It's just a wedding cake
It's just a Confederate flag
It's just a statue
It's just Alex Jones
It's just two weeks
It's just Easter
It's just a mask
It's just a few months
It's just Thanksgiving
It's just Christmas
It's just a year
It's just a vaccine
It's just never going to end
Imagine the same rioters from Wed coming back again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again. Now multiply by 500 cities for 7 months and still counting. These very politicians and "private" companies exalted those who participated in the "mostly peaceful" events.
For people who keep saying, "Twitter is a private company and they can do what they want." Okay. Then every private business and restaurant should go ahead and open themselves back up right now and ignore every mandate if they so choose...
It's inconsistent to both cheer on President Trump's being censored by Big Tech while also demanding "we hear from President Trump."
Condemns Pelosi. Former Obama senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer said "It's clearly one of the greatest security failures in modern American history," "Worse than 9/11. It's 9/11 if they had told you that 9/11 was going to happen and you didn't prepare for it."
The left is trying to make election integrity a Thought Crime.
Why don't we start with this was a planned Ops resulting in the murder of an unarmed Veteran who posed no risk to anyone Senate Announces Bipartisan Probe Into 'Security Failures' in Capitol Breach
I legit want to know how to reconcile corporations taking a virtuous boycott stand against Trump while raking in cash from China. Make it make sense. I can't.
Remember this — we don't censor the left— they censor us. They are suffocatingly intolerant. Let those who jump on the impeach Trump bandwagon explain how they overlook Kamala's endorsement of riots. It honestly makes me sick how unbalanced things are.
@SpeakerPelosi is a traitor who attempted an actual coup by trying to usurp the CinC power of the President She only failed because our military refused to assist her by betraying their oaths This is a disgraceful act worthy of federal prison
Susan Rosenberg, who is on the #BlackLivesMatter board actually bombed the US Capitol in 1983 in an attempt to kill Republicans... feel free to fact check this.
Flashback to last month: Amazon, which kicked Parler off its servers, hired the brother of Biden's top White House counselor to lobby for its push into the health care business.
"We must unite and heal," they say as they cut off all your communication, smear you in the national media, and impeach/arrest the guy you voted for.
President Trump exposed both parties. He exposed that the swamp has always been working against the people.
I see that Colin Powell is trending because he has left the GOP again for the 97th time in the past 4 years
It's important to point out that Democrats in concert with the corporate press tacitly endorsed and often ignored rioting, looting, and destruction all year and now would like to hold the moral high ground because it was a gov building attacked and not a small business or home.
Twitter bans President Trump for supposedly promoting "violence." But Planned Parenthood kills hundreds of babies every day and it gets to keep tweeting.
We are witnessing in real time from the dem left is hysterical extremely dangerous fanaticismpolitical zealots that will force ONE POLITICAL DOCTRINE Nazism, communism, socialism, SHARIA LAW
ALL of these political doctrines apply to MODERN LEFTISM but keep denying it
Utter chaos in the Capitol, yet a dozen photographers were able to get ahead of the "charging" crowd and GET SET UP so they could get photos of the onslaught. Usually photographers are behind a charging crowd, not ahead of them ready for the picture. Doesn't make sense.