Newsletter of the Madison County Virginia Republican Women
I created a form to ask healthcare workers to speak anonymously about what they are seeing.
Here's what they said in their own words.
Here is a quick summary of some of the things they said:
They are afraid to come out publicly due to intimidation tactics such as loss of job and/or license to practice medicine.
Unvaccinated healthcare workers are extremely upset with the medical community. They feel they have been treated unfairly.
It is the vaccinated workers who are getting sick with COVID, but it is the unvaccinated who are punished with constant testing, restrictions, and threats of losing their jobs.
The COVID shots are a disaster. Even for the elderly which is supposed to be the most compelling use case, death rates in elderly homes went up by a factor of 5 after the shots rolled out. Each time the shots are given, the deaths spike. Nobody is talking publicly about this. It's not allowed.
"I have a patient who owns an adult care home that gave vaccinations to their six adult clients. They all died within a week."
Doctors are seeing rates of injury and death increase dramatically in all ages of people. The injuries are only happening to the vaccinated. There is no doubt that this is happening but many doctors have so much cognitive dissonance that they don't see it.
One nurse with 23 years of experience says she's never heard of anyone under 20 dying from cardiac issues until the vaccines rolled out. Now she knows of around 30 deaths.
"I have been a nurse for 36 years. I have NEVER witnessed people in their 20s and 30s having strokes, atrial fibrillation, or cardiomyopathies until the Covid vaccines. I work in cardiology. When I mention that someone should look at the vaccines as a possible reason, I am immediately silenced and told, "It is NOT from the vaccine.""
Doctors aren't recording vaccination status in the medical records so that all the deaths are attributed to the unvaccinated.
Doctors are deliberately ignoring the possibility that the vaccines could be the cause of all the elevated events. The events are simply all unexplained.
Many doctors have either quit or will quit.
Some doctors and nurses at top institutions such as Mass General Hospital have falsified vaccine cards. They publicly toe the line and encourage their patients to take the shot knowing full well it is deadly. They value their job more than the lives of their patients. The important thing is they are risking 10 years in jail for doing this. These highly respected medical workers are telling the world that these COVID shots are so dangerous that they are willing to risk 10 years in prison to avoid taking the shot. That's the message America needs to hear. And if Biden were an honest President, he would call for full amnesty and protection from retaliation for all these cases if people admitted publicly they did this. He'd be amazed at the number of responses he'd get. But he won't do that because it would be too embarrassing for his administration.
Things don't seem to be getting any better.
The medical examiners all over the world are not doing the proper tests during an autopsy to detect a vaccine-related death. Without doing the necessary tests, it is very hard to make an association. There isn't a single "guidance" document from any medical authority anywhere in the world to do these tests on people who die within 3 months of their last COVID vaccination. This is why no associations are found: they aren't looking and it is deliberate. The mainstream press doesn't call them out on this either.
Doctors are being forced to take other vaccines so the hospital can meet their quota. This was admitted to them.
It is very difficult to read that document and come away thinking that everything is working fine.
If you read the document and think everything is just fine, it means one or more of the following is true:
You work in the White House
You work at the CDC, FDA, or NIH
You are a member of Congress or are a staff member for a member of Congress (Ron Johnson and his staff are excluded)
You work in the mainstream media
You are a top executive at a mainstream social media company
You work in the mainstream medical community (doctor or academic)
You are a miserable excuse for a human being
You are an exemplary blue-pilled individual; you are just the type of citizen that your government wants to have
If you read through the document and are as troubled by what is going on and you want to hold these people accountable, there are two simple thing you can do to make a difference:
Share this article on all your social media platforms
Make a donation to help re-elect Senator Ron Johnson (click here for the donation link). He's the most important person in Congress that will hold these people accountable. This is why he's the #1 target of Democrats.
If you are a member of the press and want to speak to any of these people, you can use the Contact me form to make your request. In the Notes part of the form, specify the database line number of the person(s) you want to contact.
The mainstream press will not share this information. This isn't misinformation; these are all true stories, many of which are impossible to explain if the vaccines are truly safe and effective. Taken together, they are a stunning indictment of a medical system that has been corrupted through government incentives.
