"As the debate continues to rage over America's refugee policy, the media continue to portray conservatives as hysterical bigots afraid of "widows and orphans" as Obama put it. But what do the Muslim refugees really believe?
"One survey of Syrian refugees, conducted by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, found that 13% of them have a positive view of the Islamic State. Keep in mind that these aren't Syrians fighting the Assad regime, but refugees attempting to relocate to another country.
"A new Pew survey finds that ISIS enjoys double-digit support in some large Muslim nations. Running the numbers on these figures suggests that nearly 60 million Muslims support ISIS."
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Robert Hurt (R-Virginia) released the following statement after voting in favor of the American Security Against Foreign Enemies (SAFE) Act, which would effectively pause the admittance of Syrian and Iraqi refugees into the United States:
"As outlined in the Constitution, Congress' primary responsibility is protecting the safety of the American people. After attending classified briefings on the terrorist attacks in Paris and how they impact the resettlement of refugees, I am very concerned about the effectiveness of our current screening process. These concerns stem from the fact that our intelligence and security leaders cannot say with absolute certainty that an individual entering our country under refugee status poses no threat to our national security.
"America has a proud tradition of being the most generous nation in the world, and we will maintain our ongoing commitment to provide humanitarian aid to innocent Syrians where we can and seek to assist them in finding refuge in places closer to their homeland. But we simply cannot justify the risks of admitting Syrian refugees without proper screening. The SAFE Act is a vital step to protect the American people, and I am disappointed that the President has already threatened to veto this critical security measure in the face of today's bipartisan vote.
"ISIS has continued to grow and expand its reign of evil, which has significantly contributed to this enormous refugee crisis, in part because America has failed to effectively lead on the world's stage. It is incumbent upon the President to articulate a complete, thorough strategy to destroy ISIS, which he has failed to do for far too long. While the President fails put our national security first and fulfill his constitutional responsibility of detailing a comprehensive strategy to defeat ISIS, we in the House will continue to do everything in our power to ensure the safety of the American people."
·Ensuring that comprehensive background checks are conducted on every individual seeking refuge in the United States, this legislation will require the FBI director to certify each background investigation.
·Additionally, it requires the FBI director, the Secretary of Homeland Security, and the Director of National Intelligence to unanimously agree that each refugee poses no security threat to the United States and certify that before Congress.
ATLANTA, GA -- The Evangelical Theological Society (ETS), the nation's premier body of Evangelical Protestant scholars, professors, teachers, and students, this morning adopted four resolutions on human sexuality consistent with the Bible's teaching on marriage and the nature of male and female identity. ETS is holding its annual meeting in Atlanta, Georgia.
The resolutions were authored by Family Research Council's Senior Vice President Rob Schwarzwalder and Dr. Owen Strachan, Chairman of the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood and Associate Professor of Theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
"At a time when some advocates of court created same-sex marriage and the conflation of genders are claiming there is a shift in the Evangelical community concerning these matters, today's vote in favor of affirming Scripture is a distinct refutation of their assertion," said Rob Schwarzwalder, FRC's Senior Vice President. "The conviction of America's leading Evangelical scholars that the Bible's clear teaching on marriage and human sexuality must not be compromised signals that those favoring a redefinition of these things are not within the mainstream of historic Protestant teaching and, more importantly, are departing from some of the distinctive teachings of the Christian faith. Professing Evangelicals who hold heterodox views on matters of human sexuality must reconsider their allegiance to Scripture's teaching. We pray they return to it," said Schwarzwalder.
"Owen and I are particularly grateful for the strong support of former ETS President Dr. Gerry Breshears (Western Seminary) and Dr. Denny Burk (Boyce College) in supporting the resolutions from the floor, and to ETS President Dr. Scott Rae and former ETS President Dr. Clint Arnold, both of Talbot Seminary, for their assistance in bringing the resolutions before the Society," Schwarzwalder concluded.
The resolutions are listed below:
(1) We affirm that all persons are created in the image and likeness of God and thus possess inherent dignity and worth.
(2) We affirm that marriage is the covenantal union of one man and one woman, for life.
(3) We affirm that Scripture teaches that sexual intimacy is reserved for marriage as defined above. This excludes all other forms of sexual intimacy.
