Friday, September 24, 2010

Quote of the Day

"Remember how last summer’s town hall meetings got heated when concerned citizens turned out to question lawmakers about ObamaCare? It didn’t take long for the Democrats to call in reinforcements, and soon union thugs showed up and citizens were beaten up. Now it’s happening on the campaign trail.

A fight broke out last night during a debate between Harry Reid and Sharron Angle. But the fight wasn’t between the two candidates and it really wasn’t a debate. Sharron Angle was there to answer questions live, while Harry Reid appeared in a pre-taped video presentation.

The crowd was stacked against Angle, which this report from National Review Online makes clear. As Sharron Angle was making her closing remarks, Reid supporters rudely got up and began to leave. That’s when the fighting started.

In the past, people often attributed such violence to passionate youths – kids being kids. But this is beyond “youthful indiscretion.” Remember the hundreds of people arrested at the 2008 Republican National Convention? Remember the New Black Panthers in Philadelphia? Violence and intimidation are becoming standard practice for the Left as it attempts to shut down debate and drive men and women of faith out of the public square and into the closet.

Don’t be intimidated. Fight back by getting active!"

Gary Bauer
Campaign for Working Families