Saturday, July 20, 2024

Brian S. Brown, National Organization for Marriage: LGBT freakout

The LGBT lobby is freaking out about former President Donald Trump's selection of Ohio Senator J.D. Vance as his Vice Presidential running mate.

The grossly misnamed Human Rights Campaign called it, "Hate on the Ticket." They were joined by numerous other top homosexual/transgender groups including GLAAD and TransOhio who labeled Vance as "cruel" and "hateful."

One episode in Vance's background illustrates the divide between the views of the radical LGBT lobby and our views, and those of the vast majority of Americans who agree with us.

Vance once labeled those who push transgender ideology on children in schools and elsewhere "groomers." In response to widespread opposition from leftists, Vance answered the criticism thusly, "I'll stop calling people 'groomers' when they stop freaking out about bills that prevent the sexualization of my children."

And Vance has taken concrete steps in the Senate to protect his, and all of America's children from the radical agenda of the LGBT lobby:

  • He introduced legislation to prohibit transgender procedures – including puberty blockers, hormone therapies and surgeries – from being administered to minors;

  • He introduced legislation barring the State Department from using "X" gender markers on passports, stating "The last thing the State Department should be doing is wasting its time and your tax dollars pushing far-left gender ideology."

  • He opposed the misnamed Equality Act (which NOM calls the InEquality Act because of the damage it does to the country and especially people of faith). This is the top legislative priority of the radical LGBT lobby.

  • As a candidate, Vance also opposed the equally misnamed Respect for Marriage Act that was passed by Congress under Joe Biden that imposes acceptance of gay 'marriage' even in states like Ohio whose voters explicitly rejected it in their state constitutions.

As an aside, have you noticed that whenever the LGBT lobby (or the broader left for that matter) gives a name to legislation, its impacts are almost always the opposite of the name?

We are thrilled at President Trump's selection of JD Vance as his running mate, and very much look forward to working with the American people to ensure that they come to understand his outstanding record and his solid commitment to foundational issues such as marriage, life, gender and religious liberty.

NOM's ability to make a difference in Congress, state legislatures, the courts and the court of public opinion is entirely dependent on the strength of our finances. As a grassroots group, we rely on donations from individuals and families. That's why we are so grateful to have a matching gift fund be made available to support our work. Every donation we receive will be matched dollar for dollar, thus DOUBLING the impact of your gift.

We should take pride in the LGBT freakout that is occurring over President Trump's selection of JD Vance. They realize that their agenda, which Vance strongly opposes, is in real jeopardy now.