(4) We affirm that God created men and women, imbued with the distinct traits of manhood and womanhood, and that each is an unchangeable gift of God that constitutes personal identity
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Robert Hurt (R-Virginia) released the following statement regarding the Financial Services Committee hearing today, which featured testimony by Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chair Mary Jo White, and examined the SEC's agenda, operations, and Fiscal Year 2017 budget request:
"Today's hearing focused on the SEC and ensuring that it is adhering to its three-part mission: to protect investors; maintain fair, orderly and efficient markets; and facilitate capital formation. I firmly believe that one of the foremost responsibilities of this Committee is to provide the appropriate, effective oversight and scrutiny of the federal agencies' budgets under our jurisdiction. At a time when our national debt is $18 trillion and rising by the second, federal agencies must learn to work smarter and more efficiently, just as hardworking American families have learned to do.
"We must ensure that the SEC facilitates fairness and transparency in the marketplace to better promote capital formation and to better protect investors. I am particularly interested in the SEC's work as it relates to considering reforms to our U.S. equity market structure that will better reflect the realities of today's marketplace. I urge Chair White and the Commission to work to ensure that our markets remain the deepest and fairest in the world so that investors are optimally served and so that companies of all sizes have adequate access to the capital markets, which promotes job creation and economic growth. I will continue to work with my colleagues on the Committee to provide appropriate oversight of the SEC and will work to see that these objectives are met."
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Family Research Council Action President Tony Perkins, a former Louisiana legislator, released the following statement regarding the decision by Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal to suspend his campaign for president:
"There is no question that Governor Bobby Jindal played a key part in shaping the 2016 presidential primary. Governor Jindal's keen intellect, combined with his passion to uphold the principles and ideals that have made America an exceptional nation, made him an attractive candidate for president. But as Bobby said today, it is not his time.
"I look forward to working with Governor Jindal as he will no doubt continue to have a shaping influence on American politics and the Republican Party," concluded Perkins.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – This afternoon, the House of Representatives unanimously passed a resolution condemning in the strongest terms the terrorist attacks in Paris, France, on November 13, 2015, that resulted in the loss of at least 129 lives. Congressman Robert Hurt (R-Virginia) today released the following statement regarding the recent terrorist attacks in Paris:
"The nation of France – America's first and enduring ally – suffered a devastating attack on Friday, and our hearts and prayers go out to her people in this time of mourning. We share our support for them as they work to find those responsible for the horrific acts of terror on Friday night, and we stand with them, resolute against these forces of evil that seek to destroy peace and prosperity in America and across the globe.
"Both ISIS and the Assad regime have subjected the Syrian people to unspeakable violence and terror, but we must remember that Congress has no greater responsibility under the Constitution than to protect the well-being of the American people. I have attended classified briefings on the attacks and how they impact the resettlement of refugees. I am very concerned about the effectiveness of our current screening process for refugees, as our intelligence and security leaders cannot say with certainty that an individual entering our country under refugee status poses no threat to our national security. Anyone, refugee or not, coming into this country must be fully and completely vetted if we are indeed serious about the security of our country. Given that our screening process is not nearly as adequate nor effective as it should be, it is imperative that we stop the intake of Syrian refugees at this time. And while we cannot justify the risks of admitting Syrian refugees without proper screening, we must maintain our ongoing commitment to provide humanitarian aid to innocent Syrians where we can and seek to assist them in seeking refuge in places closer to their homeland.
"Despite claiming that ISIS has been 'contained,' the President's claimed strategy to defeat ISIS has clearly been unsuccessful. ISIS has continued to grow and expand its reign of evil in part because America has failed to effectively lead on the world's stage. It is now incumbent upon the President to articulate a complete, thorough strategy to destroy ISIS. It is the Commander-in-Chief's responsibility alone to set forth to Congress and to the American people a comprehensive strategy for achieving this critical goal. Likewise, it is the obligation of the Congress to take up and debate the President's proposed Authorization for Use of Military Force. It is my fervent hope this Administration will swiftly develop a strategy for thoughtful and expeditious consideration by the American people."
