Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Pic of the Day

Congressman Robert Hurt Votes To Address Safety Threats

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Robert Hurt (R-Virginia) released the following statement after voting in favor of the Visa Waiver Program Improvement Act, which will make strides to ensure that individuals entering the United States through the Visa Waiver Program do not pose a threat to our national security:

"The Islamic State and its agents of evil will seek to exploit any avenue they can to come to the United States and inflict harm on our citizens.  At present, the Visa Waiver Program clearly demonstrates vulnerabilities that the Islamic State seeks to exploit.  The Visa Waiver Program Improvement Act will suspend a country's ability to participate in the Visa Waiver Program if it is not sufficiently meeting a number of new requirements, all of which are designed to keep those who seek to do us harm from coming to our shores.  Failure to fix these weaknesses and close these gaping loopholes leaves our nation vulnerable and allows unacceptable levels of risk to persist.  It is my hope the Senate will consider this commonsense legislation immediately and send it to the President's desk.  This is one small, but vital, step to improve our national security, but we must do more to destroy the Islamic State and all agents of terror seeking to perpetuate evil in our country and across the globe."

·         Presently, the Security of Homeland Security can only suspend participation in the Visa Waiver Program because of imminent security threats, but this legislation will allow the Secretary to suspend participation in the Program if countries do not continually share necessary information.

·         This bill will require all participating countries to use INTERPOL's criminal and law enforcement databases and require the Secretary of Homeland Security to suspend a country's participation in the Visa Waiver Program if they do not meet INTERPOL's requirements.

·         The legislation will also require individuals in the Visa Waiver Program to use Electronic Passports by April 1, 2016, and it directs the Department of Homeland Security to report to Congress steps to strengthen the Electronic System for Travel Authorization.

·         Finally, this bill requires annual national security threat assessments for "high-risk" countries and allows the Secretary of Homeland Security to suspend a country's participation in the Visa Waiver Program if it is deemed "high-risk."


Trump Ups The Ante, Reform The Refugee Program

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

By Gary L. Bauer

Trump Ups The Ante

Donald Trump has done some good things in this campaign. He has brought a lot of attention to the need to secure our borders in a dangerous world. He has given voice to a new American patriotism and has spoken out for America's heartland, which is being gutted economically. He has also cut through the political lie that our "war on terror" has nothing to do with Islam.

Yesterday, in a prepared statement and in follow-up interviews, he called for a moratorium on all Muslim immigration to the United States. He was immediately condemned not only by big media and the political left, but also by many Republicans and even some conservatives in good standing.

So on one side, Obama seems intent on flooding the country with at least 250,000 Muslim immigrants a year. He wants to increase the number of Syrian refugees in the name of compassion but is completely ignoring Syria's Christian refugees who pose virtually no terror risks. Obama appears to be effectively banning the very groups -- Christians -- who are targets of genocide. Trump's answer is to ban all Muslim immigration.

The appropriate conservative answer is to implement a major reform of our immigration process that adds much more stringent checks for terror connections. I also strongly support a screening process that blocks any immigrant, Muslim or otherwise, who expresses hatred for Christians, Jews and other faiths.

No one should be admitted who wants the Constitution to be superseded by Sharia law or any other dogma. We must stop importing hatred. This is not a religious test. It is a commonsense, self-preservation test that protects all Americans of every faith and creed.

Reform The Refugee Program

As you know, the Obama White House resisted calls to tighten screening of refugees in the wake of the Paris attacks. We were told over and over that refugees are subjected to intense security checks. But the intelligence community has apparently been warning that radical Islamists are attempting to infiltrate our refugee program.

Yesterday, Rep. Michael McCaul, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, released portions of a classified letter from the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC). The letter states that "individuals with ties to terrorist groups in Syria [have attempted] to gain entry to the U.S. through the U.S. refugee program."

Moreover, the NCTC warns that "all immigration programs" are "vulnerable to exploitation from extremist groups seeking to send operatives to the West."

Intelligence officials have expressed their concerns about the adequate vetting of refugees since the beginning of the year. Obama knows our intelligence community is worried about terrorists infiltrating the program, yet he is attacking conservatives for saying the same thing.

By the way, since the Paris terrorist attacks, only one Syrian Christian has been admitted to the U.S. under Obama's refugee program. Just one. Where is the outrage about that?

Clearly, this program is in desperate need of reform, and the American people support reform.

A new CNN poll finds that 61% of Americans oppose Obama's policy of resettling Syrian refugees in America. This is in line with the results from other recent surveys. (Here, here and here.)

There is a tremendous opportunity here for Republicans to seize the reform mantle and go on the attack over the issues of border security and national security. We don't have to win hearts and minds on this. The American people are already with us. Few other issues on the GOP agenda would poll so well.

Congressman Forbes Announces 2015 Congressional App Challenge

December 7, 2015

Washington, D.C. – Congressman J. Randy Forbes (VA-04) invites all interested Fourth District high school students to participate in the 2015 Congressional App Challenge. This academic competition is a nationwide event that allows students from across the country to compete by creating and exhibiting their software application, or "app," for mobile, tablet, or computer devices on a platform of their choice.
"The Congressional App Challenge reinforces the important role that Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) education play in the future of our students and of our nation," Forbes said. "This academic challenge was designed to engage students' creativity, and encourage their interest and participation in these crucial fields.  I am proud of the skill and hard work of our Fourth District students, and look forward to seeing their submissions this year."

Every year, each Member of Congress is given the opportunity to sign up and allow high school students from their district to participate in this challenge. All submissions will be considered by a panel of judges selected by the Member of Congress and one winner from each participating district will be selected. The winner from the Fourth District will have their app displayed in a U.S. Capitol exhibit and also be invited to Washington, D.C. to meet Congressman Forbes.

Guidelines and information packets have been sent to all high schools in the Fourth Congressional District. Students wishing to participate must submit their app no later than Friday, January 15th, 2016.  All entries must be submitted online through Congressman J. Randy Forbes' Congressional App Challenge page. 

Additional information is available on Congressman Forbes' website at  including official guidelines and information.  Students may also contact Nicole Bunce in Congressman Forbes' Chesterfield Office at (804) 318-1363 for more information.

We Must Defeat the Islamic State and Keep the Homeland Safe

Congressman Robert Hurt

Weekly Column 12/07/15

Last Wednesday, our nation was struck by a horrific terrorist attack – the deadliest terror attack in our nation since 9/11.  I am deeply saddened by the violence that occurred in San Bernardino.  Our thoughts and prayers remain with the families of those we lost as law enforcement continues to investigate what appears to be an act of terror.  We mourn for the 14 individuals we lost, and we continue to pray for the full recovery of the 17 who were injured.


As more information has come to light, it has become clear that the couple responsible for this evil attack was inspired by the Islamic State's reign of terror.  There is even evidence that one of these terrorists had social media connections with one of the most active and effective ISIS recruiters. 


This despicable act of terror underscores the need to destroy the Islamic State and other agents of terror that are spreading their message of hate in the effort to incite violence in the U.S. and around the world.  Their threat to the United States is even more real now than ever. 


On Sunday, the President addressed the nation in response to the tragic events in recent weeks.  While I appreciated his call for unity in the face of the threat of terror, I was disappointed that the President did not articulate any new tactics or strategy in the effort to destroy ISIS.  Instead, he said that we would keep doing the same things we are already doing despite the fact that we have not made significant progress in the effort to destroy ISIS. 


The President also called on Congress to adopt an Authorization for the Use of Military Force for his campaign against ISIS.  While I agree that Congress should authorize military engagement of this degree, and I am disappointed we have not authorized the airstrikes and special operations the President has employed, the President must do more than state four bullet points on television if he wants the American people to support a proper military strategy. 


