment on all persons whatsoever born in the United States (with the narrow exceptions of children of diplomats, members of an invading force, or Indians born in the allegiance of a tribe). IRLI shows in its brief that this reading is wrong; the Court clearly excluded the children of illegal aliens and non-U.S. residents from constitutional birthright citizenship:


Chinese persons, born out of the United States, remaining subjects of the Emperor of China, and not having become citizens of the United States, are entitled to the protection of and owe allegiance to the United States, so long as they are permitted by the United States to reside here; and are "subject to the jurisdiction thereof."


In other words, the Supreme Court has clearly held that, to be a citizen at birth under the Fourteenth Amendment, one must be born in the United States to a parent who, at the time, resided with permission in the United States. This rule happens to exclude the children of both illegal aliens (who do not have permission to be in the country) and tourists (who do not "reside" here) from constitutional birthright citizenship.


Thus, the plaintiffs' claim that President Trump's order is unconstitutional on its face—that is, would have no valid application in any situation—is wrong: the order correctly denies birthright citizenship to all children of illegal aliens, tourists, and others who do not reside with permission in the United States.


"Amazingly, the broad but reasonable holding of Wong Kim Ark­—excluding the children of non-residents and illegal aliens from citizenship at birth under the Constitution—has been ignored or misstated for 127 years," said Dale L. Wilcox, executive director and general counsel of IRLI. "Meanwhile, millions, including the children of so-called 'birth tourists,' have been assumed to be citizens even though the Supreme Court has held they are not. In America, neither foreigners with no connection to this country nor those here against the will of the nation should get to decide who shall be American citizens. President Trump's order stops that going forward, and we hope the court recognizes its validity under the Constitution."


The case is Casa, Inc. v. Trump, No. 8:25-cv-00201 (D. Md.).

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Zehr for Virginia: Session 2025 Update

The halfway point of the 2025 General Assembly Session is almost here. The activity around Capitol Square has ramped into overdrive as we race toward Crossover, the point at which each chamber can only take up the other chamber's bills. And while I'm disappointed with the overall outcome from our Democratic majority, I am proud of the successes we've had.

Like most of my Republican colleagues, several of my bills were not even given a hearing and most that were heard, were dismissed. One of those would have required that ballot drop boxes be monitored by video. I pointed out to the Democrat-controlled committee hearing the bill, that since moving to 45 days of voting, there is a lot of room for mischief and having the boxes monitored by video would boost confidence. If we're going to the expense of a 45-day voting season, let's at least put video monitoring in place to make the drop boxes more secure. 

Another of my bills, which wasn't even docketed, calls for a 20-year statute of limitations for victims of sex-disguising ("trans-gender") procedures to sue their medical provider. The ethics of having children make decisions that could permanently alter their physical constitution is questionable at best and those who manipulate vulnerable children in this way should be held accountable. 

  • President Trump agrees and has issued an executive order banning the use of Federal funds for "gender-affirming" care for minors. The banned procedures include treatments like puberty blockers, hormone therapy, and surgery. As such, Attorney General Miyares issued the following guidance to UVA and VCU:

  • "Given the plain terms of this Executive Order, the chemical and surgical mutilation of children must end immediately. Any institution that continues to engage in such mutilation unacceptably and unjustifiably endangers not only itself and the Commonwealth, but also the vulnerable children of this Commonwealth."


  • Both the AG's advice and the President's executive order were given because the evidence shows that the treatment of gender dysphoria in children is not good for them. Puberty blockers are widely recognized as dangerous and even our more leftist friends in Europe are backing away from prescribing these drugs to children. Cross gender hormonal treatment can lead to the permanent sterilization. Children aren't allowed to make lifelong decisions for good reason. We don't allow them to get married, get a tattoo, or enter a binding contract and the decision they make under pressure from adults amounts to permanent damage for a temporary problem. My Democrat colleagues in the House couldn't disagree more and gave a standing ovation to yesterday's speech attached below:
Democrat Speech

In other news, the House Appropriations Committee will report their budget bill to us on Sunday. This bill will make changes to the existing two-year spending plan we approved last year. Governor Youngkin had proposed a significant number of tax cuts to be included, such as $300 in car tax relief for working families, and the end of taxes on tips for those in the service industries. Unfortunately, our Democratic colleagues voted down these common-sense bills that are widely supported by Virginians.