WASHINGTON, D.C.- This week, the Family Research Council and Charlotte Lozier Institute released information about abortion coverage in Obamacare plans for the 2016 enrollment period at ObamacareAbortion.com. The website informs site visitors about which plans in their state cover abortion on demand. Findings for this current enrollment period include:
Nationally, of all plans being offered on the exchange, an estimated 59% (around 1,106 plans) cover abortion on demand.
2 states have abortion-only plan options (Hawaii, Vermont).
8 states including the District of Columbia have 85% or more of the exchange plans covering abortion on demand.
8 additional states have about 50% to 85% of the exchange plans covering abortion on demand.
Family Research Council's Arina Grossu, Director of the Center for Human Dignity, made the following comments:
"By updating ObamacareAbortion.com for this current enrollment period, we are doing our best to inform Americans about abortion coverage in Obamacare plans -- which is something the Obama administration has failed to do.
"Although this information should be readily available state-by-state to consumers before they purchase plans, our organizations had to research each issuer in each state individually because many insurers have not provided this basic information. Oftentimes, the information was not evident on plan documents and representatives gave us conflicting information or even refused to reveal abortion coverage altogether.
"Imagine being told you must first buy a flat-screen TV before you find out its specifications. No buyer would stand for that. Why then, are insurers getting away with concealing from consumers vital information about abortion coverage and whether or not they will be forced to pay into life-destructive plans?
"As in previous years, the Obamacare exchanges lack transparency, often lack abortion-free options for many Americans, and continue to force taxpayers to pay for coverage of abortion on demand. This violates the moral objections of tens of millions of Americans, and must change,"concluded Grossu.
This past week, as our nation came together on Veterans Day to honor those who have served our country, I traveled across the Fifth District and talked with many of Virginia's brave veterans.In addition to attending several Veterans Day events, I visited McGuire VA Medical Center, the Salem VA Medical Center, and three Community-Based Outpatient Clinics, more commonly known as CBOCs, in Danville, Lynchburg, and Charlottesville.
As in the past, I was impressed with the healthcare providers with whom we met.They genuinely care about the veterans they see, and they want to provide the highest level of care to those who have sacrificed so much for our country.I am grateful for their commitment to that goal.
Some providers expressed the concern that bureaucratic paperwork required by the VA often prevents them from efficiently and effectively delivering the care their patients require.Because the culture of paper-pushing exists at the macro and micro levels, this bureaucracy stands in the way at every step of the process, right down to the doctor-patient relationship.Over the years, most of the veterans I have spoken with value the high level of care they receive, but they also often express frustration with all of the red tape that goes along with accessing healthcare.
In some respects, I believe we have made strides in reforming the way our veterans receive the healthcare they have earned, but we still have a long way to go.VA healthcare providers and the veterans with whom I spoke this week explained that while the Veterans Choice Program is a well-intentioned program aimed at speeding up access to care, there are problems with efficiency in this new model that must be addressed.
While the "40-Mile" Rule was created to allow veterans residing over 40 miles from the nearest VA medical facility to receive care outside the VA system, the system in place for identifying these providers and for setting up appointments often results in having veterans having to drive even further than the VA facility for care and in having appointments set beyond the time that would have been set by a VA facility.
We must continue to work to serve our veterans more efficiently, and it is our responsibility to make sure they receive the highest level of care.That is why Representative Tim Walz (D-Minnesota) and I introduced the Veterans Administration Legislative and Objective Review (VALOR) Act in July. If adopted, this legislation would require that the Department of Veterans Affairs undergo a biannual, independent audit by a non-governmental entity. This bill would provide an outside perspective in identifying the problems at the VA and would offer solutions to solve these problems on an ongoing basis.
As we continue to work to implement effective long-term solutions, I encourage our veterans and our active-duty members of the armed services to contact our office if we may ever be of assistance in dealing with the Department of Veterans Affairs or any other federal agency.
I am grateful to all of the veterans who took the time to meet with me this week.I am humbled by the opportunity to serve Virginia's Fifth District, and I remain fully committed to ensuring that our veterans who have given the most receive the benefits they have earned and deserve.
Finally, last week we witnessed horrific acts of terror committed in Paris.America stands firmly with France and resolute in our fight against terrorism. Our thoughts and prayers remain with the victims and their families and with the entire nation.
