Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Email of the Day

Fighting For The Little Guy?

For decades Democrats have presented themselves as champions of the "little guy." The president's reelection team is desperately trying to rebuild that image by embracing the Occupy Wall Street movement and portraying Mitt Romney as an out-of-touch corporate elitist.

But just think about what Obama has been doing lately. While millions of Americans are worrying about their next paycheck or making their next mortgage payment, Obama has spent the last week pushing the radical idea that men should "marry" other men!

Who is demanding this? Certainly not the "little guy," as the voters of North Carolina made abundantly clear. Same-sex "marriage" may be popular in New York City and San Francisco, but that is just more evidence that Obama's radical agenda is tailored to small, vocal left-wing special interest groups.

Campaign for Working Families