Rest assured, I will continue to fight to put more money back in your pocket as this session continues. Times are hard for everyone, even if our Democratic colleagues don't recognize that fact.

Eric Zehr 

House District 51 


Virginia Education Opportunity Alliance: Microschooling 101: Learn what it takes to start your own microschool?

Yorktown, VA – Path of Life Learning, founded by nationally recognized education entrepreneur Mercedes Grant, hosts Microschooling 101, an informational session on the fundamentals of starting a microschool in Virginia. The event is Thursday, February 6, 2025, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM at Crooks Memorial UMC, 204 Cook Rd., Yorktown, VA 23690  **Pre-registration is required, and tickets are $10.00.**

Microschools are transforming education by offering small, personalized learning environments tailored to the needs of students and families. Join us to gain firsthand insights from an experienced education leader on what it takes to start a microschool in Virginia. Mercedes Grant founded Path of Life Learning, a micro-school that goes beyond the four walls of a typical classroom. With small class sizes and a commitment to individualized learning, Path of Life Learning fosters a Christ-centered approach that helps students use their God-given talents to grow.

Mercedes will lead the session. She brings a wealth of experience and national recognition in education reform. From her beginnings as a foster child to becoming an award-winning education leader, Mercedes has been featured in major media outlets and recognized by prestigious organizations for her innovative work.

A Few of Mercedes Grant's Accomplishments & Recognitions:

      KaiPod Catalyst Program – Selected as a member of this prestigious accelerator for education entrepreneurs. (Business Wire)

      Forbes – Featured for her role in the growing microschooling movement.

      Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) – Highlighted for her innovative approach to education.

      State Policy Network (SPN) – Recognized for expanding education options in Virginia.

      CATO Institute – Featured as a "Friday Feature" for her work with Path of Life Learning.

      FEE Enterprising Founder Award – Honored for her entrepreneurial leadership in education.

      Liberated Podcast – Featured in an in-depth interview about her journey and vision for education.

Mercedes Grant, Founder, Path Of Life Learning

Event Details:

📅 Date: Thursday, February 6, 2025
Time: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Location: Crooks Memorial UMC, 204 Cook Rd., Yorktown, VA 23690  

💲 Cost: $10.00

🔗 Pre-registration required: Register Here

This event is perfect for parents, educators, and entrepreneurs "edupreneurs" interested in creating flexible, student-centered learning environments.

For more information, contact Mercedes Grant at

### About Path of Life Learning
Path of Life Learning is dedicated to expanding educational opportunities by supporting families and educators in launching microschools that prioritize individualized learning and student success.


Thursday, January 30, 2025

Steve Haner, Thomas Jefferson Institute:The Jefferson Journal: Senate Democrats Threatening $633 Tax Hike on Millions of Virginians

By Steve Haner

1/30/2025 -- In the past few years, under governors of both parties, Virginia has expanded its standard deduction for income taxpayers from $6,000 for a couple in 2018 to $17,000 today saving those taxpayers $633. When they produce their budget bill on Sunday, the Democrats who hold the majority in the Virginia Senate may try to take back that $633. This would be a major tax hike on millions of Virginians.

The Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee on Tuesday deferred action on three Republican bills that would have made that $17,000 standard deduction permanent. It is scheduled to expire at the end of 2025 and all it takes for the General Assembly to capture about $1 billion in new revenue is to do nothing.