If you need any additional information or if we may be of assistance to you, please visit my website at hurt.house.gov or call my Washington office: (202) 225-4711, Charlottesville office: (434) 973-9631, Danville office: (434) 791-2596, or Farmville office: (434) 395-0120.
WASHINGTON, D.C. - This afternoon, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear Whole Woman's Health v. Cole, a case in which the constitutionality of a Texas law (H.B. 2) upholding health and safety standards at abortion facilities in that state has been challenged. The Texas law requires that abortion facilities be held to the same standard as surgical centers and that abortionists must have admitting privileges at a local hospital not further than thirty miles from the abortion facility.
Arina Grossu, director of the Center for Human Dignity at the Family Research Council, released the following statement:
"I urge the Supreme Court justices to decide in favor of women's health and uphold the current regulations in Texas for the state's abortion facilities. We commend the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit for upholding a law that puts the health and safety of vulnerable women first and urge the nation's highest court to recognize the validity of H.B. 2.
"The health and safety of women must remain at the forefront of the Supreme Court's decision. Abortionist Kermit Gosnell's facility was not inspected for seventeen years, and as a result one woman died there and others were injured, in addition to the countless babies who suffered cruel deaths at his hands. Abortion facilities must not get a free pass. The Texas law protects women by requiring that abortion facilities and abortionists be held to the same standards and regulations as other health facilities. The state has a vested interest in protecting the health and safety of women and their children," concluded Grossu.
Richmond, Virginia-Former Lt. Governor candidate in Virginia, Bishop E.W. Jackson, is hosting Pastor meetings throughout the state under the banner of MINISTERS TAKING A STAND, a subsidiary of his nonprofit foundation, STAND - Staying True to America's National Destiny. The group has a major focus on helping black Pastors address the problems confronting the inner city, such as the spike in murders and gang violence. The third summit will be held in Richmond on November 18. The first two were in Virginia Beach and Newport News in October.
Says Bishop Jackson, "The government has failed to solve the problems of poverty, crime and violence in urban America. The real solutions, with God's help, will come from within the community, not from outside."
The Pastors are being given tools to train and activate their members to get involved in the public policy arena. They are urging them to register to vote and to vote their Christian values rather than race and party. "We are not trying to get black Christians to be Republicans," says Jackson. "We are urging them to think biblically rather than seeing life through the lens of race or political party. The bottom line is that we need an awakening to the responsibility of Pastors and Christians to engage the culture, not withdraw from it. Thank God, it's happening."
Jackson has spoken to hundreds of Pastors across Virginia and thousands across the country. They are joining MINISTERS TAKING A STAND. Its mission is "To unite Pastors and Christian leaders of all races and backgrounds to fight for the biblical heritage and values of our country, our Constitution and the American vision of one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
STAND has a plan for addressing the problems of the inner city and is urging Presidential candidates to embrace private sector solutions of entrepreneurship and small business development, and to partner with churches and educational institutions. Some of the topics discussed at the Summits are Rebuilding the Family, Reestablishing Manhood, the Relevance of the Church to Inner City Crime, and Drugs and Violence. After the Richmond Summit, Bishop Jackson will host several more in Virginia in the coming weeks, with the next in Northern Virginia on December 10.
The Richmond Christian Awakening Summit will be held on Wednesday, November 18 at Victory Life Fellowship Church, 1900 Chamberlayne Ave. in Richmond from 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM. Pastors and Christian leaders throughout the Richmond area are invited. Breakfast and lunch will be served free of charge, but attendees must register in advance on our website.You can also R.S.V.P. for the Richmond summit below:
Washington, D.C. – Congressman J. Randy Forbes (VA-04) released the following statement in response to the Supreme Court's decision on Friday to hear challenges from faith-based nonprofits to the Affordable Care Act's Health and Human Services (HHS) mandate, which requires religious ministries and nonprofits to provide insurance coverage for potentially abortion-inducing drugs:
"Essential to human dignity is the ability to live by one's moral convictions and not be coerced by the government to compromise those convictions. As Americans, we don't check our faith at the door when we enter the public square. Forcing faith-based organizations to provide coverage that they deem morally objectionable – or pay punitive fines – contradicts this core, constitutional right. I applaud the Supreme Court's decision to hear these challenges to Obamacare's HHS mandate and urge a decisive reinforcement of every American's freedom to live and work according to their beliefs without fear of punishment by the government."
