Saturday, July 20, 2024

Olivia Gans Turner, Virginia Society for Human Life: Oppose New Abortion Facility!

Richmond Planning Commission Sells City Property to Planned Parenthood for $10! 
During a planning Commission meeting on Tuesday July 16th,  the members heard the city's proposal (ORD-2021490) to transfer an unused former elementary school to Planned Parenthood to open a third abortion facility in the northern part of the city, right off US 95. They voted unanimously to approve the plan!
Thank you to the six pro-life people from Richmond spoke in opposition. Four employees/ volunteers from Planned Parenthood spoke in favor

Read more in this article from the Richmond Times-Dispatch. 
Residents of Richmond have one more chance to voice opposition to this plan at the City Council meeting on July 22nd, 6:00 PM, at City Hall,  Council Chamber 2nd floor,  900 East Broad Street, Richmond 23219.
To sign up to provide public comment on item ORD -2021490 follow these steps:     

Interested persons that wish to provide comments by teleconference/videoconference via Microsoft Teams, must register prior to 10:00 a.m., on Monday, July 22, 2024, by calling the Office of the City Clerk at (804) 646-7955 and selecting option 3.

Spanish interpretation service (SIS) is now offered in-person and virtually during Richmond City Council Formal meetings. Please visit the SIS station in the Council Chamber for assistance or select the language interpretation option when joining the Microsoft Teams meeting.     

To access the meeting via Microsoft Teams, please use the following link: or dial *67-804-316-9457 and enter ID: 699 320 131#.     
Please focus your remarks on the risks that opening this facility will place on women in the area who are already marginalized from good healthcare and or services. Stress that the location so near to US 95 will surely encourage unsavory elements, including traffickers along that route to transport women from other states into Virginia.  The danger to women who may be traveling from other states is also a great concern since there in no way to ensure that they will have adequate care when they return to their homes.

It is also important to question what such a business like this will do to other businesses and homes in the area.  Do other businesses what to be near a business that may have ambulance calls regularly, or allows women in poor condition to leave alone into the neighborhood?  Incidents like these have happened at other abortion facilities in the city before.
Virginia is in danger!
Abortion Promoters Open Four
New Abortion Facilities in the Commonwealth!
In the last three weeks VSHL has watched the bold march of abortion groups across the southern part of Virginia establishing multiple new places to kills babies and hurt women.
As reported above, only this week on Tuesday evening the Planning Commission of the Richmond City Council voted unanimously to sell land for $10 to Planned Parenthood so that they can open a third facility within the city limits.  The amount was based on the claim that PP is a "non-profit" organization.
Three weeks ago the sharp eyes of pro-lifers in the Vinton area learned of a plan already well underway to open a new abortion facility in their town. Residents have made the town council aware of the purpose of the new site and it appears the Council had no idea what was planned by the Summit Medical Center! Alarming to say the least! It is not clear what can be done at this stage.
On July 15th Whole Women's Health (a national abortion business) opened the doors of a new facility that will do abortions up to 16 weeks in Petersburg. To our knowledge there was no public hearing about this project.
And finally we mention the facility that opened in 2023 in Bristol. We understand that there are ongoing legal battles being brought against that location but for now it is operating and taking the lives of unborn children of southwestern Virginia. 
Since the Dobbs decision, while some nearby states are protecting unborn babies, Virginia has seen a dramatic and deeply disturbing rise in the number of active abortion facilities. Sadly VSHL is sure there will be other cities and towns that may find themselves targets of an industry determined to make Virginia the abortion center of the South. 
Unfortunately, until the General Assembly is made more pro-life there is very little that can be done at the state level. However town and city elected officials may be able to address zoning laws in their own areas so as to prevent cracks that are allowing abortionists to set up shop in our neighborhoods.  It is vital that we monitor local councils' activities as well.  Please let VSHL know if you suspect a new facility coming to your town!