It is important for people throughout the world to hear from the healthcare workers whose voices have been silenced by the medical community. Please do it now.
August 25, 2022
Lynchburg, VA – On August 27, 2022, a coalition of minority leaders will gather in Lynchburg, Va., to voice their support for Congressman Bob Good. Speakers at the Strengthening Our Families forum will include Congressman Good, civil rights icon Rev. Clarence Henderson, noted author Pastor John Amanchukwu, and Rev. Kevrick McKain, Executive Vice President of the Douglass Leadership Institute.
The breakfast forum is sponsored by the Douglass Leadership Institute and Frederick Douglass Foundation and will be held from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at Faith City Church located at 2121 Florida Avenue, Lynchburg, Va.
After the event, the campaign will host a press conference at the same location, where minority leaders will offer their endorsement of Congressman Good.
Rev. Clarence Henderson, President of the Frederick Douglass Foundation of NC and a Woolworth Lunch Counter participant, was the former Chairman of the North Carolina Martin Luther King Commission and a prominent member of Black Voices For Trump. Read here for more information on Rev. Henderson's story, https://bit.ly/3QQa4tx
Pastor John Amanchukwu is a former football player at North Carolina State University, a noted speaker on the dangers of Critical Race Theory, and a prominent proponent of the sanctity of life. Amanchukwu holds a master's degree from Liberty University, and is a regular speaker at pastors' events and Turning Point USA conferences.
Also participating from the Douglass Leadership Institute will be Craig Scott, a Newsweek Magazine opinion writer and a beneficiary of the Second Chance Act.
August 16, 2022, Washington, D.C.
The Federation for American Immigration Reform issued the following statement, as well as a deeper dive into the growing border crisis, based on data quietly released yesterday by the Biden administration:
Earlier this month, President Biden took credit for the July inflation rate being "only" 8.5 percent. Now that July border numbers are finally public, the White House may take credit for the fact that "only" 199,976 illegal aliens crossed our border, down from 207,416 in June. A minor drop in border encounters is not encouraging. Traditionally, numbers drop in the hottest summer months, and last month's figures actually represent a 325 percent increase over the average number of July apprehensions under the Trump administration. More significantly, July numbers bring the total of illegal aliens crossing our borders since President Biden took office to 4.9 million, including some 900,000 "gotaways" who eluded apprehension and have since disappeared into American communities.
"Roughly the equivalent of the entire population of Ireland has illegally entered the United States in the 18 months President Biden has been in office, with many being released into American communities. In that time, the Biden administration has blamed an unprecedented surge of illegal immigration on all sorts of external factors, except their own sabotage of our nation's immigration laws. The endless flow of illegal aliens and the incursion of lethal narcotics pouring across our border will not end until this administration demonstrates a willingness to enforce our laws," said Dan Stein, president of FAIR.
CBP has encountered more illegal aliens in just 10 months of FY 2022 than in the entirety of FY 2021.
July was the 17th straight month with more than 150,000 encounters.
CBP reports that 10 individuals on the FBI's terror watchlist were apprehended between ports of entry at the Southwest border in July, bringing the total for the current fiscal year to 66.
The Biden administration continues its crusade to end the Title 42 public health authority, despite extending other COVID-related national emergencies.
In July, CBP expelled only 37 percent of illegal aliens using Title 42, a 7 percent drop compared to last month.
2,071 pounds of fentanyl and 12,989 pounds of methamphetamine were seized at the southern border in July, with much more getting through because Border Patrol agents are busy processing illegal aliens.
The amount of fentanyl seized in July is equivalent to 469 million lethal doses.
August 16th, 2022
PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY – Today, Yesli Vega, Republican Nominee for Virginia's 7th Congressional District, announced nine county sheriffs from across the 7th District have endorsed her campaign for Congress.
