Thursday, September 9, 2010

This Sunday: 9-12 MARCH on DC!

9-12 BUS DC March & Rally -- please come -- RSVP

"This Sunday 9-12 is the March & Rally in DC. CL Bryant (the last speaker on April 15th "Stand up, America!" -- absolutely great man of God) is preaching at the 10 AM Sunday service.

Please come!

10:00am: Give Us Liberty: An American Devotional

– Nondenominational Service at The Washington Monument – led by Rev. C.L. Bryant.

12:00pm: March begins at Washington Monument and heads down Pennsylvania Ave. to the Capitol (MAP)

2:00pm: Rally begins at the Capitol

5:00pm: Rally ends at the Capitol

God Bless you All,

Rita Grace

Found & Organizer

Constitutional TEA Party