Nothing is what the Senate Democrats did when those Republican-sponsored bills were considered. They were "passed by for the day." To pass them now "significantly hamstrings our ability to construct a budget," said Senator Creigh Deeds, D-Charlottesville. "We need to look at our entire tax structure," added Senator Mamie Locke, D-Hampton.  "Those who earn more should pay more," she added.

Thus, a target was clearly placed on the standard deduction, which could retreat from $17,000 this year to only $6,000 next year for that taxpaying couple if no extension is approved. Another $11,000 of income would be hit with tax and that would cost the taxpayers $632.50, enough to reduce take home pay on paychecks.  An undetermined number of low-income people who now pay no tax would start to do so again.

Over in the House of Delegates, the exact opposite move is underway. A bill sponsored by a senior Democrat would not only maintain that higher standard deduction, but would increase it another $1,500 per couple to $18,500, saving another $86.  The House bill has passed one committee unanimously but will also get tangled up in the House's version of the state budget released Sunday.

The House bill has another feature that has long been advocated by the Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy. Beginning in 2026, the state standard deduction would begin to increase automatically with inflation, just like what happens with federal deductions and tax brackets and is done in 20 of the 31 states which offer a standard deduction. House Bill 1754 is sponsored by Delegate Vivian Watts, D-Fairfax.

Virginia began to increase its standard deduction on the income tax soon after a 2017 federal tax bill greatly expanded the amount of tax-free income under federal law. At the federal level the standard deduction will be $30,000 for 2025.  So there could be $24,000 in income not taxed at the federal level but fully taxed by Virginia. Under the House bill, that gap would be only $11,500. 

Virginia law says if you claim the standard deduction at the federal level, you must take it at the state level. About 85% of filed individual returns claim the standard deduction. It is a very egalitarian tax break, with the same value on a return reporting $50,000 income as one reporting $500,000. Taking it away would hit the middle- and lower-income workers the hardest.

It is possible the senators maneuvering to slash the standard deduction and spark an income tax increase are just playing what is often called "budget poker." The two legislative bodies often intentionally create issues that must go to negotiation, creating bargaining chips if you will. It is also possible their budget will spend every dollar grabbed by the change, making it harder to retreat and save the standard deduction.  And because it is a tax increase by default, they can claim they never "voted" to increase taxes. The details will emerge on Sunday.

The chairwoman of the committee promised a Senate version of tax relief, but in recent years that has been one-time rebates from surplus funds. A one-time rebate cannot replace a standard deduction which is built into the law, applies year after year after year, and allows taxpayers to plan their finances.  

The Democrats who control the Assembly on both sides are likely to have plenty of cash to spend in creating their budgets. The Senate also killed Governor Glenn Youngkin's plan to offer rebates to low- and middle-income Virginians paying a local car tax. 

Killing that proposal, which was also assumed in the budget, freed up more than $1 billion for spending on other things. Killing Youngkin's proposal to create a deduction for tips added more unencumbered cash for Democrats to spend.

Both Youngkin and his predecessor, Democrat Ralph Northam, have signed the series of bills increasing the joint return standard deduction from $6,000 to $17,000 in five years, and a member of Youngkin's staff indicated his openness to Watts' bill increasing it to $18,500. The senators must be playing games. To abandon all that bipartisan progress is unthinkable.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Federation for American Immigration Reform

FAIR: Passage of the Laken Riley Act is Just the First Step in 

Restoring Common Sense to Our Immigration Policies

The following statement was issued by Dan Stein, president of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) in response to passage of the Laken Riley Act in the Senate.

(Washington, D.C., January 20, 2025) "Today, the U.S. Senate took the long overdue step of passing the Laken Riley Act. FAIR congratulates Senate Majority Leader John Thune for bringing this bill to the floor of the chamber and putting every member of the Senate on record as supporting or opposing the detention and removal of illegal aliens who commit crimes in this country.

"Passage of the Laken Riley Act is a promising first step in reversing the rampant illegal immigration that the nation has endured over the past four years. There is still much more to be done to secure our borders, alleviate the enormous fiscal burdens being borne by American taxpayers and ensure that no future administration will be able to abuse its authority to subvert our immigration laws.

