Sunday, March 15, 2009

Democrats stuck on crushing America

Second Stimulus Package?

Speaker Nancy Pelosi raised the prospect of a second economic stimulus package, but later backed off from her comments. Initially, Pelosi, following a meeting with Democratic members and four prominent economists talked about the possibility of another stimulus plan.

Then...Thursday, Pelosi backed away from her talk of a second economic stimulus package, a prospect she had raised just two days earlier.

Here is what Republicans had to say:

"People are seeing their government is spending away their children's future on bailout after bailout. In the past, they have primarily promoted more tax relief for businesses," said, Minority Whip Eric Cantor, R-Va.

House Minority Leader John A. Boehner, R-Ohio, said he did not think the first stimulus would work and that the Democrats are leading the country in the wrong direction by increasing spending rather than cutting taxes. "Everything that has been tried so far hasn't worked. My concern is that this mountain of debt will crush our ability to get out of this crisis." Boehner said.

Although Speaker Nancy Pelosi backed away from her statement, we must pay attention to this issue, as it may come up again!