The challenges the Supreme Court agreed to hear include parts of seven different cases from religious non-profit institutions, including the Little Sisters of the Poor, an order of Catholic nuns who have dedicated their lives to serving the elderly poor, and five Christian colleges in Oklahoma and Pennsylvania that are seeking to live by the same faith that drives the mission and teaching of their educational institutions.
Congressman Forbes is the Founder and Co-Chairman of the Congressional Prayer Caucus, a bipartisan, bicameral group of members who engage the legislative process to protect free exercise for Americans of any faith or no faith.
The day after Hillary Rodham Clinton became secretary of state in 2009, she signed a contract with the American people, not figuratively, but literally.
She signed a Sensitive Compartmented Information Nondisclosure Agreement -- a contract acknowledging that she held a very special position that would put her in possession of extremely important information. Information that had to be handled with the utmost care.
The contract is very clear. It states in part, "I have been advised that the unauthorized disclosure, unauthorized retention, or negligent handling of [sensitive compartmented information] by me could cause irreparable injury to the United States or be used to advantage by a foreign nation."
Mrs. Clinton has defended herself by saying that none of the information she received on her private, unsecured server was ever marked classified. That defense may not hold up. The burden was on her to know whether it was classified or not.
Again, from the contract she signed: "I understand that it is my responsibility to consult with appropriate management authorities in the Department . . . in order to ensure that I know whether information or material within my knowledge or control that I have reason to believe might be SCI."
As one former counterterrorism official put, "[Top secret, sensitive compartmented information] is very serious and specific information that jumps out at you and screams 'classified.' It's hard to imagine that in her position she would fail to recognize the obvious."
Now that this contract is public, will the FBI, the Justice Department and the media will hold the former secretary of state to the same standard as General David Petraeus, former National Security Advisor Sandy Berger, former CIA Director John Deutch and former State Department official Peter Van Buren?
This week the Richmond Times-Dispatch reported that Governor McAuliffe is reviewing a request by murderer Jens Soering for early release.
Soering and his girlfriend Elizabeth Haysom were U.Va. students who in 1985 decided to murder her parents, Derek and Nancy Haysom. To create an alibi, they bought two tickets to a movie and kept the stubs. Soering then drove a rental car down to Bedford. He ate dinner with the Haysoms, then stabbed Mr. Haysom 36 times and Mrs. Haysom 8 times, killing them both.
It was only extraordinary police work by Bedford Deputy Ricky Gardner that broke the case. Gardner checked the rental car odometer, which showed the distance from Washington D.C. to Bedford. When Gardner asked Soering for a blood sample, Soering stalled, and then fled the country with Elizabeth. They obtained false papers and went on an international crime spree, traveling to Yugoslavia, Bangkok, and Moscow, before finally being arrested in England for check fraud.
Soering initially confessed, but then fought extradition, and was only released to Virginia authorities after the prosecutor agreed not to seek the death penalty. Soering was ultimately sentenced by a Bedford County jury to two life sentences. During the investigation, it was revealed that Soering had plotted to kill Deputy Gardner to stop the investigation.
Soering's father was a powerful German diplomat and Soering has always had access money. Since his convictions, he has used his connections and resources to file appeal after appeal in state and federal courts. With these finally exhausted, he has turned his efforts to repatriation to Germany, where he would be assured of a prompt release. In 2009, Governor Kaine agreed to repatriation, but this was revoked by Governor McDonnell. At the time, 75 delegates – Republicans and Democrats – signed a letter to Eric Holder opposing the transfer.
Soering now seeks repatriation from Governor McAuliffe and has demanded an in-person meeting.
For 30 years the Haysom family has been without their loved ones, and Soering's request also raises issues of fundamental fairness. Soering carefully planned his crime with Elizabeth, arranged for an alibi, brutally murdered two Virginians, discussed murdering the investigator, and then fled the country. He was convicted of premeditated murder. As of 2013, there were 3,251 inmates serving time in Virginia for 1st degree or capital murder. Many were foreign nationals, and no one is suggesting they should be released early. The only reason we are even discussing Soering is because he has such powerful and wealthy friends. Given the vile and heinous nature of his crime, he should spend the rest of his life behind bars.
