Friday, July 5, 2024

Thomas D. Klingenstein: Sam Brown's America

By Tom Klingenstein

Captain Sam Brown is running for the U.S. Senate from Nevada. I met Sam recently. His face was burned beyond recognition. A roadside bomb in Afghanistan had detonated under the fuel tank of his Humvee.

At first, his badly scarred face unsettled me. But after a few minutes in his company, his face softened, and I caught glimpses of the very handsome man he once was and the kind-hearted man he still is. I asked myself what had motivated him to make such a sacrifice. It was soon clear: God, family, and country. I then asked myself a more difficult question: Would I have made the same sacrifice? 

He told me that after he was wounded, he despaired of finding a wife. He had always very much wanted a family, and he was trying to reconcile himself with having lost that opportunity. So, he went to the army chaplain. Sam expected the chaplain to tell him that he must leave his dream of a family behind him. But that was not at all what the chaplain said. He said that Sam would find someone who would look behind his scarred exterior. It sounds corny, but it helped him persevere. Today he has a wonderful wife and three flourishing children.

Sam Brown believes God has called him to continue fighting for his country. This time he will be fighting internal enemies— what I call "woke radicals." He hates how they are attacking America, its institutions and values. And most particularly he hates how they are attacking education...

Watch my latest speech: Sam Brown's America

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