Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Thomas D. Klingenstein: Donald Trump’s Conviction Is a Call to Arms

By Nicole Kiprilov

When the guilty verdict in Donald Trump's New York trial was delivered on May 30, I was at home with my mother. We were anxiously awaiting the results, and once the verdict was read, my mother broke down in tears. In between sobs, she managed to get out a few words about how she did not risk and sacrifice everything to immigrate to a country that now reminds her of the one she fled, the one in which she was persecuted. It sounds dramatic, but this was her genuine reaction.

This story is not unique. I have no doubt that this was the reaction of thousands of people across the country upon hearing the verdict. While I truly believe Trump's conviction can be leveraged into an enormous political strength for Republicans, as well as for the conservative movement as a whole, May 30 will remain a dark and depressing day in our national history. It was perhaps the clearest indication to date of the rot permeating our society. It is the culmination of decades upon decades of strategic planning and execution by the Left, with the explicit purpose of destroying America and everything beautiful it stands for.

This verdict was personal for many Americans, especially those like my mother who fled political and religious persecution in hopes of finding a better life and starting a family in a place defined by freedom and prosperity. This is the country that has given millions of people a unique hope and opportunity that only exists here and nowhere else. The Trump trial verdict is a gut-wrenching reminder that the continuation of this legacy is far from guaranteed. The American dream has been slipping away for years, and today, we are on the edge of a precipice, in danger of losing the American dream entirely.

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