The President must develop and present a thorough strategy to defeat the Islamic State and outline the metrics for our goals.  It is the Commander-in-Chief's constitutional responsibility alone to detail this plan, and it is incumbent upon Congress to consider his proposal, once he has outlined such a strategy.


I did appreciate the President's comments on the need to review and tighten our immigration protocols in light of the circumstances involved in the Paris and San Bernardino attacks.  We have learned that one of the terrorists in San Bernardino came to the United States on a K-1 visa, more commonly known as a fiancé visa.  While she was screened before entering the country, clearly that screening was insufficient; we have heard about similar vulnerabilities in the visa waiver program and with the vetting of refugees.  We must address these weaknesses, close the loopholes, and gather the intelligence necessary to make our screening processes effective.  Failure to do so allows unacceptable levels of risk to persist.


The House has already passed legislation to halt the resettlement of Syrian refugees in light of our screening issues, and this week, the House will consider legislation to tighten our visa-waiver program.  This bill will allow the Department of Homeland Security to suspend a country's participation in the visa-waiver program if that country does not provide us with the necessary intelligence information we need to prevent terrorists from traveling to the United States.


While this is legislation is critically important, we have much more to do to improve our ability to protect ourselves from radicalization at home and abroad and to destroy the agents of terror seeking to perpetuate evil across the globe.  I remain committed to doing everything within my power to maintain our national security and to protect American lives from the scourge of terror.


If you need any additional information or if we may be of assistance to you, please visit my website at or call my Washington office: (202) 225-4711, Charlottesville office: (434) 973-9631, Danville office: (434) 791-2596, or Farmville office: (434) 395-0120. 


Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Question of the Day

THIS MUSLIM DUDE Has A Question for Americans Who Don't Want To Let Him Into the U.S.

Pic of the Day

Man Tries to Befriend Three Muslim Women In BURKAS, But Is Quickly SURPRISED

Monday, December 7, 2015

Pic of the Day

Congressman Robert Hurt: November Monthly Video Report

Sunday, December 6, 2015

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Robert Hurt (R-Virginia) today released his November Video Report.  Text of the address is available below, as well as video.  You may view the video by clicking the image below, or by clicking here.



"I'm Robert Hurt.  Thank you for tuning into our Monthly Video Report for the month of November.


"I hope that you and your family had a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving.  I also hope you were able to take time to give thanks for the thousands of brave Americans serving in our military and their families.  Our servicemen and women and their families make tremendous sacrifices to protect the freedoms we hold dear, and our nation is grateful for all they do to preserve our freedoms.


"Indeed, the events of recent weeks are a solemn reminder of the perils which our military personnel face on a regular basis.  On November 13, the world witnessed a vicious terrorist attack on the people of Paris.  Our hearts and prayers remain with the nation of France and her people in this time of mourning, and we stand resolved to destroy these forces of evil that threaten peace and prosperity in America and across the globe.  Despite his claims that the Islamic State has been 'contained,' the President must recognize that his efforts to defeat the Islamic State have clearly been a failure.  As we all know, the Islamic State has continued to grow and expand its reign of terror, in part, because America has failed to effectively lead on the world's stage. 


"In response to these recent attacks, it is incumbent upon the President to articulate a complete and thorough strategy to destroy the Islamic State. It is the Commander-in-Chief's responsibility alone to set forth to Congress and to the American people a comprehensive strategy for achieving this critical goal.  Likewise, it is the obligation of the Congress to take up and debate the President's proposed Authorization for Use of Military Force. Now is the time for the Administration to swiftly develop a strategy for Congress, and now is the time for Congress to take up this Authorization and exercise its fundamental responsibility under Article I of the Constitution.


"As we have vividly seen over the last few months, one of the  heart-breaking consequences of the chaos in Syria and Iraq has been the displacement of Syrians and Iraqis from their home countries. This refugee crisis has resulted in serious security concerns for Europe and now for the United States.  Within days of the Paris attacks, the House of Representatives quickly acted to address the security concerns posed by the refugee crisis.  I was pleased to see a strong bipartisan support for the American Security Against Foreign Enemies Act, also known as the SAFE Act— which would pause the admittance of Syrian and Iraqi refugees into the United States until national security officials can certify that our background check system is sound and secure.


