Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Quotes of the Day

"...income redistribution is: the practice of forcibly taking the fruits of one person's labor for the benefit of another. That's also what theft is and the practice differs from slavery only in degree but not kind."

"While we’re on the subject of contributions from big business, if you just listened to Obama’s rhetoric and ignored the facts, you’d think Wall Street was the exclusive domain of rich Republicans. But guess who was the top recipient of campaign cash from those “greedy fat cats” at Goldman Sachs? Surprise, surprise, it’s Barack Obama.

And a recent article on political giving from hedge fund mangers notes, “The world’s top-earning hedge fund managers have bankrolled almost exclusively Democratic campaigns.” Of the nearly $33 million donated by the top ten hedge fund managers, “The contributions went 98 percent to Democrats and two percent to Republicans.”"

Gary Bauer
Campaign for Working Families