Sunday, July 28, 2024

Congressman Good Update: Republicans Stand with Israel

This week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed a joint session of Congress. I was proud to attend and show my unequivocal support for our friend and ally in the Middle East, especially during their time of war against Hamas terrorists. 


Many notable Democrats decided to skip this event in protest, including Vice President Harris who was supposed to preside in her role as President of the Senate. Instead, she was conspicuously absent – missing the joint session to deliver a speech to a sorority conference. Enemies and allies alike watched someone who wants to be the next leader of the free world refuse to publicly support our important ally, Israel.  
Outside of the Capitol, thousands of Hamas-sympathizers gathered to protest Netanyahu's address, burning our nation's flag and defacing our monuments and buildings with threats of "Hamas is coming." This was a display of domestic terrorism, and those guilty of criminal acts must be held accountable. Unfortunately, this appears increasingly unlikely with the Biden-Harris Administration's two-tiered "justice" system, and disparate treatment based on political affiliation. 

My commitment to Israel is unwavering, especially during their war against Hamas, a terrorist group whose declared aim is the annihilation of Jews. As our ally faces these existential threats, it is crucial that we stand firmly with them, regardless of the pro-Hamas rhetoric on American soil. Israel's fight is our fight, and we must not turn our backs on them during this critical time.

Holding Secret Service Accountable

The assassination attempt on President Trump two weeks ago was 100% preventable. Earlier this week, Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle testified before the House Oversight Committee, and faced mounting bipartisan pressure and calls to resign due to her agency's failure to protect the former president.  
In a welcome development, Cheatle officially resigned on Tuesday morning. While this is a positive step toward accountability, a complete investigation must be conducted to determine the reasons for the massive failure by the Secret Service and other responsible law enforcement and intelligence agencies. This must include Cheatle's former boss, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas. 
The House did vote to create a special bipartisan task force to investigate the security failure of July 13. The House Freedom Caucus called upon Speaker Johnson to prevent Democrat Representative Bennie Thompson from serving. This demand stems from Representative Thompson's introduction of legislation to remove President Trump's Secret Service protection, a stance he has continued to uphold even following the assassination attempt two weeks ago. We have also advocated for his removal from his position as Ranking Member of the House Committee on Homeland Security.
You can read more about our concerns here.

Justice for Haskell Indian Nations University Students

The subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Development had a joint hearing with the Natural Resources Committee to discuss misconduct at Haskell Indian Nations University. Documents show that students at this university reached out to university officials, the Bureau of Indian Education, and the U.S. Department of Interior to report accusations of sexual assault and they were repeatedly ignored. This is an injustice, and those responsible should be held accountable. 


In the Media

I had the opportunity to speak with various media outlets about the appropriations process and VP Kamala Harris's failure as the Border Czar. 

The John Reid Show 