"After attending briefings by Administration on the terrorist attacks in Paris and the refugee resettlement program, I remain deeply concerned about the effectiveness of our current screening process. America has a proud tradition of being the most generous nation in the world, and we should maintain our commitment to providing humanitarian aid to innocent Syrians where we can and to assisting them in finding refuge in places closer to their homeland. However, we simply cannot justify the risks of admitting Syrian and Iraqi refugees without proper screening. The SAFE Act is a vital step in protecting the American people, and I hope the Senate will pass this bipartisan commonsense measure,  and I hope the President will sign it.


"In addition to dealing with the ongoing concerns about the threats to our national security, we also took time on Veteran's Day to salute to our nation's veterans -- those brave men and women who have sacrificed to ensure our national security.  I especially appreciated the opportunity to participate in the Veteran's Day ceremony hosted at the home of Colonel James Monroe - Ash Lawn - Highland in Albemarle County.  During that week we also visited those VA medical centers that serve those veterans that live in Virginia's Fifth District. We spent time at the McGuire VA Medical Center, the Salem VA Medical Center, and at the three Community-Based Outpatient Clinics in Danville, Lynchburg, and Charlottesville.  As I have been in the past, I always appreciate meeting with the veterans who use these facilities and with the healthcare providers who take care of their patients.  I was impressed with the healthcare providers with whom we met.  And while I believe we have made some strides in reforming the way our veterans receive the healthcare, we still have a long way to go. During our visits we learned that bureaucracy and unnecessary paperwork and technical rules still slow down the process of getting patients in front of providers as soon as possible. 


"As we continue to work to implement better long-term solutions, I encourage our veterans and our active-duty members of the armed forces to contact our office if we may ever be of assistance in dealing with the Department of Veterans Affairs or any other federal agency.


"In closing, please remember that if we may ever be of service to you in any way be sure to contact one of our district offices or our Washington office.  We can always be reached at our website at -- where you can also sign up for regular legislative updates.  And don't forget to join the conversation on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.


"Once again, thank you for tuning in to our November Monthly Video Report."


Congressman Robert Hurt Votes To Block Harmful EPA Regulations

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Robert Hurt (R-Virginia) released the following statement after voting in favor of S.J. Resolution 23 and S.J. Resolution 24, which express congressional disapproval of portions of the President's Clean Power Plan:


"Every day, burdensome Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rules and regulations hinder job growth and continue to make life more difficult for Fifth District Virginians. The Obama Administration's Clean Power Plan is a textbook example of this harmful bureaucratic overreach.  This Washington-engineered plan comes with enormous costs to states and American consumers and will unduly increase the cost of energy and negatively affect our struggling economy.  States have long been responsible for the oversight of electric utilities and the protection of American consumers from increased energy costs, and, once again, the EPA is overstepping its bounds and furthering its war on coal.  I was proud to support these resolutions-- which passed the Senate earlier this month-- expressing congressional disapproval of these misguided EPA rules.  It is my hope that President Obama will listen to the American people and put an end to this bureaucratic overreach that will only increase energy costs and further depress job growth across our country."


Thursday, December 3, 2015

FRC Commends Senate for Removing Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood, Repeal

December 3, 2015

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Family Research Council commended the U.S. Senate for giving approval today to a budget reconciliation bill dealing with funding for Planned Parenthood and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare. The bill would remove for one year most funding under several mandatory programs such as Medicaid to abortion entities, including Planned Parenthood. The bill would also repeal key provisions of the health care law, which encourages subsidies for abortion coverage and threatens conscience protections.

Family Research Council President Tony Perkins made the following statement about this legislation:

"This is a huge victory for unborn children, their mothers, and for taxpayers. For the first time during the Obama presidency, both the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives have approved legislation that begins to end the forced partnership between taxpayers and Planned Parenthood.

