Saturday, July 13, 2024

Carol Bauer: Special Capital Prayer Alert - 7-13-24

Please join me in prayer.


  • Pray that the Lord would not lift His hand from our country. As He guided our Founding Fathers ask our Heavenly Father to prompt those in authority to put our country and its future above crass political decisions. Pray that those in authority would seek time away from the turmoil of the present crises to spend with the Lord and be open to His leading.

  • Ask God to protect our nation in this time of crises from enemies who would seek to take advantage of our current turmoil. Lord, protect us from those who see weakness and uncertainty. Turn their plans into dust.


  • Pray for the American press to become honest and objective in their reporting rather than seeing their role as pushing a particular agenda and, in doing so, being partly responsible for putting us in this situation.

  • Pray for the younger generations among us. They will live with the decisions that are made in the next few weeks. Many are already disenchanted with our political leadership. Pray that they would not give up hope in our country and open their eyes to the bright future that could be theirs.



It is my prayer that in these critical days we would rise to be the "Shining City on a Hill" which our early leaders imagined us to be. We are at a crossroads. May God be with us and guide us.