Saturday, February 13, 2021

Biden Bows To Beijing

February 12, 2021

By Gary Bauer

Remember when Barack Obama bowed to Chinese President Hu Jintao? Well, Joe Biden appears to be continuing the tradition of his former boss, only virtually this time due to the pandemic.

Presidents Biden and Xi Jinping spoke this week over the phone, and communist China's state media are gushing with praise for Biden's demonstration of "respect for President Xi and China" in his Lunar New Year call. 

If communist China is happy after a U.S. president calls, Americans should be worried!

According to the White House readout of the call, Biden brought up "Beijing's coercive and unfair economic practices, the crackdown in Hong Kong, human rights abuses in Xinjiang" and China's "increasingly assertive actions" toward Taiwan.  

Of course, the Deep State will never leak transcripts of Biden's calls with foreign leaders, so we will never know what was really said. But such a statement was never sufficient for the Trump Administration. Left-wing media hacks always demanded specific answers on every issue. 

But they didn't press the Biden White House on what it is prepared to do about the suppression of free speech in Honk Kong, the persecution of Chinese Christians or the communist regime's genocide against the Uighurs. 

Meanwhile, right in front of our eyes, Biden and his team of Beijing apologists are recasting our relationship with communist China. 

It has been obvious for years that communist China is an adversary at best, if not an outright enemy. But the Biden Administration is attempting to recast China as merely "a competitor." 

They believe the most important thing about our relationship is working with China on global warming. So, trade issues, national security issues and human rights will be pushed aside. 

Just two years ago, Biden mocked the idea of communist China "eating our lunch." Yesterday he suggested they just might. But he meant it economically, not in terms of national security or the influence operations they are running in the U.S. and in other western countries.

There's another irony here. When the left talks about beating China economically, it usually has to do with green jobs and climate change. (They've already lost that battle!)

Yet it often seems like the left is trying to be like communist China in its efforts to silence dissent and suppress religious liberty here in America. Adopting an enemy's worst behaviors is a strange way of trying to beat them.