I hope you will contact Governor McAuliffe here and oppose Soering's release.
When President Clinton pardoned billionaire financier Marc Rich (whose wife had made huge donations to the Clinton library), McAuliffe said ''If I were president I wouldn't have done it." The premeditated murders committed by Soering are much more serious than Rich's crimes. McAuliffe now has a chance to prove he meant what he said. Please write him to do the right thing.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Robert Hurt (R-Virginia) today released his October Video Report. Text of the address is available below, as well as video. You may view the video by clicking the image below, or by clicking here.
"Hi, I'm Robert Hurt. Thank you for tuning into our Monthly Video Report for the month of October.
"The month of October proved to be very busy here in Washington. Perhaps the most significant piece of business surrounded the leadership changes which resulted in the election of Paul Ryan from Wisconsin as the 54th Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives. Under our Constitution, the Speaker is third in line to the presidency and has the most important responsibility of leading the House as it works to make the laws of this great nation. I believe Speaker Ryan is uniquely qualified to unite our majority conference and to open up the legislative process so that it encourages more transparency, more collaboration, and more accountability to the people of the United States. I believe the years that Speaker Ryan has spent working on the existential challenges facing our nation – especially as it relates to U.S. debt and deficits – give him tremendous credibility in using this office to actually solve these problems. I also believe that this new post will offer him the opportunity to set out and clearly articulate a results-oriented agenda that will limit the size and scope of government, protect our freedoms, and promote jobs and opportunity across America. I am glad that we are now able to get back to the business of the people who sent us here to do their work.
"Among the substantive legislation we dealt with this month was revisiting the issue the President's healthcare law and the effect it is having on Fifth District families, our small businesses, and our family farms. As I travel across our district, we continue to hear about the negative impacts this law is having in the form of higher health insurance premiums, higher co-pays and deductibles, lost work hours, and fewer choices among providers and among health insurance policies. In fact, just last week we learned that Virginians with Benchmark Plans under the President's healthcare law will once again see their monthly premiums rise next year. This is why the House took up and passed with bipartisan support the Restore Americans Freedom Reconciliation Act which would repeal several of the most harmful policies within the President's healthcare law -- including both the individual and employer mandates and the medical device tax. Because this legislation is part of the budget reconciliation process and is not subject to the Senate filibuster rule, it is my hope that the Senate will take up this bill as soon as possible and send it to the President for his consideration.
"Also this month, I was pleased to be able to continue to work with Congressman Forbes and Wittman and Senators Warner and Kaine in continuing to advocate for expediting the construction of the Foreign Affairs Security Training Center at Fort Pickett, the Army National Guard training facility in Nottoway, Dinwiddie, and Brunswick Counties. The importance of this facility was highlighted this month with the testimony of former Secretary of State Clinton before the House Select Committee on Benghazi, as the committee seeks find out once and for all exactly what happened on September 11, 2012 that resulted in the murder of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi. The House of Representatives has a profound constitutional responsibility in conducting oversight in this matter, and it is disappointing that the Administration and the former Secretary of State have spent the last three years stonewalling the oversight efforts by the Congress. I commend Chairman Trey Gowdy for his relentless pursuit of the truth and hope and pray that the results of this investigation will ultimately lead to policies that will ensure the safety of our foreign diplomatic corps in the future. Certainly, expediting the construction of the training center at Fort Pickett is an important step towards achieving that goal.
"Along the same lines, this month the people of Altavista and Campbell County gave thanks for the life of a young veteran named Kevin Mason. An Altavista native and 10-year Air Force veteran, Mr. Mason was tragically killed military transport plane crash in Afghanistan. I was proud to be able to be able to attend his funeral service and pay respects to his memory. Our prayers continue to be with the Mason family.