"As a deputy sheriff, I'm honored to have the faith and support of so many incredible law enforcement leaders from across the 7th District. Abigail Spanberger has pandered to the law enforcement community since day one, saying one thing in Virginia and voting against our police officers in Washington. Virginians see through her two-faced lies and are ready for a leader who isn't going to bend to the radical left and their Defund the Police movement. Our dedication to the safety and security of Virginia's communities has resonated throughout the district and the backing of our incredible sheriff's is a testament to that. It's time to put an end to the radical left's Defund the Police agenda and I look forward to leading that fight to defend my brothers and sisters in uniform when I'm elected this fall." – Yesli Vega, Republican Nominee for Virginia's 7th Congressional District
Below are the elected sheriff's representing counties from Virginia's 7th Congressional District who have endorsed Vega:
Background on Abigail Spanberger's Opposition to Qualified Immunity:
Abigail Spanberger is well known for her work in Washington to end qualified immunity for law enforcement, leaving them open to unwarranted and endless lawsuits for acting on split second life or death decisions many are forced to make every single day while they serve and protect their communities.
The process of ending qualified immunity for law enforcement was passed in the House in 2021 and Abigail Spanberger supported the legislation. You can see where she voted in support of this legislation HERE.
Here's a further explanation of what the legislation Abigail Spanberger supported would do to end qualified immunity.
Additionally, Spanberger has also received financial support from prominent Defund the Police members like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, accepting $5,000 from AOC's Courage to Change PAC, which included a requirement to support defunding the police in their questionnaire.
Background on Yesli Vega:
Yesli's decision to enter the world of law enforcement came after her brother and his friend were randomly gunned down by MS-13 gang members while waiting to go to the movie theatre. By the Grace of God, Yesli's brother survived this horrible act of gang violence, her brother's friend died that night.
The professionalism and care with which the local law enforcement agencies dealt with the situation inspired Yesli to want to give back and help to protect her community from these horrible acts.
Her career began as a street cop with the City of Alexandria's Police Department where she faced the split second, life or death situations our men and women in blue face every time they put on the uniform. Yesli then went on to serve on the Manassas Park Police Department where she became a certified hostage negotiator, and later joined the Prince William County Sheriff's Office to serve as a deputy and Crisis Intervention Team. Yesli still serves as an Auxiliary Deputy Sheriff to this day.
You're invited! Americans for Prosperity welcomes you to attend our True Cost of America's Inflationevent next Tuesday at the English Inn of Charlottesville.
Our event will provide context to the impact of inflation upon American consumers and businesses and how it downgrades our economy. We'll take a look at how wasteful government spending and perverse energy policies are spiking inflation from the gas pump to groceries. All with our soaring national debt, now $31 Trillion. And, we'll provide real policy solutions to turn America's economy around.
This is a free event including dinner buffet at the English Inn of Charlottesville. Courtesy of Americans for Prosperity.
Please let us know you are coming in advance. It helps us provide provisions for all. Simply contact Flint @ FEngleman@afphq.org or call/text (540)226-4591.
The True Cost of America's Inflation Event
Tuesday, August 23rd @ 6:30PM
English Inn of Charlottesville
Queen Anne Conference Room
2000 Morton Drive, Charlottesville
Looking forward to a great event on August 23rd!
For America,
Flint Engleman
Grassroots Engagement Director
State Strategic Education Capability Leader
Americans for Prosperity-Virginia | Skyline Region
(540)226-4591 | FEngleman@afphq.org
Follow AFP Skyline Region on Facebook.
Go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpskyline
"By the way, the word democracy appears in none of our founding documents.
"The Founders of our nation recognized that we need government, but because the essence of government is force, and force is evil, government should be as small as possible. The Founders intended for us to have a limited republican form of government where human rights precede government and there is rule of law. Citizens, as well as government officials, are accountable to the same laws. Government intervenes in civil society only to protect its citizens against force and fraud, but does not intervene in the cases of peaceable, voluntary exchange."
Walter Williams
We Believe . . .
That the free enterprise system is the most productive supplier of human needs and economic justice
That all individuals are entitled to equal rights, justice, and opportunities and should assume their responsibilities as citizens in a free society
That fiscal responsibility and budgetary restraints must be exercised at all levels of government
That the Federal Government must preserve individual liberty by observing constitutional limitations
That peace is best preserved through a strong national defense
That faith in God, as recognized by our Founding Fathers, is essential to the moral fiber of the Nation