"In the coming weeks and months, Congress must act swiftly to pass an updated version of H.R. 2, a bill that includes real changes that end catch-and-release, reform our asylum system, stop parole abuse, and prevent future administrations from ignoring their duties to enforce our immigration laws. Congress must also use the reconciliation process to fully fund construction of the border wall and provide the manpower and other resources needed to detain and remove illegal aliens from our country.

"Today's Senate vote is a small measure of comfort to Laken Riley's family and the families of countless others who have been victimized by illegal aliens who were allowed to roam freely in our country. But it is just the start of a long list of reforms that are needed to ensure that our immigration system serves and protects the security and interests of the American people." 

Federation for American Immigration Reform

FAIR Congratulates Donald Trump on Being Sworn In as Our 47th President 

Carrying Out His Mandate to End Illegal Immigration and Reforming Our 

Immigration Policies Begins Today 

The following statement was issued by Dan Stein, president of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), on the Inauguration of President Donald Trump and Vice President JD Vance:

(Washington, D.C., January 20, 2025) "Open borders and unprecedented illegal immigration is a key reason why American voters returned President Trump to the White House and handed control of both chambers of Congress to Republicans. The president and the Republican-led Congress have a clear mandate to restore control of our borders, begin removing illegal aliens from our country and erect guard rails to prevent any future administration from running roughshod over our immigration laws the way the Biden-Harris administration did.

"There is no time to waste. Realistically, much of that work must be accomplished in the next six months. The Trump-Vance administration should take immediate steps to restart construction of the border wall and to reestablish effective policies that discourage illegal immigration, such as ending mass catch-and-release policies and reinstating Remain in Mexico, which proved effective in deterring illegal immigration during Mr. Trump's first term.

"Halting continued large-scale immigration is only the first step. As he takes office today, President Trump has broad public support for his promise to remove millions of illegal aliens in this country, beginning with criminals, people who have been issued final orders of removal and the millions more who entered our country during the previous administration.

"We also call upon the Trump-Vance administration to terminate the illegal parole programs put in place by its predecessor, halt the abuse of our asylum process and reform legal settlements that have encouraged the arrival of unaccompanied children and even facilitated human trafficking. 

"Some of these goals can be accomplished through the upcoming reconciliation process. Other changes, such as enacting a comprehensive border security bill like H.R. 2, that was passed by the House in 2023 but blocked in the Democratic-controlled Senate, are also within reach with support of the president and swift action from Speaker Mike Johnson and Senate Majority Leader John Thune.

"FAIR looks forward to working with the new administration and congressional leaders to carry out the broad mandate the voters handed them in November. That work begins today." 

Thomas D. Klingenstein

Trump Must Learn the Lessons of Past Mistakes on the Border

By Garrett J. Snedeker

A recent dust-up within the Trump coalition over America's H-1B visa policy brought a pressing question to the fore: How will the president-elect move forward on the issue that delivered the election, when his own administration seems divided on the details?

Some of his most prominent supporters in the tech industry, which imports a great deal of cheap foreign labor under the H-1B program, have sought to downplay divisions. Incoming White House AI czar David Sacks claimed on X that vocal disagreement between the camps obscures the quiet 95% of agreement on immigration policy. Even after initially offering vocal support for H-1B visas, Elon Musk has charged that the program in its current form is "broken" and endorsed reforms to raise the minimum salary levels covered by the policy, thus reducing the visas' use to undercut American wages.

Tensions have cooled since then, but a lingering distrust between the camps has only added to concerns over how this unusually diverse coalition will make the transition from winning an election to governing effectively.

We have been through this before. In early 2017, all eyes fixed on what the Trump 45 administration's first moves would be on immigration. Those who hope Trump 47 succeeds would do well to recall how, the first time around, early moves undermined the administration's broader effort to secure the border.

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