Friday, July 12, 2024

Anna Derbyshire USA Campaign Director, CitizenGO: Have you read the RNC proposed Pro-Life Plank?

Is anyone else shaking their head at the proposed 2024 RNC platform? They toss around Pro-Life principles, then conveniently include an escape clause so massive you could drive a truck through! How can we take this seriously when the Left will plow through it state by state?

Are we truly revisiting the dark days when individual rights are dumped at the state's doorstep? The 14th Amendment was etched into our Constitution to prevent this selective memory about who gets rights and who doesn't. Yet, here the RNC goes, with their talk of state versus national jurisdiction over the lives of the unborn.

We need a Pro-Life commitment that doesn't waver. The RNC claims the 14th Amendment safeguards life, liberty, and property, as safeguarded—so why do they refuse to protect all lives unequivocally? The platform must reflect true dedication to life. The integrity of human life demands no less.