"President Obama will now bear the moral responsibility for sending our tax dollars to a group that has engaged in the selling of baby body parts.

"Even if the President vetoes the bill, we've still succeeded, because a Senate precedent has now been set for moving a similar measure forward when America finally has a President who understands the value of every person, born and unborn. We especially thank Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), Majority Whip John Cornyn (R-Texas), Chairman Mike Enzi (R-Wy.), as well as the co-chairs of the Senate Values Action Team which include Senators Roy Blunt (R-Mo.), James Lankford (R-Okla.), Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) and Tim Scott (R-S.C.) for their hard work to make today's vote possible," concluded Perkins.

Family Research Council's score letter can be found here:

Congressmen Forbes, Langevin Praise Committee Passage of CARDER Act

December 2, 2015

Washington, D.C. – Congressmen Randy Forbes (R-VA) and Jim Langevin (D-RI) today applauded passage of the bipartisan Cybercrime Anti-Resale Deterrent and Extraterritoriality Revision (CARDER) Act by the House Judiciary Committee. Langevin introduced the CARDER Act with Forbes as the lead Republican on the bill.

The CARDER Act would make it easier for law enforcement to prosecute foreign criminals who trade in Americans' stolen credit cards. These "carders" act as middlemen by linking computer criminals with those who use stolen credit card information to make fraudulent purchases. Taking down carder forums can make it significantly more difficult to sell credit card data and simultaneously increase the chances of identifying and arresting the hackers responsible for the initial theft.

"Protecting everyday Americans' sensitive financial information from cybercrime is a critical 21st century issue, requiring 21st century laws to ensure bulky, outdated requirements don't hinder the Department of Justice's ability to prosecute criminals outside the U.S. who commit crimes that harm Americans," said Forbes. "I am proud to cosponsor and support the CARDER Act to ensure our law enforcement and prosecutors are equipped with the necessary tools to begin to attack the problem of cybercrime against U.S. citizens and businesses at its core. I applaud the House Judiciary Committee's passage of the bill and urge the full House to do the same."

"From large corporations to small businesses across the country, security breaches and the theft of American credit card data have reached epidemic proportions, costing time and money for both businesses and consumers," said Langevin. "Cybercrime has a very real financial impact on those affected, and also on the underlying cost of doing business, and we must provide law enforcement with the tools necessary to bring these criminals to justice. I thank Rep. Forbes for his steadfast support of the bill and Chairman Goodlatte for bringing it before the Judiciary Committee. I look forward to its expeditious consideration by the full House."

Current criminal law makes it difficult to prosecute carders, as they are often located outside of the United States. Carders must store either the stolen numbers or the gains from their illicit activities within the jurisdiction of the United States in order to be prosecuted. The CARDER Act, which is supported by the Department of Justice, would close this loophole.

Pic of the Day


Every once in a while you see a great idea 
that will make a lot of money and wonder 
why you didn't think of that?  

Friday, November 27, 2015

Quote of the Day

"As the debate continues to rage over America's refugee policy, the media continue to portray conservatives as hysterical bigots afraid of "widows and orphans" as Obama put it. But what do the Muslim refugees really believe?

"One survey of Syrian refugees, conducted by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, found that 13% of them have a positive view of the Islamic State. Keep in mind that these aren't Syrians fighting the Assad regime, but refugees attempting to relocate to another country.

"A new Pew survey finds that ISIS enjoys double-digit support in some large Muslim nations. Running the numbers on these figures suggests that nearly 60 million Muslims support ISIS."

Gary L. Bauer

Friday, November 20, 2015

Congressman Robert Hurt Votes To Enhance National Security

Thursday, November 19, 2015


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Robert Hurt (R-Virginia) released the following statement after voting in favor of the American Security Against Foreign Enemies (SAFE) Act, which would effectively pause the admittance of Syrian and Iraqi refugees into the United States:


"As outlined in the Constitution, Congress' primary responsibility is protecting the safety of the American people.  After attending classified briefings on the terrorist attacks in Paris and how they impact the resettlement of refugees, I am very concerned about the effectiveness of our current screening process.  These concerns stem from the fact that our intelligence and security leaders cannot say with absolute certainty that an individual entering our country under refugee status poses no threat to our national security. 


