Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cave Commentary

The last voice of the free world... from deep within a cave somewhere in the Shenandoah Mountains.

The straw man of the mainstream media:

When I lived in Odessa Ukraine I asked my interpreter about his life story. He grew up in the Soviet Union with only one media source. He never met any foreign people or saw anything foreign made. Then one day as the Soviet Union began to break apart he saw his first Mercedes Benz.

He said within an instant he realized that everything he had been taught and learned was a lie. He said it was crushing because even though he had a higher education, he realized he would have to go back and relearn everything and weed out the Soviet lies.

For instance the Soviets rewrote all history in their favor. The Soviet text books described how the Soviet people invented almost every invention made. They even taught people that Americans were starving.

When one piece of higher technology rolled into Odessa, the Soviet propaganda machinery fell like a straw man. Toto in the Wizard of OZ pulled back the curtain. There was the voice: pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, but it was too late. The people realized the truth and an ideology was broken. I lived in the Soviet Union at the time in a village. I went to town one day and something was different in the air. People no longer looked to the ground out of fear of arrest. The spirit of fear and oppression was broken somehow in one day.

From that day forward it was impossible for the Soviet Union to control the situation. The straw man fell, and Dorothy lost all her fear of the Great Wizard of OZ.

This is beginning to happen in America because the mainstream media propaganda machinery is beginning to be challenged. But there are many that do not get cable news. The way to win this war is to challenge so called established facts and to prove them lies. In Odessa the established fact was that the Soviet Union was the most technologically powerful country in the world. Then in came hard evidence rolling on four wheels and an empire in decay was exposed as a morally corrupt system used to oppress people.

One example of the media straw man is separation of church and state that the media has told us for years is in the constitution. I have handed people the constitution and asked them to find those words. There is always a sense of amazement. To win the cultural war in America we must expose the lies of the mainstream media that have been telling people my entire lifetime that what they are telling them is the truth.

If we expose the lies, the ideology and credibility of the left will fall and never be able to stand again. It will be evident to all Americans that a radical minority of extremists took control of Hollywood and the media and have brainwashed us into believing a lie. When in fact, most Americans are good honest people that do not hold the views of the mainstream media, but are intimidated into thinking that their dissent is isolated.

This is why the left fears the TEA Party movement so much; when it comes down to it, they only have an old man behind a curtain pushing knobs and spinning wheels. They have the money to control Hollywood and the media and the press and the universities and yet paint themselves as poor and helpers of the oppressed when in fact their goal is to lord over the rest of us.

Our strategy must be to pin point their lies and expose them. If we pull back the curtain. we will win this nation back. Our war is not a war of ideas; it is a war against a propaganda machine that paints us as racists, bigots and narrow minded selfish people that are against the underdog. They paint us as the oppressors, while they themselves grab power and take away our freedoms.

It is time that we paint them for what they are, enemies of the Republic and traitors of the American people. They are liars that are morally bankrupt, not serving the will of the American people. They hate our military and our constitution and want to destroy our sovereignty.

They desire to take over all industry and production and to reduce us to chattel of the state. They promise us goods and services and bring us into slavery instead.

They have forgotten history and the cold war and want to use the failed policies of broken empires.

In all reality, they are neo-communists. They desire to oppress the masses while they live in comfort and rule over them. They promise us utopia while the chains are being fitted for our lives.

When they speak a lie they repeat it over and over in little sound bites on every channel. We the people, the giant that they fear, have stirred a little and they are shaking in their boots. If we awaken this giant, the battle that they tell us we are losing will be won.

We must re-educate the American people to think for themselves. Pull back the curtain and systematically expose each lie and the American people will arise with anger against their task masters.

We have been deceived to think that we are fighting a war of ideas. This is not a war of ideas; it is a war against corruption, lies, propaganda, slander, and sedition of our freedoms and American way of life. It is time we see the battle for what it truly is. They are destroying America from within.

If we reach the good people of America and prove to them that they are being intentionally deceived they will come to our side. The most effective weapon we have is our history and our heritage. The left is trying to steal our heritage. The quotes of the Founding Fathers and the vision they left us with is instilled in all of us. In truth, the left are the red coats and we should paint them as such.

This battle can be won if we realize the danger we face and act now. It is time to restore the vision of America that was once taught in our public schools before the anti-American communists took over Hollywood and the media and then the schools.

This promises to be a long hard fight, but one we can win if we have the will to fight. I say let us arise to the challenge: for God, family and country.

"And for the support of this Declaration, with firm Reliance on the Protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.” The Declaration of Independence.

Still Reporting,

Correspondent Ben Grace © 2010

This news service is provided entirely as satire.
“Dark times call for dark humor”