Friday, February 3, 2012

Quotes of the Day

"Though today's job growth numbers are good news, it's the equivalent of winning a foot race with a cinder block strapped to your leg. Sure, you might cross the finish line, but you could get there a lot faster if you cut off the dead weight. America's economy is struggling to break free from the dead weight of debt, reckless spending, uncertainty, over-regulation, high taxes and a convoluted, counterproductive tax code."

The Heritage Foundation


"The National Prayer Breakfast is an annual event that attracts over 3,000 people. Every U.S. president in recent decades has attended and spoken, and all of them have shed politics at the door. But not Barack Obama. 

Yesterday he shamelessly wrapped his left-wing socialist political agenda in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I don't think Obama wears glasses, but he clearly needs a pair. He has looked at Karl Marx and confused him with Jesus Christ."

Gary Bauer
Campaign for Working Families


"Liberals accuse us of trying to create a theocracy, when they're the ones trying to attach biblical significance to big government! The Left engages God when it's convenient, and draws a line between church and state when it isn't."

Tony Perkins
Family Research Council