"Finally, we are looking forward to observing Veteran's Day back in the district as it provides an excellent opportunity to thank those who have served this nation in the U.S. Armed Forces. In addition, in early December, we look forward to hosting a series of five commemorative ceremonies across the Fifth District specifically recognizing our Vietnam veterans as we observe the 50th Anniversary of the commencement of combat operations in the Vietnam War. If you, or a Vietnam Veteran you know, is interested in participating in one of these commemorative events, please visit our website hurt.house.gov, and look for our Vietnam War Commemoration page under Fifth District Services.
"In conclusion, please remember that if we may ever be of service to you in any way be sure to contact one of our district offices or our Washington office. We can always be reached at our website at hurt.house.gov -- where you can also sign up for regular legislative updates. And don't forget to join the conversation on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
"Once again, thank you for tuning in to our October Monthly Video Report."
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Returning from a two-week trip to Israel, Family Research Council President Tony Perkins today said he is looking forward to next week's visit by Israeli P.M. Benjamin Netanyahu. While in Israel, Perkins led a FRC sponsored tour that not only visited sites important to Jews and Christians, but heard from a number of political and religious leaders on geopolitical issues impacting Israel and the Middle East. Perkins also delivered a keynote speech at the Jerusalem Leadership Summit on Wednesday night.
Perkins made the following statement as America prepares to welcome the Israeli Prime Minister:
"I greatly look forward to Prime Minister Netanyahu's visit to the U.S. and to hear what he has to share with the American people. Our relationship with Israel has been rocky throughout the Obama presidency, but never more than in recent months given the dangerous deal struck by President Obama with Iran over that country's attempted development of nuclear weapons.
"Those feeling ambivalent about supporting the Jewish state need to understand Israel's strategic importance to the United States. Israel is a vital ally and the only democracy in the Middle East.
"Given Israel's loyalty to the United States, her geographic centrality in a vast region in which America clearly has security concerns, her military alliance with America, and her now almost seven-decade history of representative self-government, respect for religious liberty, the U.S. has both a moral and a strategic obligation to stand with the Jewish state. Israel is an island of liberty in a sea of repression and authoritarianism.
"If we want peace in the Middle East, it starts with Israel's enemies finally acknowledging two basic things: Israel's right to exist and to exist as a Jewish state. Until those hurdles are cleared, I fear that supposedly incremental progress will lead only to ongoing conflict.
"Our relationship with Israel must always remain unshakable and Bible-believing Christians must do their part to insure we select a President in 2016 that is committed to that vital relationship with Israel," Perkins concluded.
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, the U.S. Supreme Court granted review in a group of cases involving the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' regulatory mandate and accounting gimmick in which religious non-profits are forced to violate their beliefs by providing employees with drugs and devices that can destroy a human life.
Family Research Council's Arina Grossu, Director of the Center for Human Dignity, made the following statement in response:
"The willingness of the Obama Administration to disregard moral objections on the critical issues of life and death is deeply troubling. It is encouraging to see the Supreme Court take these cases, and imperative that the Justices get this issue right."
Family Research Council's Travis Weber, Director of the Center for Religious Liberty, added:
"I urge the Justices to respect the rights of these religious organizations to practice their religion, which includes not being forced to offer drugs and devices that they find morally objectionable.
"These religious non-profits do a lot of great humanitarian work, yet have been threatened with crippling fines because they object to operating against their moral principles. The HHS mandate accounting gimmick threatens freedom of religion, a principle upon which America was founded.
"Our religious freedom laws provide protections for people of all faiths, in a variety of contexts. The Little Sisters of the Poor, Priests for Life, Christian colleges and universities, and other religious non-profits which morally object to providing drugs and devices that can cause abortions clearly fall within the realm of these protections," Weber concluded.
Washington, D.C. – Congressman J. Randy Forbes (VA-04) was recognized as a "Champion of Healthcare Innovation" by The Healthcare Leadership Council (HLC), a coalition of leaders of the nation's premier healthcare companies and organizations, at an award ceremony in Washington, D.C., on November 3, 2015.
"As we strive to conquer illness, elevate population health and make our healthcare system more affordable and sustainable, the answer lies in dynamic and continual innovation," said Healthcare Leadership Council President Mary R. Grealy. "For this to happen, we need federal policies that encourage progress and new breakthroughs in care. We applaud Representative Randy Forbes for the leadership, vision, and commitment that patients and healthcare consumers need."
