Dick Brauer, Colonel, USAF (Ret.)
Co-founder, Special Operations Speaks
The President was completely and inexplicably AWOL on the night of the Benghazi attack.
He answered their original, pre-planned call at roughly 5 PM, but the President never called to check back in.
That means that while one of our ambassadors was being murdered by Islamist terrorists – in what they knew to be a planned attack – neither the President nor Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called to check on the situation with DoD or try to coordinate any type of response.
President Obama simply waved his hand and told them to do as they thought best, and ostensibly went on his way that night – and to a Vegas fundraiser the next morning.
They can talk about how that is some kind of standard procedure all they want, but it is completely absurd to say that the President should be expected to stay detached from such a critical situation and let his staff run the show without any input or care as an American Ambassador and three others are killed by an Islamist mob.
Beyond that disgusting admission, the Panetta story either left numerous other questions virtually unanswered or opened up their actions and inactions to deeper scrutiny.
Less than an hour into the attack, the CIA identified the attack as a coordinated terrorist effort of al-Qaeda sympathizers. Why did the Administration continue to lie to the American people for weeks about the true nature of our Ambassador's murder?
8 Key Questions that MUST be answered by President Obama
1-Where was the Commander-in Chief during the crisis in Benghazi that cost four American lives and What was he doing?
2-Why did he not take charge as Commander-in-Chief?
3-Who was really calling the shots?
4-Where were Leon Panetta and General Martin Dempsey during the crisis and What inputs, recommendations and decisions did they make?
5-Where were the National Security Advisor, Tom Donilon, and his Deputy, Denis McDonough (known as "the Fixer") during the attacks and more importantly, What inputs and recommendations (if any) did either of them make to Obama?
6-As has been reported, Were Obama and Biden on the phone with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for an hour (or more) on "other more important business" after the attack in Benghazi began?
7-After the attacks were over WHEN did Obama reappear on the scene?
8-HOW will he explain his DERELICTION OF DUTY as Commander-in-Chief?
U.S. Special Forces commander and Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for intelligence Lieutenant General Jerry Boykin has confidently stated that DoD could have quickly dispatched aircraft to Libya. Why did Panetta and Dempsey so adamantly claim otherwise?
Why haven't the survivors of the attacks who were eventually evacuated on the following day been identified and questioned as to what occurred from their perspectives, and where are they now?
As was the case during the bin Laden takedown, there had to be at least one senior military member in the White House Situation Room. Individuals involved MUST testify, under oath, about what they heard and saw.
Watch officers and NCO's, supervisors, aircrew personnel, and scores of others in the command and control networks and operational units know what transpired and what orders were given (or NOT given). They should be required to testify, as well.
The Obama Administration feels like this abomination is over. They feel like they can now turn away from this cover-up and that the American people will give them a pass – just like the media are doing.
We have to prove them dead wrong. Until we finally get the TRUTH, the WHOLE TRUTH, and NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH, they must never be allowed to wash their hands of their complicity in this shameful episode in American history.
Sign the petition to Investigate Obama's Dereliction of Duty
Demand a Special Prosecutor for Benghazigate