"America has a proud tradition of being the most generous nation in the world, and we will maintain our ongoing commitment to provide humanitarian aid to innocent Syrians where we can and seek to assist them in finding refuge in places closer to their homeland.  But we simply cannot justify the risks of admitting Syrian refugees without proper screening.  The SAFE Act is a vital step to protect the American people, and I am disappointed that the President has already threatened to veto this critical security measure in the face of today's bipartisan vote.


"ISIS has continued to grow and expand its reign of evil, which has significantly contributed to this enormous refugee crisis, in part because America has failed to effectively lead on the world's stage.  It is incumbent upon the President to articulate a complete, thorough strategy to destroy ISIS, which he has failed to do for far too long.  While the President fails put our national security first and fulfill his constitutional responsibility of detailing a comprehensive strategy to defeat ISIS, we in the House will continue to do everything in our power to ensure the safety of the American people."


·         Ensuring that comprehensive background checks are conducted on every individual seeking refuge in the United States, this legislation will require the FBI director to certify each background investigation.

·         Additionally, it requires the FBI director, the Secretary of Homeland Security, and the Director of National Intelligence to unanimously agree that each refugee poses no security threat to the United States and certify that before Congress.


Family Research Council Commends Evangelical Theological Society's Resolutions on Marriage, Human Se

November 19, 2015

ATLANTA, GA -- The Evangelical Theological Society (ETS), the nation's premier body of Evangelical Protestant scholars, professors, teachers, and students, this morning adopted four resolutions on human sexuality consistent with the Bible's teaching on marriage and the nature of male and female identity. ETS is holding its annual meeting in Atlanta, Georgia.

The resolutions were authored by Family Research Council's Senior Vice President Rob Schwarzwalder and Dr. Owen Strachan, Chairman of the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood and Associate Professor of Theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

"At a time when some advocates of court created same-sex marriage and the conflation of genders are claiming there is a shift in the Evangelical community concerning these matters, today's vote in favor of affirming Scripture is a distinct refutation of their assertion," said Rob Schwarzwalder, FRC's Senior Vice President. "The conviction of America's leading Evangelical scholars that the Bible's clear teaching on marriage and human sexuality must not be compromised signals that those favoring a redefinition of these things are not within the mainstream of historic Protestant teaching and, more importantly, are departing from some of the distinctive teachings of the Christian faith. Professing Evangelicals who hold heterodox views on matters of human sexuality must reconsider their allegiance to Scripture's teaching. We pray they return to it," said Schwarzwalder.

"Owen and I are particularly grateful for the strong support of former ETS President Dr. Gerry Breshears (Western Seminary) and Dr. Denny Burk (Boyce College) in supporting the resolutions from the floor, and to ETS President Dr. Scott Rae and former ETS President Dr. Clint Arnold, both of Talbot Seminary, for their assistance in bringing the resolutions before the Society," Schwarzwalder concluded.

The resolutions are listed below:

(1) We affirm that all persons are created in the image and likeness of God and thus possess inherent dignity and worth.

(2) We affirm that marriage is the covenantal union of one man and one woman, for life.

(3) We affirm that Scripture teaches that sexual intimacy is reserved for marriage as defined above. This excludes all other forms of sexual intimacy.

