And while unemployment is up, while millions of Americans are tightening their belts and while retirement accounts are being wiped out, the White House has been hosting regular Wednesday night parties serving up $100-a-pound Waygu beef.
The lack of seriousness at the White House is not going unnoticed. Columnist David Brooks – the New York Times’ token “conservative” – has a scathing column today thrashing the administration for “focusing on the dust bunnies under the bed” as “a tiger sinks its teeth into the world’s neck.”
That “tiger,” of course, is the global economic crisis. But Obama, as Brooks writes, “…has decided to address this crisis while simultaneously tackling the four most complicated problems facing the nation: health care, energy, immigration and education.”
Two weeks ago, I wrote that the president needed to focus his attention on the economy and, hopefully, come up with better ideas than taxing and spending us into oblivion, BEFORE attempting anything else. Given the way the Democrat Congress and the White House bungled the “stimulus” bill and the AIG bonuses, I think it’s time we pull the emergency brake on Obama’s runaway socialist agenda before America faces a major train wreck. "
Gary Bauer
Campaign for Working Families