"Healthcare should center not only on treating diseases, but also on curing and preventing them," said Congressman Forbes. "To accomplish this, it is critical that government serves as a catalyst for discovery, unleashing innovation and investing in medical research. Receiving the 'Champion of Healthcare Innovation' Award is an honor, and I will continue to work to push our country to a patient-centric system, where people come before politics, and innovation— not bureaucracy – drives America's healthcare policies."
The award presentation took place at the Council's annual Healthcare Innovations Expo on Capitol Hill. The day-long event is dedicated to showcasing new developments in healthcare technologies, treatments, and practices.
Every third Tuesday, 6:00 PM-8:00 PM at the Fellowship Baptist Church Annex, 725 Gate Road, Madison, VA 22727. For information, call (540) 932-4300. (Except as noted for Special Events)
*** COMMUNITY FOOD CLOSETS – A collection box is available at all MCRW monthly membership for donations of non-perishable boxed/canned food items to be forwarded to the Madison Emergency Shelter Association (MESA).
*** LITERACY PROGRAM – donations of new or gently used books for local schools, library and charities.
*** SUPPORT THE TROOPS – “Operation Warm Heart” – A collection box is available at all MCRW monthly membership meetings for donations.
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Our club works to promote an informed public through political education and activity; to increase the effectiveness of women in the cause of good government; to recruit and support Republican women for elective office on the local, state and national levels as well as intra-party positions; to foster loyalty to the Republican Party and to promote its principles and candidates in all elections, including non-partisan elections; and to support the objectives and policies of the Republican National Committee and to work for the election of Republican Party nominees.
Join the MCRW team today!
"Our Founders saw democracy as a variant of tyranny. At the 1787 Constitutional Convention, Edmund Randolph said, “…that in tracing these evils to their origin every man had found it in the turbulence and follies of democracy.” John Adams said, “Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.” Alexander Hamilton said, “We are now forming a Republican form of government. Real Liberty is not found in the extremes of democracy, but in moderate governments. If we incline too much to democracy, we shall soon shoot into a monarchy, or some other form of dictatorship.”
"By the way, the word democracy appears in none of our founding documents.
"The Founders of our nation recognized that we need government, but because the essence of government is force, and force is evil, government should be as small as possible. The Founders intended for us to have a limited republican form of government where human rights precede government and there is rule of law. Citizens, as well as government officials, are accountable to the same laws. Government intervenes in civil society only to protect its citizens against force and fraud, but does not intervene in the cases of peaceable, voluntary exchange."
Walter Williams
"The Republican party is a party of progress, and of liberty toward its opponents. It encourages the poor to strive to better their children, to enable them to compete successfully with their more fortunate associates, and, in fine, it secures an entire equality before the law of every citizen, no matter what his race, nationality, or previous condition. It tolerates no privileged class. Every one has the opportunity to make himself all he is capable of… The Republican party is a party of principles; the same principles prevailing wherever it has a foothold."
Ulysses S. Grant (1822-1885), September 28, 1880
Delivered by the retired president before a Republican gathering in Warren, Ohio
"Republicans, and conservatives particularly, on the other hand, believe in the potential of human beings. They seek to create the conditions in society which promote self-empowerment and the ability of people to use their God-given talents and innate drive to succeed. For real conservatives, life is joyful. America truly represents the Shining City on a Hill. It is the pinnacle of meritocratic opportunity. "
William F. Marshall
We Believe . . .
That the free enterprise system is the most productive supplier of human needs and economic justice
That all individuals are entitled to equal rights, justice, and opportunities and should assume their responsibilities as citizens in a free society
That fiscal responsibility and budgetary restraints must be exercised at all levels of government
That the Federal Government must preserve individual liberty by observing constitutional limitations
That peace is best preserved through a strong national defense
That faith in God, as recognized by our Founding Fathers, is essential to the moral fiber of the Nation
Slavery, Abolition, and Islam:
Bashir signals his outlook in the first paragraph: "Let us for a moment
imagine a world in which Muslim seminaries are training scholars to
actively challe...
Whirlwind of Death and Gurglin' Cracklin' Cauldrons
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via South Africa, a b...