(4) We affirm that God created men and women, imbued with the distinct traits of manhood and womanhood, and that each is an unchangeable gift of God that constitutes personal identity

Congressman Robert Hurt's Statement On Financial Services Hearing On SEC Operations

Wednesday, November 18, 2015



WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Robert Hurt (R-Virginia) released the following statement regarding the Financial Services Committee hearing today, which featured testimony by Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chair Mary Jo White, and examined the SEC's agenda, operations, and Fiscal Year 2017 budget request:


"Today's hearing focused on the SEC and ensuring that it is adhering to its three-part mission: to protect investors; maintain fair, orderly and efficient markets; and facilitate capital formation.  I firmly believe that one of the foremost responsibilities of this Committee is to provide the appropriate, effective oversight and scrutiny of the federal agencies' budgets under our jurisdiction.  At a time when our national debt is $18 trillion and rising by the second, federal agencies must learn to work smarter and more efficiently, just as hardworking American families have learned to do.


"We must ensure that the SEC facilitates fairness and transparency in the marketplace to better promote capital formation and to better protect investors.  I am particularly interested in the SEC's work as it relates to considering reforms to our U.S. equity market structure that will better reflect the realities of today's marketplace.  I urge Chair White and the Commission to work to ensure that our markets remain the deepest and fairest in the world so that investors are optimally served and so that companies of all sizes have adequate access to the capital markets, which promotes job creation and economic growth.  I will continue to work with my colleagues on the Committee to provide appropriate oversight of the SEC and will work to see that these objectives are met."

Family Research Council Action Statement on Suspension of Bobby Jindal Campaign

Tue, 17 Nov 2015

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Family Research Council Action President Tony Perkins, a former Louisiana legislator, released the following statement regarding the decision by Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal to suspend his campaign for president:

"There is no question that Governor Bobby Jindal played a key part in shaping the 2016 presidential primary. Governor Jindal's keen intellect, combined with his passion to uphold the principles and ideals that have made America an exceptional nation, made him an attractive candidate for president. But as Bobby said today, it is not his time.

"I look forward to working with Governor Jindal as he will no doubt continue to have a shaping influence on American politics and the Republican Party," concluded Perkins.

Congressman Robert Hurt Statement Following The Terrorist Attacks In Paris

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

WASHINGTON, D.C. – This afternoon, the House of Representatives unanimously passed a resolution condemning in the strongest terms the terrorist attacks in Paris, France, on November 13, 2015, that resulted in the loss of at least 129 lives. Congressman Robert Hurt (R-Virginia) today released the following statement regarding the recent terrorist attacks in Paris:


"The nation of France – America's first and enduring ally – suffered a devastating attack on Friday, and our hearts and prayers go out to her people in this time of mourning.  We share our support for them as they work to find those responsible for the horrific acts of terror on Friday night, and we stand with them, resolute against these forces of evil that seek to destroy peace and prosperity in America and across the globe.


"Both ISIS and the Assad regime have subjected the Syrian people to unspeakable violence and terror, but we must remember that Congress has no greater responsibility under the Constitution than to protect the well-being of the American people.  I have attended classified briefings on the attacks and how they impact the resettlement of refugees.  I am very concerned about the effectiveness of our current screening process for refugees, as our intelligence and security leaders cannot say with certainty that an individual entering our country under refugee status poses no threat to our national security.  Anyone, refugee or not, coming into this country must be fully and completely vetted if we are indeed serious about the security of our country.  Given that our screening process is not nearly as adequate nor effective as it should be, it is imperative that we stop the intake of Syrian refugees at this time.  And while we cannot justify the risks of admitting Syrian refugees without proper screening, we must maintain our ongoing commitment to provide humanitarian aid to innocent Syrians where we can and seek to assist them in seeking refuge in places closer to their homeland.


"Despite claiming that ISIS has been 'contained,' the President's claimed strategy to defeat ISIS has clearly been unsuccessful.  ISIS has continued to grow and expand its reign of evil in part because America has failed to effectively lead on the world's stage.  It is now incumbent upon the President to articulate a complete, thorough strategy to destroy ISIS.  It is the Commander-in-Chief's responsibility alone to set forth to Congress and to the American people a comprehensive strategy for achieving this critical goal.  Likewise, it is the obligation of the Congress to take up and debate the President's proposed Authorization for Use of Military Force.  It is my fervent hope this Administration will swiftly develop a strategy for thoughtful and expeditious consideration by the American people."