Monday, July 15, 2024

Common Sense: Serious Times — Paul Jacob on the bullet dodged by Trump — and us all.

Serious Times

TrumpShooting image

Former President Donald Trump came a half-inch from being assassinated on Saturday. Thank goodness he's alive. 

Let's reflect for a moment on what would have happened to our country had Mr. Trump not turned his head slightly just before the bullet hit his right ear. 

Potentially serious violence and unrest? Even if the sorrow, despair, and anger millions would feel at having their presidential candidate murdered in cold blood were to be completely peacefully received, what is the takeaway? 

It is destructive. We are less free if political power is dictated by the barrel of a gun. And it is the government's job to prevent that from happening. 

Political talking heads are calling for a different tone and I'm all for that, so far as it goes. But it is a vague concept that no one agrees upon. And the answer certainly isn't less freedom of speech. 

"You know the political rhetoric in this country has gotten very heated," President Biden told the nation last night. "It's time to cool it down." 

I think, instead, it is time for Mr. Biden to turn up the heat: on the

Secret Service. 

This weekend's deadly* shooting represents an epic failure. To allow a would-be assassin to climb onto the roof of a building 140 years away, a rifle in hand and in line of sight of a former president giving a speech, demonstrates an incredible level of incompetence

Heads must roll at Selective Service. (Figuratively.) A new and beefed-up detail should be protecting Trump. And it is past time for RFK, Jr., to be granted Secret Service protection as well.

I don't say this often but … spend the money! 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob.